
A week had passed since Hizashi's funeral.

Hyuga clan had returned to normalcy. Branch members and main family members started doing missions or went back to their works. It was as if nothing had happened before.

'I guess this behavior from the clansmen is normal in this world. after all this was not the first time one has died or will not be the last death that is going to happen.' Amatsu thought as he was watching some members training in the clan dojo.

'Many of them have participated in the last war. So death is a common sight for them. They may have watched their friends or family or comrades die in front of them. Even in that situation they had to continue to fight. They wouldn't have time for grieve.'

'Only after the war ended, would they have mourned.'

'Sigh! This world is surely a very dangerous place to live in.'

In all his 58 years of existence, such event had happened for the first time in Amatsu's life. Even though he had thought shinobi as a dangerous profession, he didn't have come in to contact with it.

Growing up in a peaceful country in his previous life where he had only read of fights in newspapers but never had witnessed one, he wasn't prepared for it.

'I froze when the moment arrived. Thank god I screamed loudly. I don't know what might have happened to Hinata, if I had remained silent still thinking of what to do.' Amatsu shivered at the thought. He could guess the fate of Hinata if she might have been successfully kidnapped by Kumo.

'Turning into a merciless and emotionless soldier trained to follow order would have been a mercy for her. With her being a main family member and a girl at that, being turned into a baby maker would have been for sure. Kumo would never waste such a chance.'

Amatsu knew the truth and was mature enough to understand it. Hinata might not understand the gravity of the situation till she grew older and knew the horrors of the world.

'Even in my previous world, child trafficking was still happening in various places. Not to mention smuggling of young girls for prostitution. In this world where power is as real as it can get and bloodlines of some families that have special abilities and are hereditary, it is a given fact their members are coveted. No village will loose the chance to get a new bloodline ability, especially the famed 'all seeing eyes'.'

Not for the first time in this week he thanked fate for making him scream. Because he knew he would have wasted time in thinking how to save Hinata without endangering himself. After all dying once didn't mean that he didn't fear death anymore.

Infact, it was the opposite. His fear for death had grown much more.

'I have to overcome this weakness of mine. Next time not freezing in the face of danger will be helpful.' Amatsu's eyes were filled with determination to grow out of his weakness.

'And I need to start some form of training. Strength is the most important factor in this world after all.'

Amatsu stood up from his position and began to run slowly around the dojo.

Due to his small age, physical exercise that may hamper his future growth was not recommended. His past life memories of various training methods slowly began to surface in his memories.

With the help of his memories and some advices from elders in charge of the training of younger generation, he was sure he would slowly grow stronger.

Also he had a major advantages than others from his generation. It was knowledge regarding school curriculum.

'Even if the world and language is different, subjects like math, physics, economics, biology etc. are all the same. Maybe biology is different. I don't know about that subject very well.'

'History is completely different. And all the subjects related to the life of a shinobi is completely new to me. history will not be a problem. I will just read it at school. And in other periods I can read whatever topic interested me.'

'Maybe I will read more about biology. I am curious after all how humans of my previous world and this world are different.' Amatsu lost himself as he thought more about his academic life while he was running around the dojo. He lost count of how many laps he completed.

'Hmm, biology is going to be interesting. I have heard from some members healing cuts and bruises using chakra in minutes. This sure will help me to recover rapidly when I am injured.'

Like this he continued to run and think till he was not able to anymore.

Later he went to his room dragging his tired and aching body.

'Next time I am not going to train this hard. Man this aching is killing me.'


A young girls shout from his back had him turn around.

"What happened to you? Why are you covered in sweat?" Hinata began to carefully check him. "Are you injured?" Her voice was full of worry and care.

"No no! Nothing happened to me. I was just running around the dojo and lost myself in various thoughts. So I may have ended up running too much." Amatsu said embarrassedly while scratching his cheek.

"Hehe" Hinata laughed hearing his reply. "This is very funny."

Watching her laugh made him relieved. He didn't know what effect the incident had on the young mind of Hinata. He had never asked her in fear of making her relive that incident.

"Ok. You can tease me later. Tell me, do you want anything?" Amatsu asked.

Hinata's smile vanished.

"Ok. come inside my room and we will talk." Amatsu gestured her to enter his room. Hinata walked silently behind him.

The two of them went to his mattress and sat facing each other.

His room had not suffer any damage, when Hiashi had rushed towards her room. All the damaged walls had already been repaired.

Suddenly Hinata lunched herself towards him and hugged him tightly. She began to sob quietly. Her tears were making his clothes wet further.

Amatsu didn't say anything. He hugged her and started stroking her long hair.

Nobody talked for a while. When Hinata finally stopped sobbing, she rubbed her face on his clothes.

Finally she opened her mouth and said, "I think I am the reason that ojisan died. Neji-san lost his father and obasan lost her husband. They must me thinking it was all my fault. Even if father didn't say anything, I know in my heart, I am responsible for this mess. Maybe I should have been kidnapped. This way ojisan might have not died."

"Don't you dare think you are responsible for any of this mess." Amatsu spoke harshly and with great force. His eyes bore into the three year old girl who was slowly losing her self-confidence in self-loathing and guilt.

Amatsu had known for all the time that Hinata was very kind girl. She wouldn't even hurt a fly. He had watched her running behind butterflies in the garden with smile on her face that made this dark world shine some light.

Whenever she caught a butterfly, she would carefully hold it so as not to harm it. She would later free the butterfly after admiring it for some moments.

"You are the victim here, Hinata. That Kumo shinobi clearly had the intention to kidnap you. We are lucky, nothing happened to you. That horrible ninja was killed by your father in order to protect you, his precious daughter." Hinata was listening to him with wide eyes. This was the first time Amatsu had raised his voice to scold her. She knew him enough to know that he was upset listening to her words.

"As for what happened to Hizashi-ojisan, it was his choice. He choose to gave his life for Hiashi-ojisan. We all know Hiashi-ojisan loved his brother very much. He would never force him to give his life for him. You know of this, don't you Hinata?" Amatsu spoke softly. he wanted to remove any trace of self loathing and guilt from her mind.

For a young girl such as her, once this thought make a home in her mind, it would continue to grow as she grows. She might start doubting herself for everything. her self-confidence would plummet to the bottom. She might suffer from this especially in Hyuga clan. She was the heiress of one of the two most powerful doujutsu clans.

The power of byakugan and sharingan was famous all over the world. She had a large responsibility shoved on her young shoulder from the moment she was born. She would be the face of Hyuga clan. If she started doubting herself, she would definitely suffer. She might not live up to the reputation and responsibility which Hiashi expect from her.

After his brother died, he was slowly becoming colder. If at this time, Hinata didn't show any good result, she might be branded with the caged bird seal. And he would be powerless to save her.

Suddenly a strong sense of determination and will to grow stronger arose within his heart. He wanted to become strong, so stronger that he wouldn't be helpless in such situation anymore.

And to protect this lovely girl. Hinata. Also her family who have loved him as their own.

"Um" Hinata nodded her head. her eyes become clear with relief and happiness.

Amatsu pulled her into a hug.

'This is so nice.' Hinata thought. 'Amatsu-kun..'

'Don't worry Hinata. I will always protect you.....'

This moment itself is the witness to the start of these two legends whose name would shake the world.