Death's of God Weapon.

As shan see that rio Wake up, he hug rio and said, are you alright rio? as Rio see shan in tension and said, Yes, shan I am fine, what happened to me? nothing, you just became unconscious, as he said to rio, Mr kurma suddenly fall on side of shan and rio, as see it rio come near Mr kurma and asked,

grandpa, are you alright? grandpa! as Rio start crying and Mr kumar get up and said,

I am ok, are you fine? don't you feeling any pain? no grandpa, as Rio said, shan see that itzatani god sparking and his surroundings seem very dark, as shan asked Mr kurma,

what is that Mr kumar?

That Is The Supreme God Authority,

Last time, I lose because of this, I just can't overpower it, shan and rio, both of you run from here, as Mr kurma said to them,

no grandpa, I will not leave you here,

Yes, Mr kurma, this time I will also fight with you, as both reply,

no.... are you Idiot? he is a itzatani god of seven wonders, you can't even stand against him, you will just get in my way, so just go ahead,

as Mr kurma said this, go and attack on itzatani god,

as shan see their fight and think,

I am just burden here, as he face down and thinking,

then suddenly turtle's come and said,

Use US My Lord,

as see them shan think,

what? what are they saying?

using us? what the hell is this means?

as he thinking then one of the turtle come and said,

just feel us like your body part and use,

as shan hesitating and try to feel,

as he trying to feel by closing eye, but he can't feel anything special, as he try hard and more hard then he open his eye and see a blank space, and as he move forward, he see a spear on ground and as see it shan feel something which just burn his heart, as he hold his heart and see it and try to take it and slowly, slowly, move his hand towards it, then he take it, as he touch it, he see some flashback in which people are kneel down and a person who's heart is stab with spear, as he see that what stab that person is a spear which in his hand, and shan shout and try to throw that spear, but spear just can't get out of his hand and he try and try, then a turtle come and said,

Now Use US My Lord,

as saying this that spear one by one stab turtle who come in front of shan, as that spear stab Turtle's heart, Shan shout very loudly,


as he shouting that spear forcefully stab on turtle's heart one by one and finally all turtle's heart is stabbed and that spear is fully colour with turtle's red blood,

as that spear completely sparking with red light and then spear come in the hand of shan in reality then that spear see all directions, and see itzatani god and Mr kumar fight, and as that spear try to go there with shan, as shan don't have complete control over that spear, as spear flying towards them with shan,

as Mr kurma and itzatani god are fighting, but Mr kumar is completely on disadvantage,

as he see itzatani god and said,

shit, that authority, why supreme god need to give them? now I can't win, but I think I at least buy enough time for shan and rio to run,

as Mr kurma try to get up, he see shan who is flying towards itzatani god like a kit fly in sky, as he go there, Mr kurma and said,

what are you doing here, shan? and where is rio? and what is that? as shan can't control on spear, he said,

Mr kumar, I will hold itzatani god for some minutes, so just find ken and take rio with you to main entrance, I remember ken and Ben's plan, I try to find ken but I just can't find him, so please find him, as said this shan go towards itzatani god,

I will find him, but now I can't leave you as said this Mr kurma also follow him,

as itzatani god see shan coming towards him,

so you come on your own death, it's OK, I will kill you without any pain,

if you think I will say that, then you are in wrong impression, I will give you very pain full death that even you can't imagine how pain it can be, as he throw his supreme god authority energy Arrows to shan, as see it shan think shit, what the hell is this? I can't dodge, hey you spear, listen me dodge it or you will, as that spear just silently move forward and that arrows come near to shan,

spear counter them and destroyed them, as see it, itzatani god anger and said,

now, what the hell is that?

as itzatani god fly towards shan and shan going towards him as both come in the range of attack, that spear attack on itzatani god and

itzatani god try to counter it, but then he feel unknown energy which come from that spear, itzatani god decide to dodge it, and he dodge it or as he thought, but that spear already ready for next attack and attack on itzatani god and he can't dodge it this time, and that spear connect to his left hand and then itzatani god shout shit, what the fuck it is? as his that hand completely dry and he see that spear with very sharp and angry eye,

hey, you brat, what the hell is that?

that is not from this universe,

don't tell me.....

That is the Devil's weapon...

as itzatani god in shock and as see him from far away Mr kumar thought,

I don't know what happening there, but I think I can find ken now, as Mr kurma lay down his hand on ground and try to find ken and Rio seeing shan and itzatani god fight, he thinking,

I know, you can do that my lord, as thinking that,

what I am saying? said he to himself, as Rio can't even aware of turtle voice in his divine mark, as he see shan with very confident eyes,

As itzatani god is attacking on shan, but every attack is counter by spear, as he using big attack, but even that is countered, as shan see that spear is very powerful, but then he think,

how that spear stab turtle's heart one by one,

as thinking that shan said,

stop, you blood spear, stop, you.. you...

why you kill them? as spear just countering itzatani god attack, tell me why? why you kill them? as shan asking it? then suddenly a picture come in his mind in which someone says,

you need to have blood for your power,

you need to have crazy ness for your power,

you need to have a will which do anything to get power?

as that person talk and then a turtle come and said,

My lord, you use it, this is our life, blood and our hope for you,

Please Use IT...

as that turtle go and shan thinking, as spear just countering itzatani god attacks, as shan in thinking and he see that how that turtle said to him to use him mean to use this spear,

as thinking that shan hold spear with his both hand and shout, as he shouting that spear also shout and itzatani god see them and think,

what the hell is that?

that's not normal devil's weapon,

That is the One of the Death's of God Weapons....