A big typhoon destroying whole planet, as it happening all living beings on planet is destroy by that typhoon, as it seems like nature itself is breaking and slowly, slowly, whole planet become dust and then he is floating in space,
hmmmm, as he gasp his breath and said,
I think this is last planet, now itzatani god will not break my brain, OK, now let's go and get something to eat, as saying this, he vanished in space,
In the basement room,
as Ben is working on something, as he see and said,
it's a really complicate and I am just first time seeing something like that, as he see it and check it back also and he said,
ohhh, so that's the fault, as he take out something from there and see that something, as see it,
what the hell is that.....?
as he shouting that,
Above execution room,
as shan and itzatani god see each other and, as shan see that itzatani god don't have any openings and try to attack on him in that moment, itzatani god vanished from that spot and attack on shan from above, as shan see him and dodge him and shan attack on him from left side and he also dodge it, as both try to attack on each but every time they are dodging each other attack, as both stop in the middle of air and itzatani god said,
what the hell is this? how can he dodge my attack one after another, even if it's supreme divine power, some need practice before using it to full extend, I need to finish it already, grandparade will start soon,
as shan see himself and think,
what is this power? I can't control it properly, but if I don't use it then I can't dodge his attack, I am feeling amazing but still I feel like l can't win like this against him, as itzatani god attack on him with his chanting power,
as he chanting,
and he creates a square which is emitting light and in it seems like a small type of hole, as he throw it to shan, and shan think, what is it? as that square attack slowly, slowly, moving to him again shan thinking, why it is so slow? I can dodge it anytime, as it still coming then shan think to attack on him first before that attack connect to him, as he try to attack but then suddenly that square speed up and come to shan, as shan see it but he can't dodge it now, as he think but then shan use his attack power, which he makes for itzatani god, to use it force to get out of that square range, as he use it and he fly away backward, as that square connect to one of the big rock on ground and that rock is completely disappear from there, and as see it shan thought, what the hell is this?
As at first seems like that attack completely destroyed it target, but when you see it with clear focus you see that target just vanished somewhere, not destroyed, as shan also know that after think it deeply and said,
so you did that exactly to Rio's grandfather,
Yes, I did it, now it's your turn,
as said this both start to fight again,
In the empty universe,
as Mr kurma is focusing in the ground to find something, which don't have power to destroy anythings but have a power get him out of there, as he focusing and still he can't find anything useful to him, as he again start focusing and he sense something new energy, as deeply try to find where this energy coming from, as he try and walk in that direction of energy and then he see a one tree which is very small, as see it, he think,
how can it happened? this is empty universe, it not suppose have anything, then how can a tree here? as thinking this then he seat on ground and try to hand down his hand, as focusing and doing it, that tree slowly, slowly, growing, as see it, he said,
so that's the game,
it is not empty universe,
it is....
On the above execution room,
Yes, you are right, and not only that, I send him somewhere that even big to big god's can't come from there, even now as we talking, he is wandering on that empty universe which he thought it is, but the reality is that, it is not some empty universe,
It Is A.....
as some portal open just above itzatani god and some one come from it and punch on itzatani god in the center of head and said,
Conscious Universe....
hmmm, did you really think you can lock me in that conscious universe forever,?
I think you don't know that conscious universe have one fix fault, if just figure out that and you can get out of it,
and that is the fact, that when it's prisoner know that he is in conscious universe, he just need to think exist then he can get out of it...
( prisoners in that line is a person who locked in that conscious universe).
as he fly away and crushed to the ground, as see it shan shocked and see that one who did was Mr kurma,
did you really think I will not know it,?
that was the universe in which I played in my childhood as with confidence face, Mr Kumar said,
as shan come to Mr kumar and asked,
are you fine, Mr kurma?
who do you think I am, shan,?
I am Rio's grandfather,
I am fine off course,
as Mr kurma see shan and see on itzatani god direction, as after two seconds he see shan again and said,
heyyyyy, what the hell is this? as Mr kurma asked to shan, because of its appearance which is light emitting from him,
I also don't know, it just happened to me, when rio come and...
what? what are you saying? where is he? as Mr kurma asked shan,
and see that, rio who is on the ground, as he go there and see him and try to awake him,
hey rio, can you hear me? rio, hey rio, as Mr kurma trying to wake up rio, but rio just can't then, he see rio back and said,
what the hell is this?
as he see that a divine mark is there, but it doesn't have it's spear on turtle hand by which supports Turtle was standing, and turtle also fall on ground, as see it and thinking, he see shan and asked something,
shan, can you show me your back?
as shan think what, why,? we are still in the middle of fighting, as Mr kurma said again,
shan please, can you just show me your back? as with very tension face Mr kurma asked,
OK, as shan take of his upper clothes and show him and as see shan back, Mr kurma completely went silent and not say anything and just staring shan back, as shan asked,
it is enough, right? as Mr kurma just staring his back and not saying anything,
as shan again asked,
it is enough or not, with loud voice,
Yes, sorry now you can back up your clothes,
as Mr kurma Seems very confusing and shocked then he asked shan,
shan, who is your, parents?
my parents? I don't know them, I even don't meet them, my uncle said that they die when I born,
OK then shan listen, whatever I am now going to say remember it carefully, as with very serious face Mr kumar,
OK, as shan answer,
how did you feel now?
now, I am feel very much better,
anything Normal,
no, it's not normal, it feel like I am enjoying every moment of my life and not also that it just... it just... feel amazing, as with not enough words to express his feelings shan said,
shan, this feelings which you are now feeling is the effect of that power, and the source of this power is.... Rio,
as shan see to rio,
Yes, Rio's divine mark is the source of this power and as with downing his face, Mr Kumar Said,
whenever divine mark active, it's user lifespan convert into power and give it to the one who is the owner of that divine mark,
it's mean now, Rio's lifespan... is converting into power... and coming.... to you... as with stopping in the sentence, Mr kurma said to shan,
as hearing it, shan shocked and as he see rio again and thinking flashback,
"how he use his power to fight itzatani god and said to him and also that shan knew that this power come from rio, as he know that also,
Every power charge it's price,"
and he scream and kneel down and tears come from his eyes,
as ground start to shake and all rock and debris are start to flying in sky, as big blast create and one who come from it is itzatani god,
it was really good punch, you nameless god,
but one think is for sure that, he is completely out of fight, as he point out to shan,
as shan crying and completely become unconscious on his knees...
Now only you and me, no one else interfering,
let's start rematch, as itzatani god said,
Yes, why not? it was our rematch already if you just don't send me to conscious universe, as Mr kumar said,
As I thought, you know more than necessary, I can't let you go alive from here,
as shan in tears and rio is still unconscious and itzatani god and Mr kumar are about to start fight again....
To Be Continued.
( sorry for late posting chapter I had fever,
from now I will try to post regularly so please show your support as always).