The Contract Marriage

It's not exactly a normal thing, okay, it's a rare sight to see two men getting forced to marry for the benefit of their family.

Saint is just twenty five, small in size, about 174cm tall. He has pretty brown eyes, full lips, full eyelashes that casts a shadow on the bridge of his nose whenever he closed his eyes. A pretty prominent nose, a nice jawline, he is gorgeous and it's no surprise that he gets hit on countless times but neglects the attention.

He got married three years ago, when he was twenty two.

—Three years ago—

Saint was seated on the couch, with his families and his husband-to-be's family, discussing the purpose of their marriage. He was excited to see the man he was going to marry.

Saint had just finished college with a business diploma and he mainly focused on his cosmetics business on the side.

His parents had called him out of the end of the year party he was at, enjoying the last minutes with his course mates.

He had to head back home, he could never disrespect his parents by ignoring them when they sent for him.

He already got a hint of what they wanted to discuss.

Some kind of contract marriage and he didn't think too much about it, he didn't exactly care about it but all he wanted was to make his parents happy, do whatever they wanted.

See, Saint doesn't go against his family. He hates the idea of even shaking his head at them.

They appreciate him for it, he grew up to be a nice and wonderful gentleman and he praises himself for that, everyday.

The contract marriage was simple but this time around, he'd actually stand at the alter and say vows to this man he'll marry.

They'll live together, share the same bed, be one another's supportive partner.

It was perfect for Saint.

This is mainly to help his parents and he was willing to do even more for his family.

"It'll only be for five years, till our company is stable" Saint's father said that night, his eyes pleading that Saint accepts the request. Saint didn't exactly plan on rejecting the offer because well, the man he was asked to marry was breathtakingly beautiful.

He's seen a few share of men, but this one, the one he's supposed to marry was definitely a threat to the male population.

He was big, well toned muscle, a handsome face, deep green orbs and a beautiful skin.

Saint wanted to see more of what was under that black shirt he was wearing.

Saint couldn't wish for anything else and when he said "Okay, i'll get married to him". He made sure he didn't seem eager but at the same time, he knew he did almost sound too eager.

He had thought of different scenarios where he'd be standing near the man, on a red carpet and have their pictures taken. The perfect couple.

His husband, Gabriel Salvatore is a young lad. He's just twenty eight and being born into a wealthy family and inheriting everything since he was an only child, he was well, very powerful.

He runs tons of business.

Gabriel Automobiles.

Gabriel's Airline.

Gabriel's Logistics.

He's basically a walking ATM machine and he has bodyguards flocking around him because he gets attacked often.

Not that he cares when he has huge men around him, men bigger than him, eager and ready to protect him.

It made Saint happy to think about things like that but who was he kidding? all he had thought, all the plans he had made were useless because none of it turned out how he wanted.


Now, three years later and he's twenty five and never been touched by his own husband.

His husband, Gabriel requested that they use different rooms the first time Saint moved in with him.

Saint didn't understand at first why he wanted to do that because even though it's just marriage by paper, they still shared vows and he really wanted to spend the night with him. But after a while, he understood and thought maybe Gabriel wanted privacy and to get used to living with someone else other than himself and the numerous housekeepers.

There were housekeepers of course, running around the huge house to make sure everything is perfect whenever Gabriel was throwing another one of his top society parties.

Even though it hurt Saint to see his husband interacting with people he hasn't met before, more than he does with him, he was still happy that things were going well for Gabriel.

The aspect of not being touched for three years is killing Saint, it's been killing him and he doesn't want to come off as desperate to his husband.

They both shared vows in the altar, kissed as a way to seal their marriage. They said their vows, said they'd be together for richer and for poorer, for better for worse but it's all nonsense, at least that's what Saint thinks.

He has tried to give himself the pleasure he deserves by touching himself, using his numerous toys that he buys whenever he has a chance but none of them does it for him the way he wants. He knows it'd be so much better to have another person, touching him and making him feel good and that's exactly what he desires but his husband—the man is just a no no. He's a lost cause

At some point, Saint actually thought Gabriel was straight or homophobic but he's none of those, then why has he refused to make love to Saint even after their wedding?. Their wedding night was supposed to be the perfect night for them to have the sheets around them, enjoying the warmth of each other but that night, Gabriel left Saint to sleep in another room.

During their honeymoon, the man was preoccupied with work or purposely ignored Saint, that he cried himself to sleep that night.

Arranged marriages are the worst, sometimes. Contract marriages are different, sometimes.

