An Unromantic Date


It's inevitable that Saint is excited to hear that Mason is going to be staying with them for a while but it's also an issue that saddens him because he knows there's no way he'll be able to keep his hands to himself if Mason is around him.

The man just oozes so much sex appeal and Saint knows it's not only his own horny brain speaking, he's sure everyone thinks the same when they look at Mason.

He's been staring at his phone for over twenty minutes waiting for a text from Mason. Saint already sent him one asking him the reason he's staying with them and he's been waiting for a reply.

He's starting to feel loose, he couldn't think of a better word to classify what he's feeling.

Mason isn't responding, does that mean they're done?. Has the man found another play thing? Was Saint was a play thing?. It kept getting worse the longer he thought about it.

Maybe he was just overreacting, it's only been a day.

Saint doesn't even mind being a play thing because that's the main reason he gave into Mason. He couldn't—no, he didn't want to say 'No' to Mason. He enjoyed their time together and he wants more of it and if it means acting like a loose guy just to get into Mason's pants whenever he wants then he's willing to do anything the man wants.

He didn't plan on saying no to him, for heaven's sake, he's married and he can't even begin to imagine the look on Gabriel's face when he finds out he's messing around with his friend.

He just imagined the 'look' and he swears it's even more scary now he has imagined it.

He gives up on waiting for a text and continues his work.

Owning a popular cosmetics business puts Saint on the top fifteen of young CEOs. At least he has something to brag about to his parents whenever they try to make him feel like he's not doing much.

Gabriel asked him to look nice tonight for their date and Saint wants to throw up at the thought of pretending to be sweet and a 'perfect couple' with him when he just prefers sitting at home and stuffing his face while rewatching another episode of 'The Originals'

It's a good show and he'd never feel ashamed for rewatching it over and over again.

It's not that he hates Gabriel, maybe the word 'dislike' fits better in the sentence. But what he does hate is how Gabriel uses him for his own personal benefits.

Like asking him on a date like this so the press finds out and writes about it. How he's a gentleman, the perfect husband and Saint always tries to hold in his vomit whenever he reads one more nice thing about Gabriel.

He wants to gauge his eyes out when he reads about stuff like Gabriel being a sweet gentleman.

'Sweet' his foot.

What's sweet is Mason's harsh thrusts.

Saint groans immediately he thinks about it and he knows he won't be able to focus on anything else until Mason replies to his text.

The way Mason calls him 'baby' feels better than anything. He says it like he really means it, like he enjoys referring to Saint with such an endearing name and Saint can't seem to stop thinking about him.

It's perfectly okay to think about his sexy one-night stand. He's only thinking about Mason because he wants their little sexy time together to happen again, more than he can think and it surprises him.

He knows nothing about this man but if you count him knowing that Mason has a gorgeous well toned body, honey glazed skin, beautiful black orbs, nice tasty lips, full eyelashes, nice nose, a perfect fucking jaw. God—veins all over his hand, the man is fine. He's beautiful even and his eyes make Saint sing love songs in his head. If you count these few things as knowing a stranger then Saint knows a lot about this stranger.

He also knows that this stranger is the best at sex. He hasn't slept with manh guys but Mason—Mason beats all of them hands down and he's rough, the perfect milkshake topped with a freaking cherry.

He smells divine and tastes even better. Saint pictures a tattoo on the man's chest, how pretty that'll look. He thinks of his fingers tracing his tattoo and asking the man the reason he has an ink on his body and then he'll think of sexier things Mason could do to him with that mouth, his mouth that's moving and telling him about his tattoos and probably the nasty things he could do with that same mouth .

It doesn't even occur to Saint that his phone vibrated a few minutes ago because his mind was still in the gutter.

Does Mason know he's having such nasty thoughts about him? Probably.

He finally snaps out of it when he actually hears his phone vibrate again.

His eyes smile alongside his lips when he sees Mason's name and he thinks he needs to not smile at everything concerning this man or he'll be in some serious deep shit.

He first reads over his own text where he asks him about staying over at his place and Mason's reply makes him laugh a little.

