Sandwich Thief

Estella screams for a moment as the light in the kitchen goes out; it seems to be the electricity went out. As he tried to pull out his phone from his pocket, Edward thought, "No battery!?"

"I-Is anybody there?" Estella said in the pitch dark of the kitchen; Edward then reassured her that his there,

"Just stay where you are. Do you have your phone to light this place up?"

"No, I don't. I don't have it; I think I left it in my room." Estella said as she around the kitchen to find any flashlight that was lying around; she began to open each cabinet in the kitchen.

then, Estella felt movement that touched her skin around her feet below, "Eeep, what was that!?" She jolted away from the cabinet and accidentally pumped her head into another open cabinet.

"Ack, ouch, that hurts....."