chapter 6

(Evelyn pov)

I watch her leave me standing there, she won't even spare me a glance and when I hear her fetch me a wagon my heart sank in my stomach. I fall down on my knees I cry for her to stop, to come back, be angry with me or hit me, just don't act like I don't exist.

I hear someone walking over while I layed on the grass hugging my knees to my chest, I quickly look up to see her maid Issy looking at me with sad eyes.

" come miss Lillian has locked herself away, no one will be able to see her today and shes just mad let her calm down" Issy said as she helped me up, we both walk to Lillians room where Issy leaves me to fetch a wagon.

I look at the ring on my finger and try to pull it off, but it will not budge I seen images start a hologram of the both of us together. I dont know what to do about this situation, I'll figure a way out of it. I don't want to lose her, I love her to much to let that happen and I know she is a very jealous person.

I pull on my pants keeping her t- shirt on then find Issy waiting for me with a small sad smile and walks me to my wagon. I hesitate to get in and look back at her castle, even right now she wont spare me a glance.

" Issy please tell her that I'll fix everything and I'll give her a few days to calm down" I said then entered the wagon, I see her father come out while we were leaving and he reentered the castle.

" Ma'am please I know what you both will have to do and it's for a good reason, you're her first mate and also... well here read this and know that our fate is layed out for us, you also know that you two will help all of the races being selfless and also end up together again after." Issy said with a smile on her face handing Evelyn the information she wrote down so she could help both of them.

Its been a week since I've heard from Lillian, I go over to her house and her father sent her away to the Celestial kingdom to help king Rickard with some arrangements.

I hate the idea of her being there and I now fully understand how she felt, I've spoke to my father about the deal Lillians father told me about to save our kingdom. My mother could of got help from any of our allies and my fiance is soon to be the demon Queen one of the two strongest kingdoms around.

I was on my way to Lillians castle when I noticed all the staff acting sad and erratic, I look for Issy everywhere. I finally see her sitting in the hallway with her head against the wall and her eyes shut with wet cheeks.

"Issy what's wrong why is everyone here off their rocker, I see troops lining up in different formations and you are sitting in the floor" I said then offer her a hand to pull her up from the floor.

I see her hesitant to tell me anything, I can understand why she is and it doesn't help to relieve this nagging feeling that hell is about to break loose.

Issy directs me to go into the war room that had generals looking and marking a map, I go closer to see which part they are focusing on and I see it's the celestial kingdom. I felt light headed for a minute, where is Lillian, what is going on.

A loud bang quickly made the room quite and I see the demon king with a sad and angry look I've never seen before.

He looks over at me and his eyes softened for a few seconds, but quickly became cold as ice once again. I keep watching the door behind him waiting for Lillian to walk through she was suppose to return today, I suddenly felt nauseous and my mind thinking the worst of things.

I hear someone approach the door by the way of their armor clinking against the floor with every step. A beautiful blonde hair, sky blue eyes with somewhat tan skin enters the room. The Demon kings generals were scared to even make eye contact with the woman, she has a pair of white feathered wings with parts of the wings having red and black tips throughout them.

" Una I'm so glad you're able to make it in time, any news of my daughter and your father" Aliander said I see Una scan the room and nods her head at the king, he suddenly stood up.

" everyone leave except Evelyn,Issy and Wulu" the king said and all of them file out of the room, I feel the womans cold stare on me.

" ok Una a formation has been put on this room, You already know Wulu along with Issy and this is Evelyn. Please go ahead with what information you need to tell me" Aliander said as he takes his seat, glancing over a wrinkled letter that I can see a sentence of.

( Aliander your daughter has agreed to what I've asked, a rough draft has been drawn and will correct it later with Unas name instead of the next ruler. We will see you next week I hope everything goes to plan for our daughters to lead what is soon to be a powerhouse of a kingdom) I felt my heartbeat speed up and tears pricked my eyes, she-she agreed to marry the next ruler and the word on the street is that Maximus will be the one.

A soft, feminine, powerful voice breaks me out of my stupor and we all look at the mighty General as she speaks with authority.

