As Shan holding itzatani god head with his left hand only and shan's eye are completely black as he is unconscious and as itzatani god struggling to let get out of shan's hand but shan just holding itzatani god very tightly and then as itzatani god see his face and said in very confusion and shocked, how can you be here?
as hear it, shan throw itzatani god very far away and go towards him, as itzatani god crash on some debris and get up,
how can he be here?
it's not possible, as itzatani god saying something to himself suddenly at very fast speed shan come and punch on itzatani god stomach, as itzatani god can't see or sense him and as punch connect to him, his whole body become numb and all power from his body go away, as he falling on ground but shan hold him from falling, and as throw him to sky and go towards him again, and as itzatani god thinking,
shit, I can't let that brat beat me, but I can't even face his single attack then how can I fight him? as shan again come and kick on itzatani god back side and force him to fall on ground at very fast, as itzatani god again crash on some debris on ground as come out of it and said,
ohhh shittttt, from now I also don't know what will happen, so please forgive me, my lord
as itzatani god said with very tension and frustration,
shan come to ground where itzatani god is standing, but as he see that itzatani god is chanting something and as shan go near him and itzatani god still chanting and as shan is unconscious and can't control his body and itzatani god completes his chanting as he come in front of shan's and said,
Now even you can't defeated me,
as itzatani god Changing himself and he is transforms into a dark serpent which is seem like very dangerous and have two big fang at his mouth and he is three times bigger then his previous form and as shan see him and attack on him, but itzatani god just swing his tail and as that tail attack on shan, and shan try to block it, but it's power is overwhelming,
as shan is fly away on left side of execution room by that attack, and itzatani god fly towards to him and bite on shan's neck and inject something from fang to shan's body, as that is goes in shan's whole body and shan start to shout,
ugrrr... aurggg... augrrrr...
as shan's body colour start to change in purple, as it was poison and itzatani god as serpent see him and thought, even you can't able to avoid my poison power,
now, It will kill you for ever, so no one can see you again, I think I did some special deeds in my previous life, so I can fight you, but that's all for now, after that no one will know that you was alive,
as said this itzatani god see, shan is struggling because of poison and in very pain and as he come near to shan and see his face and said,
now this time, I will kill you for sure and gain that power which caused,
"God's Universal War",
as shan in pain struggling and suddenly, he catch itzatani god,
hey, what are you doing? do you think my poison will work on me, as itzatani god said and try to throw shan, but as shan just don't let itzatani god out of his hold, as he just suddenly shout and itzatani god see him and said,
it's useless to struggle now, no matter what you will die, as itzatani god said and try to let shan free him, but shan is holding him very fit, as suddenly a noise of something very fastly come and as itzatani god see towards the direction of that noise, he see something is coming at very fast speed, and as slowly, slowly, it comes in sight of vision of itzatani god and he see clearly, that is the shan's spear which was trying to kill him, as he saw it coming at very fast speed towards him, itzatani god think,
hey you, do you thinking to stab that spear on you with me and sacrifice yourselves,?
you bloodyshit, as itzatani god start to struggle very much, but shan is still holding him and spear comes in the range of itzatani god and as he try to struggle and shan is still in unconscious and then suddenly itzatani god chants something and comes in his normal form, as he change, shan's grip which is holding him, because lose and he get out of shan's hand and he jump to front of shan try to go away from shan and but as shan see that already and make his spear go to directly in front him, as that spear first stab shan as in camouflage of shan's body, spear stab in itzatani god also and as it stab in itzatani god he shout,
noooo, you bloodyshit brat, as that spear is death's of god's weapon, which can directly kill any god at it first attack, and as itzatani god is in pain and shan is still in unconscious, in his mind, he see that, he was stabbed and is going to die,
so that's all life for me, as he smile and thinking,
I think it's okay, after all I defeated that itzatani god, who is one of the seven wonders god,
that is really impossible to do that and I did that, it is really a nice achievements to gain before dead, as he smiling and saying,
but... but... but,
I want to become supreme ruler of this universe, I want to it make happen at any cost, but why I need to die so early, I still need to make my world more beautiful and amazing, why? why it need to happened now?
shittttt, as in many tears and water coming from his nose, shan is crying from his heart and then he sense that his heart stopping and his conscious also going away and in the execution room, he try to walk, as his spear still stab on his body and make his spear come out of itzatani god and as he walking,
itzatani god eye is completely white which is indicated his death, as slowly, slowly, shan is walking towards the direction of Third Wall Check direction and then he fall on ground, and from his wound where spear is stabbed, blood is flowing and as his unconscious eye become black eye is slowly, slowly, shut down and then his heart completely stop to beat,
On the torture devil's weapon,
as all are hang on that big blade on the Jenny idea, and all are struggling to just hold on it, suddenly, Rio feel something and as he feel it,
he shout very loudly and his grip which was holding to torture devil's weapon lose and he fly away, as see him Mr kumar jump and catch rio and said,
are you ok? rio, as Mr kurma asked,
but rio said nothing and Mr kumar try to see Rio's face and as he see his face,
he see that from Rio's eye, many tears are falling and Mr kumar asked,
what happened?
why are you crying Rio?
gra..grann..grandpa, I can't feel...
what are you saying? as in very shocked Mr kurma said,