The Stranger

Saint's eyes lazily open and he looks around his environment, his eyes widening and he gets up.

He sees the man he had an amazing night with beside him, sleeping soundly and he wants to appreciate his beauty but he can't be seen.

He slips away from the man's hand that was draped on his waist and searches around the room for his clothes.

He puts his clothes on immediately that he found in the bathroom and his shirt in the bedroom, taking the man's shirt off and setting it on his bed. He looks around frantically for his car keys and finds it.

He rushes downstairs immediately, grabbing his shoes and walks outside the man's house, he groans when the sun hits him and he stares at his phone, turning the device on as he gets into his car, driving out of the man's huge compound and sets on the road.

"Jesus, what did i do?. I was sober so i can't use being drunk as an excuse because i wasn't drunk. I wanted that, i wanted all that happened. What the hell is the time?" Saint murmurs to himself and he sees it's almost two on the afternoon.

He curses under his breath and knows exactly what's waiting for him at home.

He doesn't help but think back to last night and he starts smiling to himself.

He finally got what he wanted and it was better than he expected.

He didn't get the man's name and he thinks it's for the best since they definitely won't see each other again.

His body still hurts but he doesn't mind, it's the good kind of pain and he's not completely putting pressure on his ass.

Oh shit, he forgot his butt plug.


Saint rushes out of the car, taking deep breaths before walking into the house and he sees Gabriel, his husband, standing in the living room with his hands on his waist.

Gabriel urns to see Saint and even though he doesn't show how relived he is that his husband is fine, he still feels his heart finally settle.

Saint fumbles with his fingers as he steps closer to Gabriel, ready for the insults to be rained at him.

"Where the hell are you coming from?. I checked up on you last night and you weren't in your room. Where did you go?"

Gabriel felt bad for shouting at him after their little misunderstanding in his office and so he went to check up on Saint but not to apologise because he still feels he did nothing wrong. He couldn't find Saint in his room, instead he found his clothes on his bed, messy and some on the floor.

He was worried and he looked around the house he even called but Saint's phone was turned off.

It was one of the housekeepers that told him that Saint left the compound with one of his cars.

"Oh, now you're worried about me?. That's surprising considering the fact that you act like i'm invisible" Saint says, anger dripping from his tone and his husband blinks at him.

"Don't fuck around with me, i'm not joking. I want to know where the hell you were last night and why you're coming home by this time. Where were you, Saint?" Gabriel growls and he means it.

'Well i got fucked, something you can't even do and the guy was far sexier than you' Saint says in his head and he almost chuckles before he sees the annoyed look on Gabriel's face.

"I went to the club and i slept at a hotel" Saint explains and waits for the other questions that he knows are coming.

"Why did you turn your phone off?"

"I'm a twenty five year old man and not a toddler. I don't need you chewing me out over staying out late. I'm not a teenager either and you're certainly not my parents. Don't cage me in this huge house just because i'm taking a little break from work"

"I'm your fucking husband!!!" Gabriel shouts and Saint flinched at the harsh tone.

Something he's now used to but it still scares him.

Saint scoffs, he's really heard enough at this point but he still knows how to remain calm.

"A husband that barely acts like one. I don't think you even know how i feel whenever i see your nose buried in pile of documents, reading shit. The way you pretend you don't see me passing by. The way you never let me touch you, the way you treat me is so sad and it hurts, y'know. I believe you're not the only young rich billionaire businessman on earth for fuck's sake. You don't give me attention, you don't touch me, you barely engage in conversations with me and you call yourself my husband?. I even have to beg you for sex!!. Don't kid yourself"

Gabriel steps closer, grabbing the front of Saint's shirt, squeezing and crumpling the material.

"Listen to me and listen good, your life is basically in my hands. I don't have to remind you that you're mine and i don't need you leaving this house and staying out late without my permission. I still don't have to remind you that i'm your husband and you should always tell me your whereabouts. I don't want this to ever repeat itself, am i clear?"

Saint blinks back his tears and nods.

Gabriel isn't exactly wrong. Saint knows how much he does for his family and so he always tries his best not to provoke Gabriel so his family doesn't end up suffering alongside him.

"When i ask a question, i need you to be vocal. I'm gonna say this to you again, i hope you know that your life belongs to me and your life is in my hands"

"Yes, i know that and i'm sorry for staying out late and not coming home without telling you. I—i won't do it again" Saint says, his tears finally falling down his cheeks and he stares at his husband's eyes, searching for sympathy but it's just an icy cold glare he gets.

