A Casual Fling


Saint is back on his seat. Mason had something to discuss with Gabriel and they moved to a quiet corner to talk about it but Saint didn't miss the looks he was getting from Mason.

He couldn't help it, he was smiling because he liked the way Mason was looking at him then at his plate of untouched steak. Saint starts eating anyways, regaining back his appetite only because he wants to do something too, for Mason.


"I'm coming over tomorrow. I don't need too much stuff since I'm only staying at your place for a week." Mason tells Gabriel and the man nods, his eyes stopping at Saint who's now eating.

Mason followed the trail of his eyes and smirked when he could see Gabriel watching Saint.

"What did you say to him in the bathroom? He's suddenly eating." Gabriel inquired with his eyes never leaving Saint who's now drinking his water, a pout visible on his rosy lips.

"He was crying and then I asked him why, he said it was nothing and he was overreacting. I asked if he's had dinner and he said he had no appetite. But I did ask him to eat." Mason isn't exactly lying but he's omitting the part where he almost kissed Saint before his stupid husband knocked on the restroom's door.

"I really brought him here so he could have fun."

"How's he supposed to have fun in a restaurant that looks so gloomy and there's such a weird background song playing as if someone died."

"I want to make it up to him, what do you think I should do?."

'Treat him better you fucking moron.' Mason said out loud, but in his head.

"When was the last time you bought him gifts?."

Gabriel actually stops to think. He's thinking?

"You're a lost cause, Gabriel. I don't want to get involved so I'm leaving, see you tomorrow evening."

Mason proceeds to walk away from the man, not without glancing at Saint who's looking at him too, with hope in his eyes and Mason winks at him before leaving.

Gabriel sighs, definitely did not see that little interaction between his husband and his friend.

He takes his seat again, opposite Saint's and fidgets with his tongue on what to say.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

Saint shoots him a dirty look and shakes his head.

"Okay. If you're done eating, we can leave."

Saint doesn't respond but gets up, wiping his mouth and walking out of the restaurant, not even sparing his husband a glance.

Gabriel pays and leaves the restaurant too. He finds Saint leaning on the car and he unlocked it after getting the car keys handed to him by the valet.

Saint takes the passenger seat and waits for Gabriel to get into the car.

The man finally does and they leave the area, heading back home in silence. Just the way Saint likes it.


They finally get home and Saint gets out of the car immediately, walking into the house and Gabriel slams the car door really loud and goes after him.

Saint is about to go upstairs till he gets pulled back by Gabriel's hand clenched around his wrist.

"What the fuck is your problem?." Gabriel demands. His eyes dark with anger and this is exactly the 'Gabriel' Saint knows, the 'Gabriel' he's familiar with.

The egocentric bastard that doesn't care about him.

"What are you talking about?."

"Don't fuck around with me. Why the hell were you crying in that damn restaurant?. People were looking and my friend even had to ask what I did wrong."

"What's your point then?" Saint asked in the calmest tone he could find. He doesn't want to rile Gabriel up because no matter how much he dislikes Gabriel sometimes, he still respects the man because he's the only one keeping his family financially stable.

Also, he's scared of pushing Gabriel's buttons so Gabriel doesn't hit him.

Gabriel has never hit him in their three years of marriage but he shows violent behaviors sometimes. Like, coming home angry and scattering things, breaking anything he sees around him.

Saint dreadfully knows that it won't take much time before Gabriel starts hitting him. There's really so much one can endure from Saint—he's a brat sometimes.

"Why were you crying?"

"I wasn't. Something got into my eyes."

Gabriel scoffed, turning around to run his hand through his hand, scattering his dark hair in frustration before turning back to Saint who's staring at his feet.

"Saint. I'm warning you, it's either you tell me what the hell that childish behavior you displayed in that restaurant was or else—"

"What? Or else what? Are you going to hit me?," Saint demanded, gathering courage from wherever the hell he could. "This is more like you, don't ever act nice to me like you really want to because I know you only act nice whenever our parents ask to see us, whenever you want me looking pretty for your friends like some item up for auction."

Gabriel gritted his teeth, his eyes forming another look that can only mean on thing, he's this close to losing his fucking mind because of Saint.

"Go to your room."

"Gladly." Saint said and disappeared immediately.

Getting to his room, he took deep breaths because no matter how he tried to put up a font, stand strong and defend himself, Gabriel still scared him shitless.

He's so handsome yet so scary and that's not on Saint's list of fantasies.


It took Saint two hours to come downstairs, freshly showered and in a long shirt with nothing underneath. It's not like Gabriel ever looks his way whenever he's dressed that way or bothers to touch him. So, he wears it just to feel free and why he wasted time cooped up in his room was to avoid Gabriel until he calms down.

The doorbell suddenly rings and Saint stops in his tracks, turning to the door. He checked the time before he came downstairs and it's almost midnight. Who's at the door by this time, maybe Mason?.

