Treasuring Hunt club

As they come to that field, they find a girl with purple hair tied to their back, like a ponytail. She wore along with a sleeved shirt and a short skirt that went on to her knee; the girl held the bow in her left hand.

She uses her right hand to pull the string with the arrow; in the moment of silence in the field as the afternoon sunlight begins to come down, the girl then releases the bowstring, and the projectile starts flying straight into the air and coming into contact with the target.

When the arrow hits the practice target, it makes a thumping sound. It hits the yellow middle of the practice target.

After that, someone started clapping; as the girl heard this, she turned to the left to see Auryan and Edward in the corner watching the performance.

"Oh, it's just you; what are you doing here, Auryan?"

"We're just taking a tour around the campus; sorry to disturb your practice,"

"It's no problem, Auryan, anyway; who's that with you." The girl said as she pointed out beside auryan, "Oh, this Edward is our newest residence in the dormitory."

The girl then finishes packing her things up and climbs up the stairs, and walks toward them,

"Edward, huh, have I met you somewhere before?" the girl asked, "No, not I have known of…. it thinks this our first meeting," Edward said.

"Is that's so; well, if you excused me, I have somewhere else to go."

Estella said as she moved aside Edward and walked out to the field, leaving the two behind.

That was a quick interaction, Edward said as the two watched Estella leaves the field and disappear from their point of view. Edward said, "So do we have something else left to go?"


Auryan stayed quiet for a second and told Edward to follow him; in the minute after walking out from the field back to the building they were before, they headed upstairs to the second floor, and they walked up the stairs,

"So, what is this club we visited the last time?" Edward said behind Auryan, "Oh, something special, which is special, a club that has a long history and have been forgotten until now."

Auryan says as the two stop at a specific door, pulling out a key from his pocket and inserting it into the door.

As the door opened, the two went inside to see many old books scattered and others piled up together, m and some had boxes filled with old DVDs.

Edward noticed on the left wall a giant cork bulletin board the size of 8 x 4; it has the map of the world and tiny bits of towns, provinces and city maps is top of it.

"Whoa, this place is fascinating," Edward said as he walked around to see many old posters.

"That poster dates back to the 40s and 50s," Auryan says as he pulls out the office chair and sits behind the desk.

Edward touches a framed poster that says, 'we want you for the army; enlist now' poster, Edward stops himself and looks at Auryan, who is at his desk, and asks,

"Let me guess, and you have a reason for bringing me here, don't you? Since this place hasn't been visited yet," Edward said as slides his finger through the poster frame getting dust on his hands.

"I'll give you that for having good observation; yes, your correct this place has not been visited for a couple of years now, " auryan says, as he raises his eyebrows towards a nearby chair, telling Edward to take a seat, Edward then took this and sat down.

"Tell me what you want from me; you've been too friendly toward me since I stepped inside this academy yesterday."

"I want you to be the first member of the Treasuring hunt club," Auryan said,

"An interesting name for a club, huh…."

"Yeah, it is; this place holds a lot of history since it was abandoned long ago."

Auryan says when he pulled out a drawer from the desk to see an old picture; Edward grabbed it, and take look.

Edward saw this and picked up to see a bunch of students in the club room setting, smiling at the camera as if all of them were a family.

"Who are these people?" Edwards asked

"They are the club's old members; my older brother was also part of it." Auryan points out one of the guys in the picture who wears glasses and has blond hair.

"My guess is that leads you to have an interest in this club?"

"Yes, ever since I visited my brother in this place, I fell in love at first sight with their activities." Auryan continue to tell Edward everything that leads the old club to disband in the first place, but Auryan's brother did not tell him the reason for why the club disbanded.

"After admitting to this academy, I would like to see more about the world; I just don't want this place to be forgotten, which brings us to today; I'll ask you, Edward, could you not join the club?"

Auryan pushes a forum and a pen toward Edward.

"…." He then hesitates for a moment as he picks up the pen; he remembers something that Ryan told him long ago,

[ "I just don't want to leave any regrets behind, especially you."]

Edward begins to sign the form with the pen in his right hand. , The cell starts to release ink as he presses down onto the paper; after writing every detail down to the form, Edward then pass it back, and Auryan then picks it up to form,

"Wait, you are going to sign it?"

"I mean, yeah, I got nothing else to do except going straight home after class," He said.

"I see… then welcome to the club Edward⸺ Dang!"

"What is there something wrong with it?" Edward asked in confusion, "Your writing looks unique as if an old grandparent wrote it." Auryan commented as he raised the form closer.

"Urk, that's just my way of writing, if you don't mind,"

"Huh, is that so? Anyways let's head back now; it's getting dark."

Auryan said as he quickly glanced over the window. The two cleaned up the club room and then returned to their dorm.


The next day, Edward was then woken up at the exact time of 6 am when he looked at the clock on his wall,

"Grrrnngghh fuck…" Edward groans reminded that he is now officially a student of victor's academy; he gets up from his bed like a slug and looks out from his window, and decides to go out for a jog from time to time; Edward then get stands up straight goes to bring a change.

Afterwards, he is outside the dormitory dressed up and ready to go. First, Edward stretches his legs and arms and begins to jog on his journey way downhill; he is called out by someone behind, "Hey, I didn't you jog as well."

Auryan then surprised Edward from behind; he turned his head to the left while jogging, seeing his Blondie friend alongside him.

Edward shrugs as the two begin to jog in unison; just then, the two see someone familiar in the distance; it was Estella; auryan was first to see her and decided to speed up his jogging to match up with her.

The two begin to spark a conversation; Edward watches from a distance and thinks of this as two beasties talking to each other and having a great time, except auryan isn't a girl.

After the two finish their talk, Estella looks at Edward and decides to go on a different path than Edward and auryan are heading.

Auryan slows his pace and returns to Edward, "What did the two of you talk about?" Edward asked, "Oh, it's nothing, just daily life in general."

auryan replied; as the two finally did their last rep, they both decided to head back to the dorm.


After class, Edward decided to go to the treasuring hunt club room to talk to Auryan, but once there, he then saw someone getting out of the room; it was a dark brown hair, female student who had a red armband on her left arm that had the white logo of the academy.

The text below says the student council; as she walked by Edward, she glanced at how Estella did in the morning jog.

After the girl left, Edward went to the club room to see the door cracked; he then pushed the door wide open and saw Auryan at her desk writing something on paper. He then looked up at Edward as he heard the door noise when it opened.

Who was that? he asked Auryan.

Edward comes in and takes a seat from her desk; Edward sits down in the chair. "Oh, you mean the person who came out from the room? She is Lilith rosemary, the vice president," Auryan said as she finished writing down something on a piece of paper.

"What was she doing here a while ago?"

"She came here to tell me that if we didn't get enough members to qualify as a real club, she said that I have to give up this room for other purposes." auryan said as she gave Edward the piece of paper, "what is this for?"

"Go out and find us some members, okay,"