Gabriel pushes him off, his hold on Saint's neck loosening and he adjusts his own shirt.

"My friends are coming over tonight, make sure the housekeepers handle everything before i get home with my friends. Take a shower, you smell like alcohol"

"Okay, i will" Saint says in a small voice, walking away while wiping his tears and this is why he hates coming home.

He's always treated like trash and just last night, another man made him feel so much better.

Cleaning him up and kissing him before he slept off.

He was called names of endearment that Gabriel has never called him by a stranger and that at least makes him smile.

He remembers the man's face, the way he smells, the way he smiles, his evil smirk, the way he's able to hold him up for minutes without faltering. He wonders how strong he is.

He finds himself smiling amidst his tears and he makes his way upstairs and into his room.

He wonders if the man has found his butt plug. Saint prays the man isn't creepy and does something stupid with his plug, that's his favourite one.

Saint gets into the shower immediately, he has his eyes closed satisfyingly, moaning appreciatively as the stream of water massaged his back, droplets of water dripping off of his hair and onto the floor as he tilted his head back to get his knotted locks wet. sighing in relief when the warm water hits his scalp and he just wishes he could stand under the shower head for a long time.


He keeps thinking about his encounter with the stranger in the home. An electrifying thrill runs through him as he recalls the sex, and how different it was from what he usually went for in his last relationships. How the stranger took what he wanted from him, spanking him, fucking him onto his cock without any mercy.

They did things in a matter of minutes that Saint never thought he'd ever do in his entire life:

It kind of startles him how much he liked it. What happened to his love for vanilla sex? He's never wanted anything else, so it's a bit jarring to find out he might like something so new and dirty. Saint figures it might be something him and that sexy stranger has to explore together, this dirty, filthy side of his sex life.

He doesn't even feel bad for cheating on his husband, the man can go die if he wants. Saint will try not to care about Gabriel and his feelings anymore, he doesn't care about Saint's anyways.

Saint decides to take a nap because he's exhausted, tired and his body feels so heavy and once he falls on his bed, he's asleep.


Saint naps the whole afternoon and he only wakes up when one of the housekeepers woke him up, announcing that it was already almost nine pm and he needed to shower because

Gabriel was on his way back.

God—that name, he hates hearing that name.

No matter how sexy and handsome his husband is, his personality didn't compliment his looks one bit.

He did take a quick shower, putting on a baby blue sweater that showed off one side of his shoulder and then small shorts underneath the sweater since it rode down to his thighs.

Gabriel oved when he dressed all pretty and cute whenever he's bringing people home and then Gabriel gets showered with compliments about how gorgeous his husband, Saint was.

Saint hears voices downstairs and he looks at himself through the mirror, satisfied with how he looks and he just brushes his curled hair back and starts walking downstairs in his tiny flip flops.

He walks down the stairs and all the men turn to him, taking in the sight of his pretty milky skin, his exposed thighs and one guy whispers something to another and they both grin.

Saint thinks he saw maybe desire? in Gabriel's eyes but it disappears immediately and he thinks he might have imagined it.

Saint doesn't bother to get their name because he doesn't think he'll be too aquantainted with them since they're all his husband's friends.

"Guys, this is my husband, Saint" Gabriel introduces the smaller man to his friends, his hand around the Saint's waist and Saint fights the urge nor to lean to Gabriel's side.

"That's one pretty husband you've got, Gabriel" One of the man says and Saint doesn't miss how they're all good looking.

Gabriel sits and his friends sits across him, on a couch, drinking.

Gabriel pulls saint on his lap, his hand still on Saint's waist as he communicates with his friends.

On a normal day, Saint would've preened on the attention Gabriel was giving him but he knows the man is just doing it for a show.

"Saint, that's your name, right?" One of Gabriel's friends ask and Saint nods at him, turning away from how shy he's getting due to all the attention being on him.

"You're answering Saint but you look so sinful" The guy comments and his friends agree while hollering.

"Hey guys, sorry i'm late. The traffic is terrible out there" Another guy's voice comes from the door and Saint's body perks up at the familiar voice.

He knows he has heard that voice somewhere and he doesn't miss how the voice sends goosebumps all over his body. A shiver at the base of his spine and the urge to whimper at the deep, low voice.

He dreads turning to the voice, scared of who he'll see but he turns and his face falls, lips parted in a surprised gasp as he stares at the man who in return doesn't seem surprised to see him, rather he's smirking at Saint.

It's the man, the gorgeous stranger he slept with last night.

What is the man doing in his husband's house?.