The nurse of victor's Academy

The door slid right open once there. Edward then approached the fence, and he looked to see anything; this had led him here because of the list he was given,

The list says to visit all kinds of from library for different types of classes; Edward tries to attend any of them and takes some opportunity to talk to anyone who seems not busy but gets ignored or gets an unresponsive answer.

Edward takes a deep breath and sighs; how in the world am I supposed to find those kinds of people? He mumbles while looking back at the piece of paper with a list of traits Auryan wanted in his club.

As Edward looked around on the rooftop, he felt like someone was watching him. He looked at each bench and plant displayed like a box on the rooftop.

Edward has enough of this and decides to head back down; once he steps back inside the lecturing building, he closes the door.

As he finally left the rooftop, a bat came down and sat at the fence, looking at the direction in which Edward had left. And suddenly the bat begins to turn foggy and smoky and slowly turns into a person,

"Hmm, this is getting Interesting, so the fella has finally joined a club; perhaps I should as well…. " they said as they stepped down to the rooftop floor.


As Edward stepped outside the building, stretching his arms up while hooding his bag, as he was about to head back to the clubroom, Edward then started to hear noise, this time it was natural as he ran toward the noise right of the corner. And see two delinquents who look like the student is picking a fight with a minor 1st-year student,

"You don't know when to give up, don't you," the taller male student kicks the kid in the face and falls to the ground; the kid tries to stand up with his hand up, ready to fight but is kicked to the groin.

"Hey! Pick up someone with your size," Edward then grabs the senior student on his shoulder and pulls it aside. He glares back at Edward, telling him,

"Mind your own business!" as the taller kid is about punch Edward, he stops the point with his par hands and uses his left hand to punch him right back.

His friend saw this and pulled out a knife from his pocket and tried to stab Edward, "Ouch, that hurt," Edward grabbed the blade with his right hand, he felt a bit cut from his hand, the blood began to appear, he holds the end of the edge.

Edwards then raises his right arm and turns his arm, which causes the attacker to lose control. He drops the knife, which falls to the ground as Edwards kicks the attacker to his side, pushing them away.

The two delinquents looked at each other terrified, and started to run away in fear. Edward looked at his bleeding hand, clutching it and emitting hot steam around the injured area.

It looks back to the 1st year kid who was barely standing, suddenly passing out. Edward saw this and caught him before falling to the ground, "You got my respect, kid." Edward mumbles as he picks up the glasses and helps the 1st year student to the clinic.

A woman greeted Edward with snow-white hair that fell to her hips and whose eyes glowed like emeralds.

She wore a lab coat a top of her student uniform; the white hair girl saw Edward as and gestured him toward the bed; Edward then carried the student,

Then drop the injured student to a nearby bed, and Edward slowly placed the glasses back on their owner's face.

The white-haired woman then grabbed bandages from the cabinet, walked toward the injured stu, and began to patch him up; after a while, she checked him up again, "There you are now fixed up. so would you mind telling me what happened?"

Edward elaborates everything about the event that happened a while ago as the nurse puts everything that is the don esk back into its cabinet after retelling what went down; the nurse then looks at Edward with curiosity.

"Say your face looks new around. Are you a new student?" As she recognised Edward, "Ah yeah, I am actually, since yesterday."

The Nurse presented Edward with a heath form snapped into a clipboard and a pen, "Would you mind filling this up? I'll need every student's information so that I can check your health from time to time." she said as she glanced over bat that suddenly came down and sat at the open window.

Fiona then gave Edward a heath from. And filled up the form he did; after a minute, he was now finished and gave the form back to the nurse; she then took it from him and checked it.

"You're missing something, your contact information?" she said as she gave it back to Edward, "O-Oh right, I forgot…" this stops Edward as he remembers that he doesn't have a phone.

Then, he remembers what his good old friend Ryan gave him, then Edward remembers the phone number and writes' in down. as he finished the form, he then gave it back, 'I see, well nice to meet Edward; I'm Fiona Alonzo, the nurse of this school,"

Likewise, Edward said as she gave the forum back to Fiona, after a quick talk with the nurse, Edward left the injured student in the care of Fiona and now goes.

After leaving the clinic, Fiona looks back at the form on which Edward had put his information, "Hehe, what an interesting man, his smell is kind rare, to say the least, no wonder you have kin interest on him."

Fiona said as she glanced back to the open window to find a girl who was wearing a yellow vest sleeveless, V-neck sweater, and blue bowtie around her collar, who had the same hair as Fiona, but short and curly,

"Nihihi, your right. I want to meet him at a short distance."