An Anonymous Messenger

After heading back to the dorm, Edward enters his room and searches for something in the cabinet; he opens one moving-out box to find a seven-inch box inside.

with a sticky note, it was Edward's contact info, and the small message said, "A gift for you, Edward, and use it wisely from Ryan D Arnold."

Ryan sure is successful and wealthy; after he was the one who made an ID and completed a fabricated Birth certificate r him to able able to attend and live everyday life, Edward thought back to when they were old friends; he grabbed it and opened the box, to find a newly pack edged phone inside.

"Hoho, so this is what they call a smartphone, huh," Edward said as he removed the plastic wrapping before Edward could do anything; he then noticed again inside the box; he also grabbed it and held it up top to see, it was a small book that has the title says,

''Manual book of using a smartphone for senior's volume 1….'' Edward was stunned and speechless as he received these two items from Ryan, who needed a manual, Edward said as he tossed aside the book and switched his focus on his new toy.

After a minute, Edward has no choice but to rely on a manual, "Hugh, is that so…" jus then, the door creaks open, and Auryan enters the room to find Edward on the floor reading a manual book for senior.

Edward saw Auryan coming inside, and he stood there frozen up at what he was seeing, and slowly Auryan retreated outside; before he could do, Edward held on to his shoulder before going, "Hey, hey now, what do think you're going" Edward said, as he smiles, "I-I promised that I saw nothing, it is not weird for someone reading a manual book on how to use a phone,"

Edward's grip becomes tighter, and he finally says, "Before leaving would you mind helping me with something."

"S-Sure pal….."


"Alright, everyone, that is it for today's class; you can go now," the professor said as she finished her lecture, the students in the lecture hall began to leave one by one.

Edward then followed suit as he finished his last subject for today; today was his 3rd week of attending the academy, which made Edward get used to the environment; he sat stop by in the cafeteria and bought an egg ha sand which he waited for few minutes and finally get on his way to the clubroom.

Once their Auryan greeted him as usual, the two discussed ways to get more members, just the door knocks. "You may enter," Auryan said as the door opened slowly and came 5'4 student and skinny, "This is the treasuring hunt club."

Who is wearing glasses, he comes, and Edward fully recognizes him; it was the 1st year. The student approaches the two who are at the table, "So you have recovered", Edward says as he looks at Liam.

"I fully recover from those punching; my gratitude s to you, Edward," Liam said; Auryan had now fully seen Liam and looked back at Edward and asked, do you know each other? Edward saw this coming and briefly introduced Liam,

"Auryan meets Liam, his acquaintance of mine, and Liam meets auryan, the club president of this club," Edward said.

"N-Nice to meet you, Auryan,"

"Likewise, Liam," Auryan said as she stood up from her office chair and gave Liam a handshake like a job interview; Liam took this and shook Aryan's. It was soft and warm, Liam thought as he leaned over Edward,

"Hey Edward, is it just me? Coz Auryan looks kind of cu---"

"He's a guy, don't think of that," Edward said as he shook his head. Is that so? Liam whisper. Auryan then let goes of the handshake and sat back from her chair,

"So, what did you come here for?"

"To join," Liam said as Auryan's eyebrows raised and suddenly became interested, "Your welcome board, and also sign this four for me, will you," Auryan said as he grabbed a pen from the desk like he then gave it to Laim like how she gave it to Edward last time.

Liam begins to write down the form on the table, writing his information, his name, and year level. Just then, Edward's phone rang; Edward pulled it out from his pocket and opened it. To find notification messages from an unknown number.

As he opens the test message and brings him to a chat, Edward types, who is this? as the unknown user begins to type, Edward thinks it's a scam; after all, auryan teach him about getting anonymous messages from strangers.

The unknown user suddenly stops typing; this confused Edward for a second until he messages Edward an image of him smoking I the balcony on the rooftop.

This made Edward freeze on the spot as he saw this message. And started to walk out toward the door; Auryan saw this and said, "Where are you going?"

"I-I'll have to take a quick restroom. See you in a minute or an hour or so." Edward said as he left and closed the door, "What does he mean an hour so??"

After leaving the academic club building, he then heads towards the lecturing building while messaging on the phone,

Edward: Where did you get that image from!

Anonymous: Oh, you are a quiet smoker, aren't you

Edward: Shut up; you don't even know me.

Anonymous: I do, Mister Edward. In fact, would you look beside and find a small TV screen on the wall.


Edward then turned right to find a small television where the school broadcast event, weather, or school-related announcement. He then sees the scene with a message that reads the following.

I want to play a game, mister Edward. A small white, new times font text message appeared in the middle of the screen.


Anonymous: So do you believe me now! I am in control.

Anonymous: I'll spread this photo everywhere if you don't cooperate.

Anonymous: Hello…. are you there.


"Ugh, what's with that guy? He just seen my message and not replaying back?" A girl said as she sat at the right corner of the rooftop while leaning on the wall with her laptop on her lap connected to the leading internet of the whole school.

She also wears a headphone around her neck as it plays out Asian pop music in it. As she types something on her computer, the door on the rooftop suddenly opens, "Oh shit,"

She said as she quickly hid her computer and then climbed up the ladder, trying to avoid being spotted,

Edward then enters the rooftop and looks left to right to find anyone. This doesn't stop him. He turns left to see who is in the right corner; he then finds a laptop open on the open floor, with the screen lit up. Besides the small cell tower,

Edward approaches the laptop and picks it up from the floor to see what is in it, what on the screen this made right away Edward recognized away when he read the messages which who owns this laptop,

"You know that's a breach of privacy, Edward."

"Huh?" Edward then heard a voice. He turned in the direction to find who was calling out for him; as he turned in that direction, he saw an ordinary girl wearing a sleeveless yellow vest.

Sweater, and blue bowtie around her collar, she is also wearing headphones around her neck hair is short and curly, white as snow.

"Greetings, Edward; it's nice to meet you."

"Okay, just who are you," Edward said.

"You can just call me Rory,"