The Beginning


His mind is bargaining with himself, coming up with possible explanations because there's absolutely no way any of this is happening, it can't even be considered as a coincidence.

Saint turns away from the man, suddenly so self conscious and he tries to ignore the nauseous feeling in his stomach.

"Baby, are you okay?" Gabriel asks and Saint wants to roll his eyes at him so bad. Saint would've died after hearing the name of endearment from Gabriel if he wasn't putting on a show for his friends but he preferred to hear it from someone else, the man from last night and the man who was now sitting beside the other guys, directly facing Saint.

Saint avoids his eyes at all cost, doesn't bother engaging in conversations and he knows the man keeps looking at him but he dares not meet his eyes.

He feels dizzy from being so anxious, what if the man says something to Gabriel?.

Oh God.

He can't breathe properly either and he doesn't know if it's the right time to excuse himself and walk back to his room, shut his eyes and pray he gets a brief backwards on his life and avoids what happened last night.

The only regret he has now is not just sleeping with the man but he broke down in front of the man. Told him things and the man just happens to be one of his husband's friends.

What's worse than this?.

"Honey, can you grab me one more glass?" Gabriel snaps Saint out of his thoughts and he nods.

"Oh-yeah, sure." Saint scolds himself mentally for being this way, for stuttering because now, Gabriel knows that there's definitely something up with him.

He's back with the cup and wants to sit elsewhere but Gabriel is fast to pull him down to his lap again.

Saint finally looks up to see the man's eyes on him. He doesn't have a teasing smile on, nor a mocking one but he's smiling so warmly at Saint that his heart actually jolts.

"Mason, did you get a new car?"

Ah, so his name is Mason.

"Yeah, a white Lamborghini. Got it this morning." Mason answers and he steals another glance at Saint, unable to stop staring at Saint's thighs and Saint notices and a faint blush appears on his face.

No, he's not supposed to be blushing when things can go horribly wrong.

"Rich bastard." Another guy says to Mason and they laugh but Saint could care less about the other guys, his eyes are on Mason.

His laugh is so manly.

Their eyes meet again and Mason winks at him and Saint doesn't help but smile.

Saint can't help but think about last night, it's impossible to forget something so good, something that felt so good, deliciously amazing and his leg clenches tight whenever he thinks about it. It's like the image doesn't plan on leaving his head and he doesn't want it to leave. He wants to keep replaying the whole thing, how amazing he felt to be bent over a bathroom sink and destroyed.

He can still feel it, can still feel the man, the stretch is still there and he's still sore but he loves it, more than anything.

The man looks unbelievably handsome, sitting there with his grey joggers and white shirt, arms on fleek and Saint thinks he might be flexing those biceps too.

He stares down at the man's fingers and he knows exactly what they feel like, how they felt inside him and he shuts his eyes briefly to relish the moment.

"Come on, folks, let's give you guys a tour of the house." Gabriel says and Saint takes the hint and gets up from his lap.

They start following behind Gabriel and Saint thinks it's the perfect time to run away until his husband says, "Saint, can you check if my office is locked?"

"Okay." Saint says in a small voice, making his way upstairs while the other men followed Gabriel outside of the house.

"Ahh, where's the bathroom? I need to relieve myself." Mason asks and they all stop to glance at him and his hand is playing with the waistband of his joggers.

"You can use the one upstairs, you ask Saint to show you. His room is around the corner so just call out to him." Gabriel tells his friend and the man nods, he makes sure they walk out of the door before he runs up the stairs.

It doesn't take Mason long to find Saint, he sees him walking inside a room and he follows him. He uses his foot to block the door before Saint has the chance to close it and Saint gasps at the intruder but he relaxes when he sees Mason.

Shit, Mason.

The man crowds Saint on his door, Saint doesn't bother wiggling his way out, he just likes the way it seems like the man has power over him.

"Hey, you left so early this morning." Mason says to Saint and Saint has to fight the urge not to bury his face in the man's neck and breath in his scent.

He smells so good and so—just so good.

"Why are you here?" Saint manages to say and he feels stupid for sounding so weak and so affected by the man

"Gabriel's my friend."

'No shit, Sherlock'...Saint says in his head.

"So, you knew that he's my husband but—but you still gave me what I wanted?"

"What was it that you wanted, what did I give you?" The man teased. The corner of his lips tugged up and he stepped closer while Saint tried to focus on his eyes and not how his shirt hugged his pecs perfectly. It was such a sight, a beautiful one.

God—that voice, that jawline, Saint is getting turned on but he stands strong.

"I asked you to make love to me and—and you did. Gabriel's your friend and you slept with his husband, doesn't that make you a terrible friend? Do you not feel horrible?" Saint's voice goes low, mind reeling because even though he's asking, the last thing he wants to hear is the man saying he regrets what happened between them. He doesn't want to hear that. At least, not yet.

"First of all, I want to correct you. I didn't make love to you, I fucked you and I know you liked that so much. To answer your question concerning me being a bad friend. I'm a terrible friend, actually." The man says so easily that Saint blinks at him, clearly confused.

