Mysterious Tent

"That maid outfit fits perfectly with the nice structured body with hips slim and her usual purpled hair tied with ribbon back to her head, and her chest is—"

"Alright, Rory, time for you to stop googling your eyes over Estella since somebody is right in front of us waiting," Edward said as Rory returned her gaze to the maid in front of them with a clipboard and pen in her hand, it was the waitress.

"Ahem, what can I get you four?" the maid asked as she stood there waiting for the four to decide. Seconds later in the discussion, the four students gave their choices,

"Is that all you guys want?"

They nod at her, gesturing that all of it they had to order; upon seeing them, the maid bows and returns to the kitchen. It differed from Edward's experience the last time he came here. 

Minutes went by, and the maid returned to their seat with their chosen meal placed on their table one by one as each plate had the tastiest cakes they had ever seen, Edward thought as he considered the three slowly eating their cakes and savoring the taste.

Rory took her fork as she pressed down on her strawberry cake with whiting layers. It matches her hair color, to be surprise.

Auryan, on the other hand, finishes her chocolate cake and is now sipping on her coffee that she added sugar a while ago; she then notices Liam's unfinished mocha cake while using his phone.

"So, how was the cake we made." The voice suddenly spoke out; this made Edward startled by her beside him, "Oh, it is you again... miss? "

"Just call me Bianca."

The maid introduces herself, and edward does the same,

"I see then, Bianca, is it? This cake you guys make is pretty enjoyable." Edward said as he gestured, pointing out to the three with their relaxed expression. The maid named Bianca seems pleased by this, and she smiles and asks Edward,

"By the way, Edward, are you free after this?"


"Hoho, what do we see here, flirting with one of the waitresses while they are at work," Rory said; she watched Edward from the other side of the table; the other two also heard this and looked at Edward; he's not trying to deny the fact that his being asked by someone right now.

"So what time are y—"

"Now now, did you forget that you are still at work," Estella said when she appeared behind Bianca; she went around in froze when she heard the voice.

Bianca turns around slowly and surely and nods back at Estella, then returns to work; Estella follows suit as she glances at edward, finally leaving the four at the table. The three look at edward and shrugs it off and say he doesn't know what happened.

After taking a break from the cafe, the four leaves, as they want to change places; they walk from the downtown into the outdoor mall and walk around to see many shops are still open in the evening hours one thing another, the four stops as they notice a tent place besides in open space between the two shops.

Curious, four went inside only to be greeted by a fortune teller waering a witch hat on their head,

"Welcome four students from victor's academy." A voice of women speaks up at them for when they enter.