The Stranger in the Club

Their normal routine is eating breakfast together, they don't even exchange words asides greeting each other and then Gabriel leaves for work and Saint leaves afterwards.

They come home and they eat dinner together and they go to bed, separately.

The only time they get to talk, more than five words to each other was when their family called for a small dinner party.

They have to act like they're the perfect couple but after the night ends, it goes back to normal.

Saint couldn't take it anymore.

He knows Gabriel is working in his office, the one in their house and he goes to meet him, to talk to him but after seeing the man in just small shorts that were inching closer to his thick thighs and his black tank top hugging his body, he lost it.

He shut the door, stepping closer to Gabriel and then climbs on top of him.

The man is surprised because Saint has never come into his office and they've been living together for three years.

Saint is straddling the man and he grabs his husband's free hands, dropping it on his waist and his own hands circling around Gabriel's neck.

"Please—please just fuck me. How long will i keep trying to make the move on you?. I want you so bad and we're married. It's a contract marriage and it says we can get intimate if we want. We've been married for three years and you haven't made love to me, you haven't even touched me. Do i not seem desirable enough to you?. What do you want me to do?" Saint says, eyes pleading and the same pupils drop to his husband's parted lips and he gulps.

"Get off my lap" Gabriel says, dropping his hands away from Saint's waist to hang uselessly on his own thighs.

"Please. Gabriel, i'm sorry if i did something to upset you. I'll change but i just—just this night, i want you to touch me. Is that so hard for you to do?"

"I'm too busy" It's a nonchalant reply and it irks Saint.

"Busy?" Saint scoffs, clearly in disbelief. "Even at night when i come to your bed, you always tell me to leave. Do you not want me at all?"

"Just get off my lap and we'll talk" Gabriel isn't looking at him, his eyes are stuck on his laptop, looking at an email he's trying to send to the company he's planning a partnership with.

Saint shakes his head at the man, seeing the way the man's face scrunches up a little in pleasure when he squirms.

"Fuck me, please. Even if it's just this night"

"I told you to fucking get off me!!" The man says, voice rising and Saint flinches at the tone and he reluctantly gets up, eyes stinging with tears.

"Why did you even marry me?"

"You know the exact reason and i'm not obligated to make love to you or please you in any way. Just, get out of my office and don't come in here, ever again"

Saint wonders how he says things like that to him without feeling any remorse.

"God, i hate you" That's all Saint says before he walks out of Gabriel's study, he shuts the door louder than normal and walks into his room.

Once he shuts the door, he slumps down and starts bawling.

"That's the height of it, i wish he gets run over by a truck and his dick gets crushed so he's not able to use it on anyone else that isn't me"

"That sounds so silly and cruel" He corrects himself.

"I need to leave this house for some air"

"I need to go to a bar, a club, a strip club, a gay bar...anywhere away from that bastard"

Saint mumbles to himself as he starts searching through his closet, picking out a white button down shirt and leather pants, putting them on immediately.

He fixes his hair, perfectly gelled to the side and few strands falling into his face. He doesn't wear too much make-up, just enough to make him look prettier.

He stares at his look and grabs his wallet, staring at Gabriel's debit card and he swears he's going to spend so much tonight.

He grabs a pair of white sneakers, putting it on immediately and running downstairs, ignoring the looks some of the housekeepers give him and he's rushing out to the garage.

He looks at Gabriel's black lamborghini and grabs the keys from the small cabinet where they store numerous car keys.

"Might as well crash this car, so he knows i'm upset" Saint murmurs to himself and drives out of the garage.


Saint arrives at the bar, ordering a strong drink. A mixture of whiskey and vodka and he downs the drink immediately, rushing into the crowd to dance.

He's swaying his hips, hands in the air and he moves deliciously well and it's not a surprise when he gets people's attention.

A man in a leather jacket and pants, with a white shirt underneath the jacket stands behind Saint.

Saint turns to the man, his black orbs glistening with mischief and he leans into the man's touch, pressing back on his body to seek friction.

"You seem pretty drunk" The man says to his ear, in a low dangerous tone and Saint shudders.

"I'm not drunk, yet" Saint says and it's true, he just had one glass so he's pretty stable.

Saint starts dancing on the man, casually grinding against and the man's big hands crowd his small waist, pulling him closer to his hard body.

"Did you come here alone?" The man asks, it's a whisper, but loud enough for Saint to here since the loud music wasn't helping matters.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I don't think someone as pretty as you should be in a place like this, alone. You might get groped"

"What are you doing then?" Saint says with a mischievous smile, looking down at the man's hands around his waist. "Look, your hands are on around my waist and you're pulling me so close to your body"

"Oh, sorry. I just thought you were in the mood to dance"

Saint turns around so he's facing the man and he smiles sheepishly.

"You're handsome" Saint tells the man, tracing his fingers on the man's sharp jaw and he gulps, his eyes dragging towards the man's lips before dragging his gaze back to the man's body.