" King Aliander my personal army has split into two halves one has your daughter, the others have my father. We have to find a antidote to this poison, I have no proof on my brother and we all know that he is responsible for this. My father has Been secretly building this army of all races, they've taken an oath to heaven so we dont have to worry about any betrayal.

He has over 100,000 soldiers so far minus the 1200 I'll keep to help with our plan and the 100,000 will join your kingdom bringing your troops up to 550,000 correct" Una said as she pulled out two maps handing them over to my father and also puts 20 large bags of something on the table. Aliander opens the bag in front of him, he pulls out a few spacial rings.

" Una what are these for" he asked her as he layed the rings in his hand down on the table.

Una gives him a smile then hands him over a letter from her father.

" the rings have armor, weapons, artifacts, formations, runes and a lot of gold to keep all of your army And new recruits a chance to be stronger than our army. I'll be the one who will lead the kingdoms men into battle so I'll recruit who I can for our personal army, building it back up from the inside and send the villagers your way and I will also stiffen money over to you" Una said and the king nods his head Yes as he stares at the letter.

" Aliander will save him and I know right now the war will be long, but from what the alchemist said after a hundred years that flower will bloom for the antidote" Una said

I quickly stand up looking Una in her cold eyes.

" Where is Lillian and why can't we go to her" I said while staring her in her eyes trying to show dominance over her and I dont know why. I realize what I've done when I see a smirk on her face, she steps closer to me and I give the king pleading eyes to help me.

" well little fox my soon to be wife is being carefully transported here while also picking up some things for her father in law and both will be here in a few weeks if everything goes to plan " Una said as she walks back over to the door, before exiting she looks at me once more.

" I admit I've never met Lillian and it'll be years until I do, but after all these trials we will go through i don't plan on giving her up" Una said then exited the room, Issy came back in the open doors with a tray of fruit and wine.

" ahh she is perfect isn't she" Issy said then glances at me when a dark aura filled the room and she bows slowly while she quickly exits.

I don't know what to do so I stay in Lillians bedroom even though Issy said it'll be a while before she can return. I take a walk in the garden, I hear laughter coming from Issy and a woman with purple hair and stunning pink eyes.

Issy turns around waving me over to them, I get closer then notice the womans pink eyes has blue spots throughout them.

(" very beautiful woman ")

" Evelyn this is my younger sister Carra, and Carra this is Evelyn" Issy said as she pulls both of us toward a table with a tray of fruit, cheeses and sandwiches.

" Evelyn you have to eat with us, Carra will be leaving soon to get some Alchemy ingredients for the king" Issy said then bites into her sandwich, Carra giggles at her older sister.

" Yes actually I'm leaving in about an hour with a small vanguard" Carra said while stretching her wings out.

Issy was about to say something when a guard walks up to us then bows, handing a folded paper to Carra then she stands up hugging us both then leaves with the guard.

" does this have something to do with king Rickard Issy" I ask while I eat a few slices of fruit, then take a drink of wine.

Issy looks around to make sure we are alone and casts a concealment formation around us.

" it's to dangerous to talk out in the open about this, we could put Lillian and the king Rickard in danger so try never to talk about it with someone. My sister is meeting a group out east to start collecting ingredients for the antidote, then lotus flower wont bloom for 60 to a 100 years from now and Carra said alot of ingredients are in season right now thats why its better to be vigilante." Issy said while looking around our surrounding, I need to know about Lillian though.

" Issy why hasn't Lillian returned, why did she agree to that marriage and now look what happened" I said angrily while Issy sighed loudly.

" look Evelyn she was hurt and then all of this happened, if she doesn't help Una a full on war will start. Maximus has already made a pact with humans, all the races will be in trouble and you know it'll be a complete genocide of many races" Issy said.

I can understand why now and I guess why she agreed after that day. I want to be able to help her and as soon as mother finds out, I bet she'll push the marriage even harder now.

I walk out to get into a carriage to go back home to spend time with my familiars, I also want to get more since a war is going to happen. Aliander has given me a large number of those spacial rings, I'll buy beasts that we can use and train them for war.

I meet with my best friend Wei getting him on board to start hiring anyone who wants to join our army and have Wei help with their training and training the familiars of high level. I have to protect us and Lillian, I can't just wait around and something bad happens.