14. I'm Not Some Kind Of Young Master

Monday, October 3, 2022, 7.50 AM.

By that time Johan was already in the classroom with dark circles under his eyes. He lay his head on his desk while covering his head with his hands.

Su Cheng, Long Weiting, Yan Guge, and Zhao Huo arrived in class. They immediately approached Johan while seeing his unusual behavior in class.

"Hey, Yue Han!" Su Cheng asked.

Johan raised his head to reply.

"Oh, it's you guys. Morning!"

Yan Guge and the others immediately asked when they saw Johan's eyes had dark circles.

"Hey hey, what happened to your eyes?"

"Did you play games all night?"

"Did you immerse yourself in reading novels?"

"That's right, I also tried to call you yesterday, but your number is off. Did you go somewhere?"

The four of them asked one by one. Meanwhile, Johan, with a tired face answered.

"Well, someone forced me to stay up all night for some reason. As for you being unable to dial my number, it's because my phone drowned in the river yesterday."

They wondered by Johan's words.


"Don't tell me it's a girl?"

"Eh, since when did you have a girlfriend?"


They put aside about Johan's cell phone that fell into the river and are interested to know about the "someone" he mentioned earlier.

Johan twitched his cheek at their reactions. Of course, he denied it immediately.

"It's my relative you madafaka! And, it's not a girl, it's a man. Don't think anything weird!"

Long Weiting raised his brows, and then he grinned.

"Hoo, instead of having an interest in girls, you're actually interested in a guy, huh?"

Because Long Weiting's voice was quite loud, everyone in the class turned their head in Johan's direction. And at that very moment, Yan Guge added with a laugh.

"Swords fight."

Su Cheng also commented.

"I wonder what Johan's sword looks like, is it long or thick?"

"Hahaha." Everyone in the class immediately laughed after Johan's friends made jokes.

"Can I flip the table?" Johan could only grumble at them. Well, of course, he wasn't serious. Dirty jokes like those were very common in everyday life. So he just responded jokingly.

On his campus, Johan was a fairly well-known student. It was not that he was handsome or attractive, but that he was a student from another country who could afford a university scholarship.

Well, as a student who could afford a scholarship, how could he possibly stay low-key so as not to attract the attention of others on campus?

Maybe it was a good thing that he was well-known as a mortal. However, it would be dangerous for him if he was well-known as a cultivator since he had just stepped on the path of cultivation.

Just like humans, cultivators also had good and bad sides. Perhaps, he had only seen good cultivators for now. However, there is no guarantee that no bad cultivators on earth.

Wu Tian, ​​Deadly Note, Qitian Dasheng, and the other cultivators in their faction knew that Johan had special eyes. But they didn't know the origin of his eyes. Furthermore, they didn't care because they considered Johan as one of their people.

Johan thought that if there was a bad cultivator who knew the origin of his eyes…

He didn't want to think about how dangerous it would be if someone found out. It would be better if he kept his mouth shut and kept it to himself.

After class ended, one of Johan's classmates approached him.

"Yue Han, can you pilot my account to clear up to the 100th floor on hard difficulty? And 10th floor on Hell difficulty? Also, it might be good if you stream using my account too. Hehehe."

The person who asked him knew that Johan was a streamer who played various games. And from the way he asked, Johan knew what game he was referring to.

"Sure. If you want me to stream using your account, then 20 RMB! I'll stream tonight." Without wasting an opportunity, Johan immediately asked for payment because piloting someone's account was not an easy job.

Even though everyone in his class knew that Johan was not someone who "had the money" to attend a top university, they didn't look down on him at all. Instead, they appreciated Johan for not only getting a university scholarship but also streaming as a side job to earn some pocket money.

"Easy peasy lemon crispy!" Johan's classmate replied in English, which was kinda weird to hear.

"Your English accent sounds awkward," Johan replied with a chuckle.

"I know right. But, never mind. Just do your job to pilot my account tonight. I'll be watching your stream."

"Got it. Thanks."

"I should be the one who said that."

Then, his classmate walked away.

After that, Yan Guge, who was behind him, asked.

"So we won't play Valo tonight?"

"Maybe another time." Johan just replied shortly.

Eventually, all classes were finished for that day and Johan also rushed back to the apartment because he had promised to take Qitian Dasheng to buy a phone. Well, he needed it too because his phone was broken.