A warm fuzzy feeling rests at the pit of his stomach, he's smiling ear to ear and he turns the door open to reveal someone that is not Mason.

The petite man that was facing the huge garden turned when the door opened and his amber eyes scanned Saint's whole body for a minute before peeking inside the house that's not being too shielded since Saint's body build is too small.

The petite man is the same size as Saint but just a little taller. He's pretty, at least that's what Saint thinks and he's yet to know who the man was and why he's casually standing at the door with a smile on his gracious face.

"Who are you?." Saint asks, looking around the man to see an unfamiliar Bentley. So, the security guard let the man in without informing him or Gabriel. That means, the security Guard knows him and doesn't see the man as a threat.

"Ah, you must be Saint," A soft, velvety voice. The petite man sounds as beautiful as his face. The man stretches his hand out and Saint hesitantly shakes it, still waiting for his question to be answered. "And, my name is Oliver and I'm here to see Gabriel. I believe he's in...." The man continued rambling, gently pushing Saint aside to walk into the house. "He's always around by this time anyways, where's he?."

Saint stared at the rude beauty, but he knows he's so much prettier than the man.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?."

"An ex-lover of your husband's turned to a causal fling and like I said, I'm here for Gabriel."


Saint ignored the upset feeling that washed over him, it's none of his business—scratch that, he feels horrible.

"So, you're sleeping with my husband?." Saint asked, just to be sure even though his brain isn't that slow to understand what a 'casual fling' meant.

"Yeah. So, where's he?"

"I-I don't know."

"I'll find him then." Oliver said, walking up the stairs and Saint's eyes never left the man's petite frame.

He doesn't want to think about it but he can't help himself when he thinks about the man in Gabriel's arms, something he has longed for, for three years and the man knows what it feels like to get hugged by Gabriel, touched and other stuff he only wished for.

Gabriel comes out of his study and his eyes fall on Oliver and a warm smile spreads on his face and Saint wants to die.

Gabriel has never looked at him that way, smiled at him like he was his whole world. He has never even let Saint stand close enough for their noses to touch but it's happening with Oliver.

Saint looks away from the sight, his eyes getting blurry from tears but he's strong right? He can't cry. He made his way to the kitchen to get himself a cup of water, to keep himself busy and those bastards still haven't walked into a room or something.

Saint looked up again to where they're standing and his eyes met Gabriel's and that look of endearment he gave the man in front of him a few minutes ago isn't there anymore. He has a blank expression on as he's staring at Saint and Saint's chest feels tight.

He wants to cry.

He sips his water, who sips water?.

He wants to focus on anything else and not at the two men standing in front of his husband's home office, saying things he can't hear.

He looks at them again and Gabriel's hand is around Oliver's waist, caressing it.

"I have a nice and small waist too, good enough to hold." Saint mumbles to himself, he's pathetic at this point.

He drops the cup in the sink, reaching for the can of orange juice in the fridge and drinking directly from the can. He stops drinking to look at the two figures again and this time, his eyes are wide when he sees them kissing.

It's not a rough kiss but—but they're kissing like lovers. Saint swallows when Gabriel meets his eyes, he doesn't stop kissing the man in front of him who's now exploring Gabriel's chest with his smaller hands and Saint wants nothing more than to be in his position.

Saint finally gives up and takes his orange juice outside to take a walk and maybe water the gardens to take his mind off what he saw.

He feels hot all over, both from being hurt and also from witnessing the sexual scene, it made him feel—maybe horny too, needy.

He blinks his tears away because why the hell does he want to cry?.

He's doing the exact same thing. He's messing around with someone else and worse, his husband's friend.

But why does it still hurt to see Gabriel with someone else that isn't him?.

For three years, he's been trying to get that close to Gabriel. Close enough to feel his warm breath on his face, tickling his jaw, fanning his nose and feeling the soft press of Gabriel's lips on his own softer one but it never happened.

Gabriel made him feel so unloved, undesirable but there he was, giving another man what Saint practically begged him for, for three years.

Gabriel doesn't follow the rules, he doesn't give two flying fucks about the rules.

In their contract, it clearly stated that they shouldn't mess around with someone else until the contract expires. Gabriel doesn't care, it's his money and if he wants to terminate the contract, he would.

Saint knows he has no right to be angry at Gabriel because he's doing the exact same thing. Even though he wasn't messing around with Mason, he wouldn't still get angry at Gabriel for being with someone else. If he even dared utter a word about it, the man would stop supporting his family.

Saint feels stupid, the things he's putting up with for the sake of his family keeps increasing.

His thighs are well exposed for the cold air to hug and he can't take it anymore and he runs back inside.

He doesn't see them anymore, they're probably in the room getting things going.

Curiosity gets the best of Saint and he walks towards Gabriel's room and stops immediately when he hears Oliver moaning Gabriel's name.

