A Supreme Divine Power.

As people are enjoying everywhere in Bzaam planet while on the other hand something big is going on other side of planet,

as all guard finally put down prisoners berserk, as itzatani god is crushing shan neck,

now, did you want to tell anything? as itzatani god asked shan his last wise,

H.. He.. Hey, if I want to tell anything then I will tell anything whenever I want, I don't need your permission to talk, as in blood coughing shan said,

OK, now die, as said this,

Itzatani god crushed shan neck with his hand,

as shan is in pain and shouting,

ehhhh, uggggg, ugrrrrrr, as itzatani god is crushed shan neck or as he thought that, but shan is still alive, as see this itzatani god use his divine power to crush shan neck, as shan's breath finally stop and he die...

In the Empty universe,

as Mr kumar try to see everywhere, so he can find something but he don't find anything important,

so this Empty universe don't have any exist,

that's mean I need to make one but my power is repealing,

so what to do?

uh huh, let's not use power which can repeal,

use a power which can't repeal,

as said this, he first fully concentrate in something with closing his eyes and coating his body with divine flow and he just making his coating more deep, as his coating becoming black and purple energy and it becoming more deep and deep and finally,

he suddenly stop,

OK, I think that's will be enough, as said this,

he walk straight and walk and walk and walk, as he walking and think,

I guess it also don't have end, then how can my attack repealed,? as questioning himself,

whatever, I don't think I can go to the end of Empty universe,

let's try to leave from here, as said this,

he is seat on ground and touch his both hand to ground, as he sensing,

I need to find something which don't have any power in it, but have a power to get me out of here,

as said Mr kurma focusing on ground to find that power,

On the Third Wall check,

as all guard are running to the second Wall check, rio and rena are hiding from them, as guard are panicking and one of them said,

it was really closed,

hey, what are you saying? Itzatani god personally come here to take care of that prisoner whom he left alive on that raid planet,

and you are saying it was really closed, don't joke with me, he is one of the seven wonders god's no one can oppose him, and in the prison,

Everything will be ok from now since that prisoner are killed and now jail master also don't need to worry him and shout on us,

as other guard said

Yes, you are right, now no one will be able to intrude in castle pyramid prison never, once this new go outside, as first guard said,

Yes, and we can rest also, as no prisoners have guts to go against us after all of this,

as talking this both guard run with many guard in line, as Rio heard that and thinking,

shit, what the hell is that mean?

itzatani god is here, then how can shan find grandpa? or if itzatani god found shan then...

as thinking this from Rio's eyes tears come out, as Rena see this and,

don't worry rio, I know shan is not weak, that he can lose to them, let's go and find him and let him hear what you want to tell, rio, as Rena said,

OK, as wiping his tears rena take rio hand and both go from there and secretly enter in Third Wall check, as both see that everything is completely destroyed in that Wall check, as they see everywhere but don't see shan and they see that guard are taking debris, as one of the guard clearing debris he found shan body, as Rio see this,

shan, hey, he's shan, as Rio point out where shan is to Rena and Rena see this,

let's go there and meet him,

as Rio run toward there, as Rena said,

stop rio, stop....

as Rio running in the direction of where shan is, as one guard see him and said,

hey, who are you kid? from where are you come from? as he try to catch rio but as seeing in rio eyes guard become unconscious and fall down on ground, as all other guards around there also come and try to stop rio, but one by one every one is fall on ground, as Rio stop at where shan is and said,

hey shan, I am come here to say that I will also help you to find grandpa, let's go and save grandpa together,

hey shan... shan... as Rio shaking shan head, as he see that shan neck is completely crushed like how sugarcane crushed when it goes in sugarcane juice machine as see that, rio omit on the other side and he try to control himself and said,

hey shan, I know you can't lose from something like that, right? you said that you will take me to my grandpa,

hey shan, shan get up please...

as in crying and in sadness he said,

as see him rena fall on her kneel and crying also,

as Rio shouting, no shan, no please don't die, please, as he know that shan is already die, and he screaming to seeing sky, as he heard something,

he stop screaming for second, and think he's dreaming, he start crying and screaming, as he again heard something again and stop,

no, I am not dreaming, he is alive....

as screaming that, Shan is Alive.....

Rio's whole body becomes a light, as only thing which can able to visible rio is light and his eyes become red, as shan body also emitting light and go in air, as rio screaming, something from his back going to shan and connect both, as it seems like he is charging shan, as slowly, slowly, shan's neck is healing, and his body also heals, as shan body emitting more deep light and finally shan's body becomes a white light and his eyes red, as shan open his eye and see that rio is screaming as he go near him and said,

hey, Rio... Rio... are you ok,? as Rio become unconscious, and Rio body stop emitting light and become normal, as Rena see this and run towards shan, as she shout shan....

as shan sense something coming and a punch come from behind, as he stop it and he see that the one who punch him is itzatani god himself,

how the hell you are alive?

and why are you emitting so much supreme divine power,?

as in angry and frustrated, itzatani god asked,

This! I don't know why? but I feel like this is something which my friend give to me to fight you, so this time I will not lose to you,

as both see each other and as itzatani god thinking, it can't be,

how can he used that when only seven wonder god's have authority to use it?

and what does it mean he feels like he's friend give to him? it is clearly something which your friend can't possess, and you also,

that is a single proof of seven wonders god...

who are you brat? tell me, as itzatani god asked which very angry face,

I am, as shan asked to itzatani god,

I am the one who will become supreme ruler...

and now you will face your future lord, so

don't think, I will hold back,

you brat, did you know who I am,?

I am the one of the seven wonders god who rule on this Wonder way and,

did you know, right?

that a god power and life depends on his planet,

and as far as I know you are just a one young god in training, you only have one planet and against that is me,

and don't think you can use supreme divine power against me after I can use also and

I have this whole wonder way which have millions of planet in it,

did you really think, you can defeat me?

as itzatani god asked with very confident and sinister face,

I can't think, how I will defeat you,?

but one thing is sure, I am just going to do it now...