Recruiting a blood thirsty Nerd

"I'm Rory, one of the geniuses in wor---"

"So, can you delete that photo?" Edward said, completely cutting Rory off when introducing herself, "One of the soon-to-be geniuses in the world I am, Rory."

*"TCH* this kid...."

Despite Edward's mumbling in his breath, Rory ignores Edward and counties bragging about being a genius; her ear suddenly moves as she hears Edward's comment.

"Hey, just you know I'm not a kid!" she said as she puffed her chest out with confidence; Edward looked from her head to toe.

From his perspective, Rory seems to be one of the first years it's similar to what Liam was wearing, they both wear a yellow sleeveless vest, and Rory begins to caress her phone after her introduction.

"Sorry kid, but playtime is over; give me that phone," Edward said as he proceeded to walk towards the girl and tried to grab the phone out of her, but instead Edward was confused when she tried to grab Rory's phone, her body goes turn bright and shrink to small animal, she became a Bat and flowed away from him,

"What in the actually---" The bat began fussing with Edward before he could respond.

"Hey, HEY WHAT!"

Edward struggles as the bat slowly comes to his bare visible neck and finally holds on to the bat with both of his bare hands; he holds the bat tightly and throws it back; the bat loses its momentum and can steady its fly and stares at Edward with thirst,

"What are you a vampire, some shit?"

"Perhaps…" the bat talks, this surprised Edward, "The bat can talk??"

Edward said as he looked closely at the bat; this left him open; the bat saw this and flew up to the sky very high and charged at him as the gravity helped the bat to create a force on their legs trying to kick Edward.

Then the bat turns bright and shrinks back to an average size of a girl; Rory is now in the sky with her legs straight down toward Edward. He stopped the kick with his elbow; Edward froze up as he saw her skirts open wide,

"Colour pink,"


Rory says as she turns her body with her left kick in mid-air and kicks Edward in the face. Despite the rush, Edward could use his foot to stop as he slid away from Rory with enough experience and agility.

Edward stands astonished by how Rory fights, as many may look at her as an ordinary girl, but in reality, she is different from what others may think; Edward quoted this as he had faced many things before,

"That was a powerful kick,"

he commented on how her strength suddenly became powerful from her kicks alone. It made Edward more alert to her as Rory stood from her feet, ready to go for another round of close engagement.

In the only one instance in which Edward faces a significant challenge or threat, Rory stand is now on the ground after kicking someone in the face, and she looks around to find something, and then she gazes over her phone at her found on the floor a foot away from her.

The two glanced at each other as they looked back at the phone on the ground. After that, Rory ran toward it; this made Edward think, and he shook his head as he raised his right hand toward it, closed his eyes, and breathed slowly and steadily as time ticked so that Rory's run slowed down.

He is focusing on his surroundings as nothing but silence can be heard - no birds chirping, no low-speed cars whizzing by.

And then steam starts to emerge from the palm of his hand as it stretches out toward the object.

The time moves typically, and the phone begins to move; Rory notices, as the object moves in an instant, the phone magically disappears from Rory's point of view.

Her face was surprised as she turned around to find Edward, have her phone in his bare right hand; Edward then Raised Rory's phone like a small hand flag.

"W-What in the, give It back! or else."

"Or else what?" Edward said as his mouth formed a smirk, Rory close both of her emerald eyes and slowly approached Edward; each step can feel a chill down to his spin as Rory was almost close to Edward.

Her eyes finally opened and showed entirely red eyes with vertical and shaped-like slits pupils as if the eyes were a lock on to their prey.

She glanced over Edward's neck and back to him; she then started to sprint toward him with the full force of her feat; as she was about to slash him, the door then opened,

"Hey, Edward, you're here after all."

the door then opens wide as the Auryan and Liam check the rooftop to see if Edward is there; the of them are correct as they see him with a girl,

"Ah, sorry, we didn't know you have a girlfriend,"

"No, no, no, I just." Edward said as he tried to correct the two, "He's right. I'm not his girlfriend. I came here to talk to him about joining the club."

Edward was surprised to hear that coming from her mouth and realised the phone was no longer in his hand.

Rory came forward to Auryan, picked up his hand, and gave it a shaking hand and a gentle smile, "it's nice knowing you, Auryan; I'll be in your care~" Just like that, Rory was able to get Auryan's interest.

"Likewise, it's nice knowing you, Rory~" Auryan smiles as well, as the two had an interaction like one another; it gave vibes like two besties finally reunited after long years, and the other two were completely ignoring the two.

After that, the four are about to leave the rooftop before they head back down stair Rory looks back at Edward for one time,


Seeing Rory pull out the tip of her tongue, Edward thought this kid would be a headache. After that whole encounter a while back, Edward was irritated by this.