As a person alone walking in the deep on some light and as he walk, some people come beside him and start to walk with him, as he enter in the new light people's disappears and again he start to walk alone, as people again start to walk beside him and walk with him and as he enter in new light again he became alone,
as all happening and in one of them rio come and said,
why? why, you take my power and fighting because of you my life is fading, as Rio saying to shan and shan see and try to talk with him, but rio just not listen to him and just saying one thing,
why, shan, why you take my lifespan? as second by second sound become loudly and then shan cover his ears and rio just not stopping and then suddenly, shan enter in some blank space which is completely completely black and then someone come in front of him who is completely black and said,
it's OK this is not your fault, you don't even know that power is Rio's lifespan, so it's OK, as he convincing shan and then shan also think,
Yes, you are right, this is not my fault, it just happened I don't even know that, as shan saying this with confusing face and then he remember,
how he said to itzatani god that this power come from rio, as that time shan already know that something is not right, but he ignored it and try to fight itzatani god, as from shan's eyes tears start again and then that black person said,
it's OK, who knows, you know that, it's just a lie if you don't tell anyone, as he gasp in shan ear and shan also thinking same as like that black person then, he remember something,
in which someone said him,
you don't need to convince people,
you don't need to care about people,
you don't need to fight them,
you just do whatever you want and as doing it if you single time think what I am doing is wrong then stop and start to think, because one can solve anything by thinking, but not only thinking, as that person face is not seen to shan then he see black person and said,
it's OK, I am not going to convince anyone anymore, now it time to save Rio and beat that itzatani god...
as shan hug that black person and as that person becoming shan and disappear in air then shan wake up,
as shan open his eyes and see that all buildings around him is completely destroyed and Mr kumar is fighting itzatani god with Rio in his hand, as Mr kurma try to defend rio and itzatani god consecutive attack on him, as not even giving time to attack to Mr kumar, itzatani god loudly said in anger,
I said, this is the fight between you and me throw that burden and fight me with your full strength,
I can't do that, you know and try to provoke me,
whatever if you just don't want to die without doing anything then ok, but if you want to even try to live some minutes, then you better Throw that garbage...
don't tell him garbage, as in very speed Mr kurma attack on itzatani god, but because of rio in his hand, he can't move very fast, so itzatani god see him and stop him and try to attack on him, but then suddenly shan come and kick on itzatani god neck and as itzatani god not even move from that kick, he said so, you are alive,
what is this? Is this the supreme divine power user attack, don't make me laugh, as he take shan leg and throw him to ground, as shan crushed on ground and blood start to come from his neck, but then his light appearance become more light up and shan injuries heals, as shan feel heal up and get on his foot again and try to attack on him then Mr kumar come and give rio to shan and said,
shan go with rio from here, I will come later, as shan see rio unconscious face which is in very pain and said,
what happened to him?
he's health becoming more worst, you need to take him to doctor as fast as possible, go and I will hold him, as Mr kurma said as seeing itzatani god,
but I want to beat him also, as shan said, as he remember how itzatani god insult him and his friends,
no, I will fight him, as shan said,
no, you can't win against him like that, he is just on another league, he didn't even use his Godly power yet or his supreme authority, so you just can't win against him like this, go from here and take rio with you,
as shan see itzatani god who is about attack on Mr kumar and attack on him but Mr kurma able to dodge it and start to fight him, as see this shan think,
why? why,? I can't even defend rio and myself with using Rio's power, I think I can at least land one attack on him, but I can't even touch him, Mr kurma is right, I can't win like this against him, I need to at least make sure rio safety, as shan taking rio and running,
as shan feel how high rio burning, as he see rio face which is in very pain, and he think how he wants to fight itzatani god because of his personal insult,
why? I am so selfish, why? as he running more fast then,
Rio's eyes open sightly and see shan and said,
'Use Me My Lord',
as hear it shan stop and check his surroundings, as he don't see anyone then again he start to run, as again rio said,
Please, Use Me My Lord,
Please, my existence is only for you, My Lord, please, my lord please, as hearing it and see that, rio is saying to him directly in his mind,
hey, rio are you awake? hey rio, as he try to confirm is rio talk to him or not,?
then suddenly in shan mind one turtle come from nowhere and said,
In The Name Of Our Contract,
In The Name Of Our Loyalty,
We The Turtle God Clan Here By Request You To Use Us....
As that one turtle kneel down in front of shan then one by one some other turtle's come from nowhere and kneel down also,
as see them,
shan asked,
can you please save Rio? as with downing his face on ground, shan asked to turtle's, as see him, all turtle's become very uneasy and said,
Please, My Lord Don't Do That,
We can save him, so please just up your head, as shan up his head and see that in every turtle's eye tears come and in the front of turtle said,
You Are Really Our Lord,
as said this all turtle vanished and shan see that rio Wake Up...