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When Johan arrived at his apartment, Qitian Dasheng was nowhere to be seen. The computer is still running with the Discord chat application window that has not been closed or logged off. Curious, Johan peeked at the chat. He started to read when Qitian Dasheng began to chat.

To be honest, he wanted to laugh when he read Qitian Dasheng's chat name. However, it was not unusual to have a weird chat name. Last night, Johan was the one who taught Qitian Dasheng how to use Discord. However, his chat name was still Qitian Dasheng at that time. Johan didn't know when he changed it, or maybe he was instigated by others because some members used strange names.

Dasheng so Dashing: Seniors, Yue Han told me if I want to buy something, I need something called money. But I only have spirit stones. What should I do?

Poisonous Little Tang: Huh? Who is Yue Han, senior Qitian?

Someone in the chat asked. Poisonous Little Tang was the son of the Tangmen Sect Master. His name is Tang Wu. His reputation as a young cultivator was truly terrifying as he did not hesitate to kill his enemies mercilessly. But behind his terror, he was actually a young man who could get along with anyone. He didn't pay attention to the chat when everyone was talking about Johan, so he missed the info.

Little Dreamy: Where have you been, Tang Wu? We've been talking about our new friend since the day after yesterday.

Little Dreamy was, of course, Meng Jia. She was the same age as Tang Wu. Both of them were geniuses. While Tang Wu's cultivation speed was slightly faster than Meng Jia's, her cultivation technique was stronger than Tang Wu's.

Poisonous Little Tang: I killed a certain young master along with his family members because they wanted to force my girl to marry him. 😅😅😅

Lu Feng: 🤔🤔🤔🤔? Since when do you have a girl?

Little Dreamy: That's right. I've heard of you getting arranged, but you refused to your father and caused trouble in your sect. 😏

Tang Wu's statement was quite surprising. This was because he had never tried to approach a girl in his sect, even according to Meng Jia, he had rejected arranged marriages.

Poisonous Little Tang: Well, I had a crush on a certain girl at that time. But I still couldn't get her heart. Since, you know, one-sided love can cause betrayal. Well, of course, she likes me now. Thank you for the love technique given by soap operas on television. Hohoho.

Little Dreamy: You're watching too many dramas! 😡 Then, from which family did the girl you fancy come from? How beautiful was she that made you even reject your arranged marriage at that time?

Poisonous Little Tang: Hmmm, should I say?

Little Dreamy: Of course, you should!

Poisonous Little Tang: To be certain, she's even more beautiful than you. 😏 Are you jealous?

Little Dreamy: Jealous? What for? Do you really want me to be jealous? Hehe. In your dream! 😏😏

After Johan read up to that point, he read a lot of spam emoticons 🤣 afterward. He felt those people were so interesting.

"There seem to be cultivators who are the same age as me since they talk about romance like that. There's no way that guy is an old man, isn't he?" Johan thought inwardly. Then, he continued to read the chat.

He saw the chat when Wu Tian asked Qitian Dasheng to come over to his place around 1 hour ago.

It made Johan look back, seeing the unlocked door which made him sigh.

"At least, you should lock the door, Qitian big bro! Burglary is not unusual in Beijing after all."

Then, he shook his head. He didn't want to raise a flag. So, he immediately threw away the bad thought.

Out of curiosity, Johan looked at the chat again. He wondered how Tang Wu could exterminate the entire family even though Johan knew that Tang Wu was a young cultivator.

This morning, he heard from Zhao Huo that it seemed that the power systems of cultivators in both the real and fictional worlds weren't that different. Zhao Huo mentioned that the power systems of cultivators in the novels were Qi Refinement, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, etc. Some novels also use a leveling system or numbering system. In essence, the power system in the novel sounded like an adaptation of the power system of cultivators in the real world.

Knowing the similar power system, it is possible that the world of Jianghu, which is a cultivation world, is also not much different from the one in the novel. Therefore, he asked for a recommendation of a cultivation novel for him to read as a reference at that time.

So, after reading Tang Wu's chat, Johan was not surprised about the killings in the Jianghu world that were common in everyday life.

Poisonous Little Tang: At first I just beat him so he wouldn't dare to approach my girl. Instead of him stopping, he insisted on forcing my girl to marry him using his status. You know, how could I stay silent, so I just crippled his PP.

Lu Feng: Why don't you try to stop him from using your status?

Poisonous Little Tang: Why would I do that? I'm not some kind of young master who blabbering about my status anytime and anywhere. To be stronger, I won't use my status for something worthless.