The man's body is unbelievably hard and Saint knows just how firm and hard the man's chest is, he was pressed flushed against it a while ago.

"What about you, are you here alone?"

"Yes, angel"

Saint giggles at the name of endearment, pressing himself closer to the man's body.

Saint suddenly stands on his toes so he's able to reach the man's ears and he whispers, "Can i let you in on a secret?" Saint says to the man and the man in response, nods at him.

"Okay, i haven't had sex in three years and i'm crazy horny"

The man blinks at him, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he watches Saint, grinning happily after telling one of his secrets to a stranger.

"Angel, did you cry before coming here?" The man asks and Saint blinks, reaching to feel his damp cheeks that's stained with tears.


"No, it's fine. I just noticed your dried tears, you're still pretty"

"Thank you"

Saint wonders how long the man has been staring at his face to have noticed his dried tears when the neon lights in the room barely lets anyone see anything.

"Why haven't you had sex in three years?" The man asks with a smile, steadying one of his hands on Saint's hips and the other on his waist.

"It's nothing but ughm-" Saint doesn't finish because his favourite song comes on and he's yelling and starts dancing and the man in front of him just chuckles.

Saint turns his back on the man and starts dancing on him, in a way that has the man's head spinning with intense lust.

"How do you move like that?" The man asks, tucking his face in Saint's neck and Saint giggles at the action, it's just a bit ticklish but Saint likes the feeling of the man's warm breath on his skin and he's glad the man doesn't smell like cigarettes or alcohol.

"I used to be a contemporary dancer in middle school, i'm pretty flexible too"

"Yeah?" The man questioned with raised eyebrows.


"Angel, turn around and face me"

Saint obliges, he's still surprised that he's letting this man hold his waist and it's been ten minutes or even more and he's not complaining, he likes how it makes him feel.

"Are you sure you're okay?" The man asks and Saint nods. Saint's hand goes around the man's neck this time to guide his face down, towards his, their face barely inches apart and he deeply sighs.

"I'm okay, just really horny. Do you think we can leave here and go somewhere else?"

The man blinks at Saint's request.

"Are you drunk?"

"No, i swear, i'm not drunk. I'm very sober and i can tell that my head is gonna start spinning if i stay here any longer so—so can we go somewhere else, please?"

"Okay, yeah, let's go".

The mysterious man ends up driving Saint's car since he didn't come out with his own and he's driving to his house.

Saint is sober, looking out the window and counting the billboards he sees and he thinks most of them keeping looking at him as they drive away from the scene.

The man glances at him and wonders just how sad he is, how bad he wanted get away from whatever is troubling him and following a stranger home, someone he doesn't know and doesn't bother to ask questions about where they're heading to.

They arrive at the man's house. It's a friendly duplex painted a light shade of blue and white speckles at certain places.

The street light surrounding the house is on and it's the only house visible in the area.

The man gets out of the car and opens the passenger door for Saint who thanks him and follows the man behind as they make their way into the house.

While inside, Saint doesn't bother looking around the house but he can tell the man lives alone. The house is way too neat and he thinks the man might be—

"Angel, do you want anything to drink?" The man interrupts his thoughts and he snaps his attention back to the man.

Saint smiles at the man, enjoys the pet name more than he thought he would.

"A glass of water will do" Saint tells the man, grabbing his phone and shutting the device off.

The man hands him the cup of water and Saint chugs the whole thing down, setting the cup on the table and stepping closer to the man.

"We're here for a reason, right?" Saint asks him. The man smiles in response, caressing the side of Saint's face and Saint nuzzles the man's palm.

"What reason would that be?" The man asks in a dangerous low tone, keeping his eyes on Saint's flushed cheeks.

"I want you to make love to me, is that okay with you?. I know we're strangers and it's just going to be a one time thing. I can't—i don't think i can go another day without being touched the one i want to be touched and desired"

Make love to you?. The man says in his head, imagining Saint being into vanilla sex and all.

"Are you sure you're not drunk?"

"No, i'm really not drunk and i know what i'm asking for"

"When you said to make love to you, you mean you're into vanilla sex?"

"I guess, that's mainly the kind of sex i've always had except that i haven't slept with anyone in three years"

The man takes Saint's hand, leading him upstairs and Saint's stomach twists with excitement and maybe nervousness.

They walk into a room and the man shuts the door.

"Sit down for me, Angel"

Saint does, watching the man in anticipation and he gets rid of his jacket and his shirt.

Saint swallows at the sight of the man's body, the chest, his chiseled abs and he wonders why he doesn't have tattoos because they'd look so great on that beautiful body.

The man steps forward, crowding Saint's smaller body and Saint leans back a bit so they man is hovering over him.

"Are you sure about this?. We can just watch a movie and i'll drive you back to your place"

"No, i'm sure. Please" Saint begs, his eyes staring down at the man's rosy lips.

"But i'll have to warn you, i don't make love, i fuck, hard" The man says before crashing his lips on Saint's pink ones.