Mason: [Gabriel asked me to and it's not so bad because I get to see you whenever I wake up or go to bed. How are you?.]

Saint: [I'm fine and—]

Saint stops to think of what to send. He can't tell the man that he's been thinking of him non-stop and he also can't tell the man he misses him so much that it's actually embarrassing at this point but he decides to settle for something simple and continues typing with a lopsided grin on his face.

Saint: [I'm fine and I'm excited to see you. I'll text you when I get home, I need to head to work.]

His message gets immediately read and he doesn't bother asking Mason why it took so long for him to reply before.

He's busy too.

Mason: [Okay baby.]

Again. Again with the name of endearment that makes Saint's heartbeat spiral and it always goes straight to his dick.

He's not even ashamed at the reaction the name gets out of him.


Saint is back home, about to shower when there's a knock and he walks to open it in just his shorts and a big shirt that rode down to his thighs, barely covering his milky skin.

Gabriel is standing at the other end of the door, eyeing him up and down and pretending like his eyes are not so subtly staring down Saint's thighs.

"I'm about to get ready." Saint says immediately to prevent getting scolded because Gabriel is really good at that. Saint sees he's not dressed up either and wonders why.

"That's not why I'm here, I wanted to ask if there's any specific thing you wanted to eat so I can ask them to make it beforehand. I booked a reservation."

Saint blinks. There's no way Gabriel is using such a sweet tone to talk to him.

He turns around to look behind him, maybe there's someone else there. Someone who snuck into his room when he wasn't looking and miraculously being the one Gabriel is referring to.

Gabriel is actually talking to him—Saint.

"Uh, anything is fine."

"You're allergic to beef so I'll ask them to omit meals with beef."

Saint's eyes are wide because he wasn't aware that Gabriel knew such an important detail about him.

"Okay." Saint says because what else should he say to that?.

'Oh Gabriel, my sweet sweet husband, I didn't think you'd remember that.'

No. Saint won't say that.

"Get ready, we're leaving in twenty minutes."

Saint just nods and shuts the door, confused and worried.

"Is that man planning to kill me tonight and he's being nice so I don't hate him even when I end up a ghost?."

Saint turns back at the door, giving the poor wooden door a dirty look and if it was a living thing, it would've shied away from the look Saint was giving it.

Saint doesn't waste time dressing up because the last thing he wanted was getting scolded for being late.

Twenty minutes later, Saint was dressed in a white button down shirt and black pants. He didn't want to match his outfit with dress shoes or sneakers so he wore nice white slides and he knows he looks decent enough. But then, he didn't think Gabriel would appreciate it if he showed up in slides so he went for a pair of white sneakers.

His outfit fit like a second skin and he couldn't be more appreciative to God for making him all-round beautiful.

Gabriel was already outside, leaning on his car and waiting and if they didn't have such an odd relationship, Saint would've felt like those female lead characters who are stepping out of their house while their Prince Charming is leaning on his car, patiently waiting for her.

And then, their eyes will be on their female leads, raking over their body and not being able to breathe like in those books he read in high school.

Then the guy throws compliments and they live happily ever after. Other things will happen but the 'happily ever after' still happens.

He doesn't expect Gabriel to look at him like he wants to ravish him or at least pretend to look at him that way but suspiciously, Gabriel maintains his gaze on him, looking at him from head to toe and on a normal day, when Saint wants to throw himself at him, he would've squirmed under his gaze, end up being hot all over but he doesn't this time. He just makes his way to the passenger seat and slides in.

Gabriel doesn't compliment him and Saint doesn't bother telling him how nice he looks too in his blue suit, jacket tossed at the back of the seat.

They just drive in silence and Saint appreciates that.

It doesn't take long for Gabriel to park somewhere and get down from the car, handing his car keys to a valet.

It's like he's going around the car to open the door for Saint but Saint beats him to it.

They, of course, walk silently into the restaurant and Saint has never been here before.

Gabriel doesn't take him on dates unless his parents ask him too. He doesn't just get his ass up and request for Saint to dress up and tell him about some cute new restaurant he wants to take him but Saint wants to wait and figure out where this is all going.

