Why You Need To Die.

I can't feel shan...

I mean, I don't know why but it just feeling very hurting in my heart and that is related to shan, I can tell it,

but how, I just can't explain? as in confusion and intension rio said, as see him Mr kumar hug him and said,

don't worry, nothing will happen to shan, as both are on torture devil's weapon which have big blade, as all are on that blade and then Jenny said something from a communication device which ken have, as he said,

now guys after that blade touch entrance of Third Wall Check and try to swing again in opposite directions, in that moment you all need to jump on that entrance gate, I already secure a route to get out of there directly to main entrance gate of castle pyramid prison, so once you able to land on Third Wall check, it will be fix to escape from here without any problem,

as all see each other and ben said,

what are you saying Jenny,? there are kid also, how can we do something so risk,?

sorry, but I can't find any route beside it, because I didn't even predicted, they have this type of weapons, I try but that is only way which can take you to entrance of Third Wall Check,

We can't go by ground, as that big blade will instantly injured all of you in one swing,

I know, it is very dangerous, but you need to do it to get of out here,

as Jenny request, all to jump on Third Wall Check from that big blade while it is swinging, as Mr kurma said,

don't worry, I will not let even one of us fall from here, so let's do that, as ben and ken see each other and ben said,

OK, as ben hold rena and Mr kumar rio and ken hold that communication tightly, and as all waiting for entrance of Third Wall Check to come,

In the basement of Third Wall check,

as all guard are working on monitor to operate whole Third Wall Check, as sub jail master come to jail master and said,

sir, we have completely arrested all prisoners and now just need to find that god prisoner who was get here by itzatani god, as one of the guard come and said something to jail master,

and as hear it, jail master shocked and shout very loudly,


as sub jail master asked,

what happened, sir?

as Jail master just can't saying anything because of shocked and as he come in sense, he go to back side of room, where a person seating on chair in the black side of room and as he go near him and suddenly jail master hold his neck and take him up in air, as he is a small person in height, and he start struggling and suffocating, As in jail master eye anger is flowing, as he see him with very furious eye and in that fear that small person said, what happened? why are you doing this?

as jail master throw him on that seat and said,

you said that, no one will able to escape or hide from your devil's weapon, then how can they are on that weapon like that is a ride of rollers coaster,

as that small person in confused said,

what are you saying,? that is impossible that blade speed in very fast, that if even any god try to seat and stand on it, that can easily throw him far away,

then how can it happening?

as jail master take that small person in front of monitor, as he see how some people are riding on his weapon, as their face are not clearly visible because of speed of that torture devil's weapon, as he seeing them and said,

what the hell are they doing? and how?

as in confusion he said,

I don't know, how they are able to ride on it, because that will instantly throw you the moment you try to stand on it,

but they all are seating on it as jail master in anger said,

and then as small person said to guard to zoom in monitor video,

as he see that, how all are seat on that while it swinging at very high speed,

I think, they have something which helps them to hold on my weapo,n but what it can be? as he thinking and jail master see him and said,

I don't know how they do that, but if they able to get out of that weapon back, then I will kill you really, so now try to think how can you make them fall from it?

as jail master said to him and go to sub jail master and said,

go and take as many as guards possible and guard entrance of Third Wall Check, because I just don't want to give them even small chances of escaping from here,

as in anger jail master explain him and go to in front of monitor again and start to see them,

on the shan's planet,

as all are enjoying party in town, as one of them, which is ichiga come, who is shan's First creation and maintaining shan's planet on behalf of shan, as she come out of party area, in tension and go some open space and start to see sky, as she hold her heart and asked,

are you alright, My ruler, right? as from her eye tears come and she asked to herself,

uh huh, what is this? why I am crying? nothing happens to my ruler, I am really just a idiot, who think My Ruler will di...d... di...,

as she force herself to not say completely and cry even though, she knew something happens to her ruler, she can feel it after all she is his creation, but she just can't accept it, as she continued to see sky,

On the execution room,

as whole room is in crumble of debris and silent air is flowing in sky, as dust smoke is flying in surrounding and some debris is slowly, slowly, flying by air and as it flying,

it goes on top of someone body, as it is shan, who is fall on ground and all of his body is completely injured and as air just suddenly start to flow more fast and in that moment, someone come suddenly in blink of eye, and as his face is not visible, he is seeing shan and shout in anger said,

Why You Need To Die!!!!!