Chapter 11

They are resting in between a few large boulders when she noticed one of her group looking sick, so she walks over placing her hand on his forehand.

" Hey tell me how you feel right now" Lillian said while glancing over at Mal and the others, The mans eyes barely open lookin00g hazed over even cloudy looking.

" M-MOMMY (Sniffing ad sobbing sounds) I'm run to long shoot shield laugh hope" he started saying incoherent words.

Kae runs over pulling Lillian away from the man and using a flame on her hand taking it closely to Lillian all over her body, Rae uses a water spell on everyones hair Kae finishes with Lillian and the twin nikos take flames over everyone, getting help from theones they cleaned from the parasites...Yes parasites.

Mal tries to go back to the man from her squad and Rae grabs her, shaking her head no and looks at Lillian.

" on and inside his body are probably thousands of larvae, the babies eat the brain while the parent latches into his upper spine. How he is talking already tells me its to late" Rae said while making the group back away from him while Kae makes a large circle of fire around him. Lillian makes the group March ahead to put space between this place to do full body checks, Lillian sighed as she takes her bow out whispering a magma fire spell on the arrow.

" I'm so sorry that this has happened to you" Lillian said looking at the man who was now in a semi vegetative state and hits him in the head with the arrow, magma ad fire quickly covers his body. Lillian heard a loud screech followed by smaller ones and hundreds of popping noise, she makes her way to the rest of the group.

"Lillian undress so we can check you" Kae said while receiving death glares from Rae and Mal keeps checking Raes body trying to keep her standing still while she does the water and fire spell on her.

Lillian takes her armor off while Kae searches her body inattentivly for the parasite or any bite marks, when Lillian tried to put her armor back on Kae stops her handing a pair of robes.

" put your armor up after we use fire to cleanse it, the robes have properties to keep things like that away from you and I need you to check my body even for bites"Kae said while undressing in front of Lillian, she couldn't help but blush under Lillians intense stare and how she throbbed while Lillians attention is on her.

(' Rae won't be happy if I tell her and I know Lillian feels it as well') Kae thought as she shudders when Lillian drags her finger down her back earning a small moan from Kae. Lillian checkedhertwice then cleansed hrbody with fire and water, the twins give everyone a small black pill that will kill the thing before anything happens like the poor man suffered.

" one thing I dont understand is how mature they were which takes 8 to 12 hours at the least, we couldn't have picked it up here or traveling here the time frame doesn't make sense to me" Rae said while they continue up the mountain, Lillian has kae and Rae on each side of her. Carra keeps stealing glances of Lillian and couldn't help but smile as she looked at her, they travel up for about six hours.

" While we take a break I'm going to look around for more herbs" Carra said while walking over toward patches of vegetation, Lillian walks up to her grabbing her hand and a floral scent fills her senses.

" the girls might be on to something no one is to be alone we will stay in pairs no one is to be alone, twins will stay grouped with mal now the est pick a partner" Lillian said then pulls Carra with her toward the vegetation, Carra couldn't get the smile to leave her face or the warmth on her hand.

" so what kind of stories has your crazy sister tell you" Lillian said while she held onto Carras hand, Carras smile goes wider and the tips of Lillians ears turned red.

" well how funny, sweet and hard at times" Carra said while Lillian tilted her in confusion and her mind was straight in the gutter, thinking back about Evelyn and her session that one night.

" she told you a-about that" Lillian hissed and Carra laughed at her while using her fingers to tickle Lillians palm so she can pick some herbs while they talk.

"well yes shesaid you can be soft and then hard, but you care so much for people around you and that when your being hard tha yes your rough but loving" Carra said while letting go of Carras hand after she tickled her, Lillian was definitely going to abuse Issy andcould more than likely kill her.

[ Issy starts sneezing like crazy while putting up Lillians clothes. " I'm seriously going to need to dust in here more" Issy said]

Carra looked at Lillians angry face with confusion as to why she'd be angry with Issy, while finding a bunch of useful medical herbs.

" question Carra you will remain with me for now on right" Lillian said while taking Carras hand into hers again, while stepping close to Carra.

" I think that's a given considering everything now" Carra said while her eyes darted from Lillians eyes and lips while licking her own, trying to show restraint on kissing her.

" I definitely want you to get to know me more and after what your sister said to you I'm a little embarrassed about it" Lillian said then Mal called out to them saying it's time to move. Lillian exhales as they return to the group, walking beside Carra making a climb for a few more hours then make camp for the night.