Saint really doesn't know when he starts crying but he's stuck there, listening to another man moan his husband's name.

He wants to be the one to do all that, wants to be the one getting cradled in Gabriel's strong arms.

He chuckles bitterly at how pathetic he looks standing there and listening to two grown adults indulging in pleasurable behaviors.

He wipes his eyes and starts walking back to his room. His heavy heart pounding, his steps slower than usual like he doesn't want to leave, that maybe Gabriel will call out for him and ask him to join them.

He doesn't even care how stupid his thoughts are, to the extent he's willing to be a third party in his own husband's bed.

After more slow strides, he's back in his room and he crawls under his duvet and pulls the thing to his shoulders.

He really hopes the housekeepers don't hear Gabriel and Oliver because if they do, he won't be able to escape the pitiful looks they'll give him the next morning.

There's so much embarrassment he can take in a day.

He shuts his eyes in an attempt to stop crying and actually get some sleep but who was he kidding? The devil would never let you rest when he gets inside your head.

He just lays there, mind dragging back to Gabriel's room like he's in there and watching what he's doing to another man, what he can do to another man.

He wonders if Gabriel's kisses feel good, making the receiver hazy with pleasure. Does Gabriel get vocal during sex? Does he talk dirty?. Saint opens his eyes and stares blankly at the wall.

"I wish it was me, in his bed." Saint smiles sadly, sniffling.

He just wants Gabriel to hold him, even if it's once. It's not so much right? He's not even asking for much but—but Gabriel would never.

Saint rubs his chest as the pain of being unwanted spreads everywhere in his chest, heart thumping so loud in his ear. Life shouldn't be so hard. Marriage shouldn't be so tough.

It's a contract marriage and he knows most people in such situations don't treat their partners the way Gabriel treats him.

No, really, why doesn't Gabriel touch him?.

Saint knows he's pretty, he's been called a pretty boy a lot of times but what's the one thing he's not doing right that makes Gabriel not desire him?.

Should he just ask? .

He has asked but never has he never gotten a reasonable answer from Gabriel.

The poor man slides lower underneath his duvet, clutching the material as his vision gets blurry with unshed tears.

"I-I just want him to touch me. Maybe just once and make me feel good. I really want him to, just—" he hiccups "just once."

His phone ringing beside his pillow startles him and he spreads his hand out, palming the bed to look for the ringing device without looking and he finds it near the pillow. He stares at the caller, 'Mason' and he wipes his tears off immediately.

He clears his throat before picking up, almost melting when he hears the low octave of Mason's voice.

"Did you get home safely?" Mason asks and Saint covers the speaker of the phone to clear his throat again before taking his hand away from the phone's speaker.

"Yes. What about you?"

"Angel, did you cry?"

Saint's eyes widen because how the fuck is the man able to tell? And he—Mason called him Angel. Saint didn't realize how much he missed being called that and he sighs sadly.

"I didn't, I promise."

Mason doesn't believe it but he doesn't push it. The last thing he wants is to make the younger feel uncomfortable by asking him about things he wasn't ready to talk about.

"What are you doing?"

Saint pulled the duvet down because he was getting hot.

"Nothing, I'm just laying down like a sack of potatoes."

Saint heard Mason laugh a little and his heart leaped with the tiniest happiness.

"I'm coming over tomorrow and staying for a week. I can't wait to see you."

A blush crept up Saint's cheeks as he thought of Mason being around him, everyday.

"Me too. I can't wait to see you." Saint says shyly, biting his fingernails with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Do you mean that? Or you're just saying because I said the same thing and you don't want to be rude."

"No. I mean it, really. I want to see you too and—" Saint paused, he's not sure they've gotten to the stage of saying things they want to each other. He doesn't want to scare Mason away with how needy he can get.

"Come on, you can say anything. I won't judge."

Saint knows Mason is just saying that to be polite but he really wants to say what's on his mind. He thought back to Gabriel and the man in his room.

"I want to touch you too." Saint finally said, throwing his phone to the side to scream into his pillow.

It's like when you send a risky text to someone and you're too scared to look at their reply. Saint is in that same crisis and he can hear Mason's breathy chuckle and the man constantly calling his name.

His name sounds so nice coming from Mason.

Saint grabs his phone lazily, a faint smile on his lips as he pressed the device to his ears.

"Sorry, I had to drink water."

"You don't expect me to believe that when I heard you scream into your pillow...and yes, you weren't so quiet."

Saint hung his head in embarrassment but he felt...giddy.

"You want to touch me?"

Of course Mason had to ask, he wasn't going to drop it or miss the opportunity to tease Saint.

"Mhmm." Saint hummed in response, biting his fingernails harder, a habit developed whenever he's feeling nervous.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow?"


"Do you want me to get you anything?"

"No, not really."

"Okay, goodnight then."


It's going to be a long week.