Ninja Academy(1)

2 years later

Inside a training dojo in the Hyuga compound.

A mock taijutsu fight was ongoing between two five years old kids. Surrounding them other Hyuga clan members were watching them silently.

The two kids, a boy with white hair and pale skin with handsome face and a slender girl of fair-complexion with dark purple hair, were none other than Amatsu and Hinata Hyuga.

Both of them were currently concentrating on their monthly taijutsu competition. This was something that Hinata came up with to compare each other's progress each month. Although they trained together most of the time, they wanted to gauge each others progress.

At first nobody noticed their small competition. But as they slowly began to use gentle fist after learning from Hiashi, they began to attract other's attention. After all it was rare for five year old to properly learn the gentle fist style.

To learn gentle fist not only you have train your body to be flexible and agile but also to remember all the chakra points in a body. Although byakugan allowed them to see ones chakra point, it didn't mean that they have to rely on it.

In case byakugan didn't work, or something blocking your eyes, you still have to use gentle fist on the opponent. So it was compulsory for every Hyuga to learn about the chakra points. And the plus point was that, they were able to use it for medical purpose.

Their clan was also famous for its medicine after all. Using byakugan they could easily determine the ailments and with their excellent chakra control, it was not hard for them to learn medical ninjutsu. Infact Konoha hospital had several hyuga clan members especially for this purpose.

And Hyuga clan had fully utilized their talent for this. They have their own medicines which was how the clan managed to earn huge amount of money. Their healing creams were especially famous.

Like every other clan in Konoha they have their own business through which they earn their income. after all completing missions was only one source of income. Also the fact that payment from missions were usually kept by the individual clan members aside from paying small charge.

Yamanaka clan have flower and herb business. Akimichi were well known for their restaurants and food pills. Nara clan have also herb related business. Infact most if not all clans have their own proper business aside from shinobi.

Not all the clan members were active shinobi. Aside from the times of war and emergency, most clan members worked in their family business. Otherwise there would not be enough mission to complete for shinobis if all of them started to take missions. A village has more than 15000 shinobis. This number doesn't include the retired or academy kids.

In wars, genin fought under the supervision of a jonin to keep them from unnecessary accidents resulting in their. After all genin were the future of a village. But that didn't mean they would babysit them. After all during wars, no one is safe.

Amatsu and Hinata were using Eight trigram eight palms most of the times. They were still not able to properly use the sixteen palms.

During the fight, it was clear that Amatsu was in the upper hand. But Hinata did manage to score several hits. They were not using chakra, so these hits didn't block any chakra point. Hinata was more flexible and agile than Amatsu. Whereas Amatsu was more physically strong and faster than her.

Though Amatsu had the upper hand, Hinata followed him closely. Sounds of palms colliding against palms and foot sliding against the floor of the dojo was heard for another 10 minutes before Amatsu managed to knock Hinata down with a palm attack to her chest.

If it was a normal kid, several ribs would have fractured by the amount of force that attack contained. But for kids with chakra trained from an early age of three, this would only live a bruise or two.

With a visit to the clan's infirmary would take care of it or using a medicinal cream would sooth the pain in no time.

This kind of bruise was common during practice. Especially among the older generations who often used chakra during their mock fights. Those fights were truly thrilling to watch and dangerous to participate.

Thankfully it was restricted to annual matches only or under the supervision of an elder. It was severely punishable act to brutally beat a fellow clan member. Often main branch family would use the seal to punish them. The amount of pain caused when the seal is invoked is unbearable.

Due to this reason why branch families fear the main families. With just one seal they can turn the branch family member immobile.

Although neither Amatsu nor Hinata liked this fact, they knew they were powerless to change this. After all although the caged bird seal seemed cruel, it also protected the branch family from kidnapper trying to take their eyes.

The seal worked in such a way that it would destroy the byakugan when tampered with or at the time of death of a family member.

Between sharingan and byakugan, you have to activate sharingan after much training or witnessing a traumatizing event. Even then it was not guaranteed all the Uchiha clan members would have sharingan.

Then there was the fact that after awakening it you have three different levels. Even after awakening sharingan not all of them would be able to mature them to the third level. It required talent.

This was why Itachi and Shisui were famous even among the Uchiha clan. Not only they had awakened them when they were kids but also managed to reach the 3rd level when they were only 12.

As for Mangekyo sharingan, only a handful of people had managed to awaken them in the past. But these eyes comes with the side effect that the more you use them, the more you loose your visual. At the end of continuous usage you would turn blind.

Such was the burden of these eyes.

But in case of byakugan there is no side effect besides the initial headaches you feel when your brain was trying to adjust.

Also the fact that every Hyuga member had them from birth increased the worthiness of byakugan. As for any form of upgrade or mutation, there was no such record.

"Amatsu win." an elder acting as the referee declared.

Amatsu was panting hard. He tried to regulate his breathing. But after such an intense fight, it was proving difficult.

Hinata was also trying to do the same. She lied on the floor instead of getting up. This was the best spar they had till now. From tomorrow they would be joining ninja academy and they would have less time to have such matches.

They would have less time for training now.

Thankfully it was ninja academy. They would be learning about both how to be a proper shinobi and regular curriculum. Although their main point of focus would always be shinobi teachings.

"Clap clap clap...."

A person's clapping echoed in the hall of the dojo followed by others joining them.

After sometime the clapping stopped and Hiashi came forward and said "You two really outdid yourself this time. This fight showed you both are the genius of our clan. Keep up the hard work. I am looking forward to your future achievements."


Amatsu tried to stand straight to greet him properly. Hinata was trying to get up but couldn't. She had spend all her energy in that fight.

"No need for the formalities. Take rest. Oh yes! I have already registered you two for the ninja academy. Tomorrow is the first class. Prepare for it."

Hiashi left the two kids alone. After he left, others followed.

Silence followed for several minutes. Only the sound of breathing could be heard. Amatsu chose to break the silence.

"This match was a close one. Previous matches I could defeat you easily. But this time, you really pushed me to my limit."

Hinata got up from the floor and stood up shakily. She said "But I still couldn't beat you. Well next time I will. So don't slack off, Amatsu-kun."


"Are you excited for tomorrow? I am really looking forward to it. Finally we can go outside the clan compound." Hinata said excitedly.

After the attack, the clan's security had been tightened. Main family members were not allowed to go outside without a guard from branch family. As for the kids, they were not allowed altogether. Each of them were assigned a branch family member to tend to their needs.

So, going to the academy would surely gave them a chance to finally go outside the compound. It was getting boring after all.

Even Amatsu wanted to go outside. This was a new world for him. He wanted to explore various places like an adventurer. But his age and his status as a main family member of prestigious Hyuga clan didn't allow him to explore the world as he please.

"Yeah. I am looking forward to it." Amatsu smiled and both of them started to walk towards the infirmary.

There, they were inspected carefully by a clan doctor and given some medicinal creams to put on their bruises. This was not their first time here nor would be the last time.