Who owns the drone?

In the class, as their professor began to teach in the lecture hall, the inside students started to take notes and listen.

It became apparent that Edward was now getting the hang of the routine of waking up in the morning and going to class daily.

He dislikes calculus the most that Edward is struggling with one subject, "Why are being taught by this subject...." Edward whispered as he was called out by the professor,

"So, mister, Althaus. Do you would mind knowing the answer to this equation."

"Hmm!? Ahhh, the equation, right...."

Edward stands up from his seat. His face began to tear down sweat on his face, trying to figure out the answer,

"....." Just then, Edward was suddenly called by someone from his right he glanced over to see Amia looking out the window.

With her notes open, it has the same equation on the whiteboard with an answer; Edward saw this and replied to his professor with his response to his question,