Yakumo's trouble(1)

Time Skip - Seven years

Class 3B, Ninja Academy, Konohagakure

Today was a special day. After learning in the school for seven years, now the students could graduate and finally their dream of becoming a ninja would be true. All of them were eager waiting for their sensei Iruka Umino to come. Well everyone except a troublemaking blond who was currently painting the hokage faces.

Everyone was eagerly chatting with their friends about the upcoming graduation test. There were many wild theories coming up about what would be in the test.

"I think we will have to fight Iruka or Mizuki sensei." said a random civilian student.

"No I think we have to fight a jonin!" said another one.

"You all are wrong. I heard my older brother speaking to my older sister about the test. I am sure it will be surviving in the Forest of Death for a week without outside support." said a random girl.

Amatsu was currently listening to all these theories and sighed.

'Soon most them will loose their cheerfulness once reality kicks them. I don't know how any of them will survive if a war breaks out now.'

Amatsu had already come to terms with his future as a ninja from the first day of school. He was from a clan. So it was easier for him to become stronger in the last seven years and be prepared for this moment.

But civilian children were a different story. They had little to no source of knowledge about the way to get stronger. If they were not lucky to get a good teacher, they would end up as canon fodder.

In fact most civilian ninja were used to fill up the numbers. The true powerhouses were the shinobi from the clans.

No matter what others would say, Amatsu knew it was very difficult for a student without any clan to rise in this world. Just comparing the amount of help he got from his clan to any random civilian student of his class would show the result.

As for the likes of Jiraiya and Minato, they were obviously able to grow so much due to having better teacher.

"Hey Amatsu! What are you thinking?" His train of thoughts was interrupted by Ino.

"Nothing, Ino-chan. I was just thinking about the test." Amatsu replied.

"You of all the students should be least worried about the test. After all you are one of the top students in the academy. Nobody can defeat you in the academy. Not even the sensei." said Ino.

For the last seven years, Amatsu had become famous for his strength and talents. All the teachers were no match for him even when he was a ten year old kid much less now.

Many compared him to Kakashi, Itachi and Minato. After all they held the record of youngest and most talented of the graduates.

But unlike them, Amatsu stayed in the school for the full seven years long academic period. Many thought he would graduate early but he didn't.

Amatsu was eager to join the ranks of shinobi. Also all his friends were in the school.

But now he was going to graduate at last.

"You too Ino-chan. You will also pass the test without any problem." Amatsu said.

Ino, Hinata, Sakura would graduate without any trouble. He was confident. Unlike others, he had some idea of what the test was.

"Hina-chan any news of Yakumo-chan. It's been a week since she last attended a class. Is she still unable to come?" Amatsu asked Hinata who was sitting beside him quitely.

"Yes she will come today. After all the hardships she has undergone to improve her physical fitness, she will definitely come for the test. After all she wanted to be an official shinobi the most among us." Hinata replied.

There best friend Yakumo Kurama was from Kurama clan. Her clan was famous for extremely skilled genjutsu users.

This talent in genjutsu was due to the kekkei genkai that the clan possessed. However, once every few generations, a member of the clan would be born with such enormous skill in genjutsu that their illusions caused the brain to make anything that happened to the victim within the genjutsu physically real, allowing the clan member to potentially kill their opponents with genjutsu.

And Yakumo possessed such talent in this generation. But she was born with a weak body. She was at first unable to perform the physical activities needed to become a ninja.

But with the support of Amatsu, Ino and Hinata, she slowly began to overcome her weakness. It was not without hardships and test of fortitude. She had to follow a specific routine which Amatsu created specially for her using his past memories.

This helped her gain sufficient physical fitness for being able to become a ninja. But the fact remained that her body still remained weak compared to others. But her talent in genjutsu made up for her weakness.

She could put anyone in the school under a genjutsu without the victim knowing it. This had helped them in skipping classes whenever they decided.

Hinata wanted to learn medical ninjutsu after graduation to help her. Amatsu and Ino also wanted to help their friend.

"Hi Amatsu-kun, Ino-chan, Hinata-chan." A voice greeted them from behind.

The trio looked behind them and found a smilling Yakumo seating.

"Yakumo-chan!!!" The trio were surprised by her presence. They didn't know she was already seating behind them.

"Did you use genjutsu on us again??" Ino asked with a frown. Her clan was famous for mind related techniques. And she was especially talented. To unable to even have a clue that you are under a genjutsu was really a shameful matter for her. Thankfully Yakumo was the only one capable of doing so.

"Sorry!!" Yakumo apologized with a guilty look. "I wanted to surprise you. But when I heard you talk about me, I wanted to listen. So I used a genjutsu."

"It's okay, Yakumo-chan." Hinata said. She was already used to Yakumo's behavior. Ever since she overcame her weakness, she became more playful. She and Amatsu would often prank others using genjutsu whenever they skipped classes.

Although Naruto was often caught pranking by Iruka sensei, no one knew these four would often prank others. But unlike Naruto, no one knew it was them.

"Are you alright? We were worried something happened to you?" Amatsu asked.

Hearing his worry, Yakumo sighed. 'I should tell them about my situation. They have already helped me before. They may have a way to help me.'

"Amatsu-kun, Hinata-chan, Ino-chan; do you know about our clan's kekkei genkai?"