Saint thinks it might've worked out better for him if it happened like those cliche novels he reads when the main lead, he'll take himself as that. When he goes to the coffee shop to grab his usual bland coffee and blueberry donuts and then while he's trying to leave, he bumps into another man and the man spills coffee on him.

The man then offers to buy him a new shirt and then take his number. They meet up often, end up being friends and then the man asks him to pretend to be his boyfriend or husband, whichever one so his family stops bugging him about getting married.

Then he agrees because the money is always a huge compensation. Then after agreeing to the contract marriage, the man miraculously falls for him and they live happily ever after.

Saint wishes that's what happened in his case but no, they were both forced into the contract marriage that'll end in two years time.

Saint thinks he wasn't forced, he said yes to his parents but he really knows Gabriel was forced to agree to the arrangement.

Both their parents have been friends and business partners over the years and that's why it was easier to get Gabriel to agree.

The least Gabriel could at least do is pretend to like the presence of Saint but he doesn't bother at all.

The contract marriage came with rules of course. Gabriel made sure there were tons and the compensation towards Saint's family was to help their company that was falling apart.

Going bankrupt ruined them and they were almost nothing till Saint's mother managed to talk Gabriel's family about the arrangement and they came to a conclusion.

Gabriel's parents wanted the man to get married already. He always seemed so lonely to them and it scared them.

They figured it was best to lure him into the contract marriage and even though he doesn't end up loving Saint, he could at least have someone to call a partner. Someone to support and look after him.

The rules of the contracts were simple.

Both parties shouldn't tell anyone that it is a contract marriage.

Both parties can decide to engage in any sort of sexual intimacy but they always have to display affection for each other whenever they are in public.

Both parties should respect each other as partners and frown upon infidelity till the contract marriage is over.

The contract stated that they'd be married for five years and after five years, they can go their separate ways if they choose to.

It's the third year in their marriage and it's a whole mess.

Most contract marriages and arranged marriages work out well for others and then others just get so unlucky with it and Saint thinks he's the exact type to get unlucky with marriage.

Maybe if he had said 'No' to that contract, if he had said 'No' to marrying Gabriel that night, maybe things would've turned out better but he knows his family were too broke to even take 'No' for an answer.

Has he tried seducing his husband? every damn time.

He's been in three relationships and whenever he gets fed up and the whole thing isn't exciting to him anymore, he walks away.

He's selfish and now he regrets it, the way Saint is being treated by Gabriel reminds him so much about how he treated people he dated in the past.

Saint is not a novice when it comes to bed as well, he's a professional actually.

He can give you however you want and like it as far as he's feeling good too, then it's a win-win situation

His mouth—God, his mouth is even more amazing because he's been told by his usual past dates about how he sucks well, how his mouth is so good and how well he uses his tongue to pleasure others.

If only his husband can just let him—maybe take him in his mouth maybe he'll change his mind and touch him.

Well, he has tried countless times to seduce Gabriel.

The first night he tried was three months after they got married.

Gabriel had just returned from work and Saint was already waiting in the living room wearing Gabriel's shirt and nothing underneath.

It was silly, the way he purposely dropped his phone and bent down to pick it up, flashing his red butt plug carefully stuffed inside him and his husband just—the man walked away.

It's embarrassing of course but Saint didn't give up.

The next time he tried was two months after the former embarrassing incident. They were having breakfast and Saint dropped his fork and while bending down to pick up his fork, the pornstar in him suddenly had the urge to suck his husband's cock and he crawled further under the table, close enough to reach for Gabriel's pants and Gabriel got up and walked away. Again.

"Am i not desirable enough?" Saint had said to himself that night, finishing the rest of his food with anger before heading to bed.

The last time he tried was after two years, when they were finally in the third year of their marriage.

It was around 2am in the morning when Saint woke up after having a wet dream about his husband.

He took a quick shower, jerked himself off but it wasn't enough.

He cleaned up too, planned to use a vibrator but after he left the bathroom, he suddenly had an idea.

One he should've ignored.

Saint dressed up in a small grey shorts and a big shirt and headed towards his husband's room and when he got there, he pushed the door open quietly and walked in.

Staring at Gabriel, shirtless and laying peacefully on his bed

He crawled into the bed, turning to the side so Gabriel is spooning him and when he felt the hardness of what he's been longing for, for so long, he pressed his ass onto it.

A small moan left his small mouth that night at the small contact and he did it again, dragging his ass up and down his husband's length, feeling it getting bigger and he pressed further till his husband's hand on his waist held him still.

"Get out"

That was all Gabriel had said and Saint left his room that night and he's never been in his room since then.

Saint promised that he wasn't going to pine over a man when he's being desired by tons.

He was lying, fooling himself too because he kept desiring his husband.