The Chased Down part 1

Edward then heard Propeller making noise; he turned around to see a drone flying toward him,

"Woah, this thing is really loaded?" Edward said as he looked again at the drone, which was not what they were looking for, Edward told Auryan to turn it off.

The drone fell to Edward's, having to catch it entirely.

"So this isn't the drone we were looking for?"

"Yeah, this thing is pretty much making a lot of noise since the one I saw is much quieter or more silent. Also, the one I saw was bigger and darker than that."

Edward said as he tried to describe the drone he saw, it was a big dark object that flew really high in the sky, and the two apologized to the president for disturbing their club activity.

They leave with a dejected expression on their face after rerunning a roadblock.

"Seem that this case will be more than just a week."

"I could see that....."

Edward said as Auryan is thinking about extending the case; however, they still have their exam coming up on Monday.