"You already know about my special talent even among my clan members. What you don't know is that such frightening power is not without its drawbacks."
"The user can rarely control the full extent of their abilities, and as such their subconscious will often regulate that power, leading to the creation of a second personality in control of that power. This personality then overwhelms the original, turning the individual into a monster that is a danger to everyone that surrounds them."
"This is something I learned last week when my parents revealed it to me. They are very worried. As my powers are growing stronger with each passing day, they are suspecting I will soon face such problem. And it may be worse in my case. After all I am even more powerful than all the previous members who possessed such talent."
Amatsu, Hinata and Ino were shocked at the revelations. They thought Yakumo would have a better future once she had solved her physical problem. But it seemed fate had other plans for her.
'A split personality disorder with terrifying powers.' Amatsu thought. He had heard of split personality in his previous life but never got to see them. But in this world his friend was a victim to such situation.
"Yakumo-chan!!! Are you okay?" Ino and Hinata couldn't help but be worried for their friend.
"Don't worry. It has not started yet. My father has gone to the third hokage to ask for his help. Hokage-sama has assured us he will help me overcome this situation. He asked me to concentrate on the test first."
"Thanks hokage-sama for his willingness to help you."
As the trio were talking, Iruka entered the classroom with assistant teacher Mizuki.
"Good morning students!" Iruka greeted all of them successfully drawing everyone's attention.
"Are you ready for the test?" Iruka asked.
"Yes sensei!" Everyone nodded.
Soon he began to take the attendance when he discovered Naruto was not present. Once again he went looking for Naruto while Mizuki asked everyone to leave their books and other things at the front except for pen or pencil.
He began to discuss about the first test which was a written test. This came as no surprise to anyone. But unlike other written tests which mainly focused on the academic part, this one would be all about ninja stuff that a typical genin would face.
All of this were already discussed in the last seven years.
They have learned about all the fundamental stuffs that a ninja needed in his life. This included shuriken and kunai throwing, kunai fighting, taijutsu training and most importantly survival and stealth training.
These were the basic stuffs but immensely useful. Ninjutsu and genjutsu were not as important as these for a ninja. After all without ninjutsu and genjutsu you could still become a ninja with all these basic lessons.
Only when you were able to learn all these would the teachers teach you ninjutsu and genjutsu. But unlike the basics, these two topics were only focused on entry level.
This was to prevent the theft of jutsu. Many ninja would often turn traitors. Hence only your jonin teacher or your master would teach you jutsu.
Soon Iruka sensei came with a screaming Naruto and the test finally began.
It was easy for Amatsu to pass the test. He even completed it in fifteen minutes. He was soon followed by Sasuke and Hinata.
After the allotted time of two hours passed, the next test was genjutsu. Everyone had to break a simple genjutsu they were under. Amatsu wasn't even able to be affected by the genjutsu. With having Yakumo as a training partner; he, Ino and Hinata were already far ahead in terms of genjutsu.
After the lunch, it was ninjutsu test. Everyone was asked to perform three E rank jutsu mainly the clone technique, substitution and transformation techniques. If you knew any other jutsu you can show it to gain extra marks.
Amatsu performed the three techniques perfectly and showed an earth style jutsu called 'Earth Wall'. What it basically do was to create an wall of earth to provide the caster a form of defense. The size, thickness and other aspects of the wall depend upon the caster's mastery of the said jutsu.
Amatsu and the others had already tested their affinity when they were taught about ninjutsu. It was not that difficult for them to gain information about ninjutsu from their respective clans.
Amatsu and Hinata had some trouble convincing Hiashi to let them learn some ninjutsu. Hiashi wanted them to focus on Hyuga clan's techniques. But after they assured him that they would not reduce their training time in gentle fist for ninjutsu, he reluctantly agreed.
It was not that Hyuga clan members didn't learn any ninjutsu techniques before. With their outstanding chakra control and the ability to see chakra network clearly made it easier for them to learn any ninjutsu than an average ninja.
The reason for focusing mainly on taijutsu was that it complemented with their doujutsu perfectly. Gentle fist techniques was tailor made for them. They could kill and cripple anyone with their gentle fist arts.