"Are you going to tell Gabriel that we slept together?" Saint asks in a small voice. "Please don't. Could you please keep it between us? I'm really not this way, I don't sleep around when I'm married. Last night, I-I was a mess. Don't tell him, please?." Saint's voice visibly faltered, eyes slowly glazing over with a coat of unshed tears. His bottom lip trembled slightly and Mason could see his throat bob as he swallowed down the thick emotion in his throat and Mason's gaze just softened. He places his hand on Saint's neck, caressing the skin gently, to ease Saint's worries and surprisingly, it works.

"No baby, I won't tell him."

Saint gasps at the pet name, it sounds so much better coming from Mason than it did when Gabriel said it earlier.

Mason says it with passion, like he's in pain to feel and bask in Saint's warmth and Saint doesn't hate how it makes him feel.

Gabriel just says it plainly, like he's being forced too.

Don't think about Gabriel.

"Okay. Then, are you going to blackmail me into continuously sleeping with you and in return, you don't tell Gabriel?" Saint asks again, looking into the man's eyes for anything, uncertainty or at least guilt, there's nothing other than dark, hot desire.

Saint swallows, he really feels hot.

"No, I won't do that either. But, I do want to be around you and being inside you was—uhhmm, you felt so good baby, so good and I want to stay by your side, give you what your husband can't give you."

Saint blushes of course and he feels the man pressing closer to his body and it feels, he feels like there's some kind of wire attached to his body that's making him shiver, shudder and electrocuted with the intense urge to feel every inch of Mason's body.

Saint should say no, right?. He shouldn't enjoy how he can feel it in his bones how much the man wants him, aches for him. It makes him feel wanted and he wants to say yes, say yes to fooling around with him.

"But Gabriel—"

"I know you're worried about him and I also know you want me as much as I want you. If not, you would've asked me to leave already"

Mason leans down to peck his lips and Saint remains frozen until the man pulls back.

"Did you hate that?" Mason asks and

Saint shakes his head, reaching out to hold the end of Mason's shirt.

Saint smiles shyly. "I didn't. But what if I say no?"

Saint sees the way the man's face falls and he wants to tell him that he's just curious and he actually wants to continue whatever they're doing.

After being fucked senseless by the man in front of him, he can't exactly think straight.

He's not straight anyways so that can be an excuse.

"I hope you don't say no, I haven't stopped thinking about you and your whines, whimpers and small moans. You're so beautiful and I don't know how Gabriel doesn't appreciate you, let me appreciate you instead. I mean it."

Saint smiles, what's the worst that could happen?. If Gabriel does find out afterwards then he finds out.

It's not like Gabriel gives him the time of the day so he shouldn't feel horrible for wanting to look for the attention elsewhere, from someone who's willing to give it to him.

"Okay, I want that" Saint tells the man and an adorable smile replaces the man's features.

"That's good to know, baby. I have to head back downstairs before your husband starts looking for me but can I get your number?"

Saint nods, taking the man's phone and typing his number in.

"I'll text you and call" The man says, pecks Saint's lips one more time before he opens the door and walks out and Saint just—he just can't stop smiling.


Saint stares at his phone even though it's 2am and his phone finally starts ringing and the sound startles him but there's a smile on his face when he sees 'Mason' on the screen.

He texted earlier so Saint could save his number as well.

Saint picks up, chewing his lip and holding back his smiles.

"That was fast, were you waiting for my call?"

Saint can hear the amusement in the man's tone.

"I just happened to be with my phone."

"Sure, I believe you. How are you?"

"I'm fine, I guess, I'm just anxious. What about you?"

"I'm okay, what's making you anxious?"

Saint sighs at the question and cuddles closer to a pillow.

"What I'm doing with you. It scares me a little. Gabriel would actually kill me if he finds out we even have each other's number."

"Don't overthink it and I won't do whatever you're not okay with. Gabriel won't find out either, I promise." Mason says and Saint can hear the sincerity in his voice and he believes him.


Saint stays silent because he's awkward this way and he doesn't know what else to say.



"You looked so pretty today by the way."

Their conversation afterwards is them talking about tons of things and Saint blushing every five seconds.


Morning comes and Saint is already downstairs for breakfast. Gabriel walks in after a few minutes and expects a greeting from Saint but he gets none.

Saint is on his phone, texting Mason back that he didn't see Gabriel walk in.

Gabriel sees the way he's smiling so much. He's never smiled that much with him and he's surprised that it makes him a little jealous.

"Did something good happen?" Gabriel asks but he's talking to himself because Saint still hasn't noticed him.

"Saint, I'm talking to you." Gabriel's voice rises this time and that's when Saint finally sees him.

"Oh, good morning. Sorry, I was playing a game"


Gabriel scoffs. He thinks Saint is adorable when he lies but he won't tell him that.

"Okay. I'm taking you on a date tonight, I already sent you money to look good for me. My friends might show up for a late night drink, so put in more effort in looking good."

Saint blinks, hiding his excitement and wishing he can just leave the table now since he has nothing else to do.

If Gabriel's friends were going to be there, he had to look really nice.

Not for Mason...or any other person.... Okay , it's for Mason.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Mason might stay a few nights so make sure the guest room is fixed up."

Mason is staying at their place?

Saint screams inside his head and nods at Gabriel's words on the outside.