Gabriel leads him to a fancy table, the one he made a reservation for yesterday as they both settle carefully on their seats.


Awkward is an understatement because what the hell is even going on?. Why are they here?. But more importantly, Saint wants to know what the hell he's doing here.

Gabriel finally breaks the uncomfortable silence with a question directed at Saint who's itching to take out his phone and take a selfie. "What do you want to eat?."

"Anything is fine."


"Anything is fine."

Could Saint be any more similar to a robot with his answers. Gabriel just nods and tells the waiter what they want and again, they sit in awkward silence and wait for the food.

Saint finally gives into the urge to grab his phone from his pockets and he takes a selfie, tons of them, ignoring the way Gabriel is looking at him.

He's probably embarrassed about Saint.

Saint doesn't know what look he has on and he doesn't want to look at Gabriel, can't stand the sight of him.

"Put that away." Gabriel commanded and Saint doesn't need to think twice about it.

If it's an order from Gabriel, he has no choice but to do it or the man will cancel the contract and leave his family in a ditch.

Saint calmly puts his phone away and just in time, the food arrives.

He has no appetite and it's not shocking to him since he doesn't like to eat much, sometimes. But what shocks him more is when Gabriel reaches for his plate and cuts his steak into tiny pieces and then calmly drops the plate of tiny chunks of steak in front of Saint.

Now this is getting really, really weird.

What's going on with Gabriel?.

Saint's racking his head for any possibilities, any explanation to this—to all this. A good conclusion to understand Gabriel's behavior tonight but nothing.



"Our families, are they coming here?" That's the only reason Saint knows Gabriel is nice to him.

They always have to pretend to be happy with each other, like they can stand the sight of each other. So, Saint thinks their families are coming and that's why he's being treated like some fragile doll tonight.

"No, they're not. It's just the two of us:"

"Then why are you being...that?"


What does that even mean?.

A confused Gabriel sets his fork down on the table to focus on Saint.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why are you being nice to me? You're never nice to me."

Gabriel is hurt? Maybe.

Saint can't tell if what he said made Gabriel feel bad but he's not even in his right mind to get concerned with Gabriel's emotions.

"I'm only upset with you whenever I'm having a bad day."

"Which is literally every single day. Act like yourself, you're scaring me with the 'nice' guy attitude."

Wow, can Saint be any harsher than he already is?.

"I'm...I'm sorry about the other day."

Saint blinks at him because what 'other' day?.

Gabriel must've taken the hint, that Saint was confused so he added, "When I held your shirt and said...things to you"

Really, what the hell is going on?.

Now, Gabriel is apologizing. He doesn't apologize, the man doesn't apologize for anything!.

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to apologize."

"That's exactly what scares me, you're never nice to me and you never apologize. I just said you should act like yourself and stop acting like a gentleman. Did you invite a reporter here to take pictures of us and then an article about you gets posted tomorrow and you're called a 'perfect' partner?. Is that why you're being nice to me all of a sudden?." Saint half yells and half whispers with tears in his eyes, threatening to fall. He doesn't want to get people's attention and this time, Gabriel does seem to be hurt by his words.

"Saint, that's not—"

"Can you just eat so I can go home?." Saint tells him, completely shutting down whatever Gabriel wanted to say.

"I can order something else for you." Gabriel offers, he should've really shut the hell up.

"I don't want anything, just hurry up. I want to go home." Saint's tone has gone down, low and soft and he wipes the tears that slides down his cheeks.


Really? Mason's voice is now loud and clear in his head?.

Mason's voice isn't in his head, rather, Mason is in the restaurant, standing behind Saint and Gabriel is the only one that can see him.

"Mason, you're here."

Wait...wait, Saint turns and the color drains from his face.

Can this night get any fucking worse than it already is?.

"Fuck my life." Saint mutters under his breath, aggressively wiping his eyes so Mason doesn't see the tears but the man already felt how hurt he was from the tone of his voice.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." Saint doesn't wait for a 'go ahead' or an 'okay' before basically bolting into the restroom and resting his back on the door to take deep breaths.

Mason gawks at the path Saint went then turns to Gabriel with raised eyebrows.