And it would take them a lot of time to learn all the techniques perfectly. Unlike Amatsu, Hinata, Hanabi and Neji who were unusually talented in this art and had almost learned most of the techniques. Neji even didn't require a teacher to learn them.
After getting Hiashi's permission, they used a special chakra paper to check their affinity. Hiashi had told them about the basic five chakra natures, i.e. Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Lightning. And that Hyuga clan members had mostly Earth type chakra nature. Like the Uchiha had fire type and Senju had earth or water type.
Whenever someone channel even the slightest chakra into the paper, it would react according to the chakra's latent element.
Fire: the paper would ignite and turn to ash.
Wind: the paper would split in two.
Lightning: the paper would wrinkle.
Earth: the paper would turn to dirt and crumble away.
Water: the paper would become wet/damp.
When Amatsu channeled his chakra into the paper, it turned into dirt on one half while ignited and turned to ash on the other half. He had two chakra natures earth and fire.
Hinata had water type chakra nature unlike most of the Hyuga. Hanabi had earth, Ino and Yakumo both had Yin type chakra nature. Their paper turned into pitch black.
Except for Hinata's water type chakra nature, other's result was not surprising. Amatsu's dual affinity was something he inherited from both his parents according to Hiashi. While his father was earth type, his mother was fire type. She was an exception like Hinata in the clan.
It was amazing however that he inherited both their natures equally.
After finding out their chakra nature, nothing really changed much for them. Ino and Yakumo continued their focus on learning their clan techniques. Amatsu and the others trained in their chakra nature whenever they had time. They also learned some C ranked jutsus for each elements.
Hiashi had hired a Sarutobi clan jonin for them to learn these jutsus. After all it was widely known that third hokage was a master in the five nature transformations. Like the Senju clan, Sarutobi clan also focused on ninjutsu.
Hinata performed 'Water Bullet' jutsu which was a watered down version of 'Water Dragon Bullets' jutsu. This technique send multiple high pressured and high speed water shaped like small bullets to the enemies.
Ino and Yakumo performed their clan techniques. Ino transferred her mind with Iruka sensei while Yakumo simply put Mizuki and Iruka sensei along with all the classmates inside a genjutsu for a minute.
Amatsu noted that her genjutsu techniques had improved quite significantly over the short period. Before she struggled to maintain such genjutsu for a long time.
'Her awakening of different personality may not be long.' Amatsu thought. 'Hope that Hokage-sama can do something useful for her. Otherwise, I don't want to think about the day she will loose control. She may even able to put the whole village inside a genjutsu if she grows more stronger.'
Sasuke performed their clans signature technique, 'Great Fireball'.
Amatsu noted how Sasuke's fireball was bigger than 2 meters in diameter and was almost a perfect sphere. He could feel the heat radiated from it even if he was at a distance. To avoid any dangerous situation, all of them were performing ninjutsu outside. Otherwise Amatsu had no doubt Sasuke's fireball would have burned all of them to ashes.
'He is growing at a faster pace ever since that night. Revenge and hatred sure are a great motivation. I don't know if it is healthy for him to continue on this path.' Amatsu thought.
Sasuke was the only one who could pressure Amatsu to show his true powers other than Hinata in the same generation as him. During all their mock battles, they both fought neck to neck.
At first Amatsu was able to win all matches. But after that incident, Sasuke had been able to catch up with him. In fact he was sure Sasuke was using him to sharpen himself.
Sasuke was very much talented. There was no doubt about it. But his progress over the last four years was simply astounding.
'And I know he has awakened his sharingan.'
That's right. Amatsu had seen Sasuke's eyes becoming red with three black tomoes in each for a brief moment when they were fighting.
'He is hiding this from everyone. I am sure of it. With the amount of attention he is getting from others, his awakening of sharingan would have spread all over the village if not for him hiding them.'
Amatsu then smiled. 'I am looking forward to the day you will fight with you sharingan. I want to find out whichever of our doujutsu is better. Your sharingan or my Byakugan.'
It seemed the long rivalry between the Uchiha and Hyuga had infected him as well.