chapter 7

Evelyn walks into a large open area that has cages from the size of her fist to the four story building, I look around seeing batches of middle and high level beast that would be good especially the packs that have a Alpha in them are easier to control.

I get close to a Solid black beast that was similar to a lion but stood 12 meters high, it was watching me the whole time I walked around. The red eyes reminded me of Lillian, I walk over to read the jade slip on the cage.

(' hmm teleportation, tracking, loyal and its breed is a class 3 that can produce a black clouds to coverage 30 to 80 meters and can produce lightning in the clouds to hurt its prey or send it to them without the clouds')

Wei walks over then smiles when he sees the beast in front of him, he quickly tried to grab the jade and I grab it before him.

" I'm actually getting him for Lillian" Evelyn said as she stared at the beast, Wei nodded and walked over to look at the packs of ice wolves, war beasts and rock Lizards that was large beasts that ranged in different heights and weight.

Wei bought up all the familiars even the small ones to use for spying and espionage against our enemies.

" you know it's to bad they only had one tukawa here, they are excellent in keeping people safe and once a contract is done they'll mourn themselves to death if their master dies and usually they are hard to find.

He must be very young and he is a great pick for Lillian" Wei said as he seen a man that kept looking at him. The man was young, very good looking, you could say beautiful and handsome with a well proportioned body not to small and not to bulky.

" Evelyn is he staring at me or you" Wei said with the tip of his ears turning red while trying to not look to obvious stealing glances at the man. Evelyn couldn't help but roll her eyes and the closer they get to him, the more erratic Wei becomes.

Wei is a very good looking guy with sharp angular features that resembled a Greek god, and a rough masculine aura surrounding his body that would cause both sexes swoon over him.

" Wei he's looking at you, act right and stop being a fool" Evelyn said as they are a few feet away from the man who is acting erratic like Wei.

(' yah!!! these two are perfect for each other')

Then with out warning the man quickly walks up to Wei kissing him on the cheek and gives him a red lotus flower that is earth rank treasure.

" my name is Mao I-I guess you are my m-mate" Mao stuttered out with a blush on his face, Wei couldn't help but to blush and pulls a vile out of his spacial ring of fire dragon blood to give to Mao.

" ok how about you have Mao help you with the shopping list and I'll finish up here. It's been a long day and I want t go to bed since I have to get up early. We need to start gathering as many of these familiars as we can then train them with soldiers" Evelyn said bowing at Main with a wide smile while she asked him if he was interested in a job, she had Wei fill him in on what they was aloud to tell until he could be fully trusted.