"What happened?. What did you say to him?" Mason tries not to let his anger be evident in his tone and Gabriel sighs, frustrated.

"He thinks I'm being nice to him for the media to write articles about me being a gentleman and whatnot. I just wanted to take him out on a date. I'll check up on him."

"Its fine, I can do that. I'm sure you're the last person he wants to see." Mason reasons, Gabriel thinks about it then nods in agreement.

Mason walks to the bathroom, it's not a long walk but he at least has the time to calm himself down.

He doesn't knock when he enters, it's a public bathroom anyways.

He sees Saint bunched over the sink, splashing water on his face and he locks the door. He's sure nobody else is currently in the bathroom and even if someone was, they could stare all they wanted.

Saint turns at the sound of movements since he had his eyes shut so water doesn't get inside and he sees Mason.

The man is unbelievably fine in his casual black shirt and black pants. Hands in his pockets while he keeps his eyes on Saint who also, can't keep his eyes away from the beautiful eye candy in front of him.

"Hi." Saint says shyly. This effect—this crazy effect Mason is starting to have on him needs to be eradicated, fast.

"Hey baby."

There goes the name. He says it so well, Saint can't even think right now.

He steps closer to Saint to crowd him there. Both of his hands resting on each side to cage him so Saint can't run away, not like he planned to anyways.

Saint doesn't want to breathe in his face, he doesn't have bad breath or anything but he's still scared to breathe, or say anything else before he ends up begging for something, something naughty done to him, in a freaking public bathroom.

Being here, in a restroom has Saint's horny mind going back to the night in Mason's room, where he got spanked, for the first time in his life and he can't explain how good it all felt.

"Why are you crying?" Mason asks, one of his hands caressing Saint's cheeks and Saint wants to pass out.

The man's hands are so warm and large and those fingers, they've been inside Saint!.

"I'm not—it's nothing."

Curse Mason for making him stutter!.

"It can't be nothing, baby. Tell me, did he say something that hurt you?"

Saint shakes his head at the question, like a child who got caught stealing candy and getting scolded.

"What made you cry then?"

"It's really nothing. I was overreacting."

Mason doesn't push him for more answers or for something that makes more sense. So, he settles for dragging his eyes up and down Saint's body. Then he licks his lips and Saint pretends getting checked out by Mason doesn't make his cock twitch just a tiny bit.

"You look really good, tonight."

Saint smiles at the compliment, something Gabriel couldn't even say.

"Thanks and you look really good too."

Mason really does look good!. Biceps on fleek, he couldn't be any sexier.


Oh, that tone...that fucking teasing tone that makes Saint suddenly ache to be touched, by him—by Mason.

"I can't wait to see you every morning when I wake up and also, when I go to bed. I wonder how cute you'll look when you get out of bed in the morning."

'Please kiss me.'

Calm down Saint, he's saying something else that doesn't involve you finding out what his mouth tastes like. Again.


Mason smiles at the shyness, his hands leaving the sink and going around Saint's waist to pull Saint closer to his body and a surprised gasp leaves Saint's mouth.

Saint's hands rest on the man's chest, eager to feel, to taste.

"Have you had dinner, baby?"

Saint shakes his head, moving closer to seek more bodily contact.


Why what?

Oh, Mason is asking him a question but his mind is elsewhere.

He suddenly wants to feel Mason's lips on his neck.

This is all pent up sexual frustration for three years and he needs a few months of constant intimacy to quench his three year sexual starvation.

"I don't have an appetite." Saint answers and one of his hands moves lower to rest on Mason's stomach, feeling his abs, excited like a kid that believes in Santa-claus.

"Eat something, for me?"

Ah, Saint just really realized that he can and will do anything for Mason.



That does it, Saint agrees to eat something when they leave the bathroom.

Mason leans down to kiss him but stops when he hears a knock on the restroom's door.

Saint panics, gently removing himself from Mason's hold and stepping away from him.

Mason understands why he did that. Gabriel is a force to be reckoned with and he'll most definitely either kill Saint for cheating or kill Mason for betraying him.

Or both.