Chapter 12

Evelyn was traveling to a kingdom south of hers, to visit a aquatica to talk to the Queen there and King Alandre sent her to talk about the impending doom of all races. Evelyn boarded the ship with Issy accompanying her while troops that the king Has sent to help Queen Asandra to help snuff out th corruption in her kingdom right now they will board two other ships with supplies.

Evelyn knows that a vastly large area under the ocean is full of houses and that the Castle is half on land also half in the ocean, they can change from having legs to fins.

The mermaid race was already having problems with humans attacking and putting her kind into slavery, she has decided since she is now Queen to help her people Asandra was only Nineteen years old and her uncle was ruling the kingdom. When she found out that he was selling off the common people to humans, her wrath did not care of the blood they shared especially when she found the elderly was slaughtered for their body parts and the women no matter how young was sold for sex slaves.

Her aunt was repulsed by what her husband done to her people, even opting for the punishment before death of having him skinned while being kept alive.

" Thea I'm your husband and Asandra I am your uncle, you both will release me now I-I can forgive you" Tenner said

Asandra laughed coldly at him which made his face pale, Thea even chuckled walking up to him, she knows that he also caused deaths to the people they both loved even his own blood for power and money.

" Tenner you always made me think that it was me the reason we couldn't have children, but all of your dirty secrets have come to light. You made my niece sick to cover her throne, you also was planning to have her murdered. You gave me a medicine that made me infertile, you degenerate Bastard. I'm sure after we go through all your personal belongings and the people who work for you are singing like canaries right now ". Thea said while standing in the dungeon and turns her head looking out of the window seeing a ship approaching their port.

" Asandra we will return in a little while, please Doctor continue your work and take smaller strips from him, we want the pain to last a while before he's put to death. Right doctor." Thea said while exiting the room with Asandra making their way to the carriage outside.

Then they made their way to the port to meet the Advisors that The Demon King sent, Asandra is hoping that his daughter Lillian will come, she seen pictures of her and even managed to obtain one that she keeps in her locket. A thought of her brother and how she's happy he is finally coming home to help with this mess and she has to talk to the Advisors about rescuing some of her people who is 30 miles east on the mainland, even though her brother is a powerful mage now it'll be to late.

Asandras brother is still away at a mage academy that her uncle sent him to learn magic since they both have high magical conduits, he will be arriving home in a few days to help with the kingdom and has friends who are going to come help as well, to build up the army since alot of villags in the mainland of beastborn, elves and fairies.

The boys will bring the villages from where they use to live and they'll live on the island to help keep it safe and to insure their safety. Asandra was happy to help others, but a oath will be done since she doesn't want wht happened already to happen again. They made their way to the pier and had to push all of those thoughts to the back of her mind for now.

A large barrier lifts to allow the ships through, when she sees a group of people waiting at the pier and two beautiful women standing among the guards, she kept her eyes on the ocean watching all the mer people swimming under the boat and looking up at them, even younger children was waving at them.

Asandra has coral colored hair and reddish orange colored eyes while Thea had green and blue colors running through her hair and the same with the colors for her eyes.

Evelyn exits the ship with Issy holding onto her shirt then they both bow to Queen Asandra, when all the women greeted each other, Issy was looking around at the entrance.

" no need to be formal just call me Asandra and she is my Aunt Thea, what is your names" Asandra said while shaking both girls hands and motions for them to follow her into the village.

" I'm Evelyn and this is Issy, say hi Issy" Evelyn said pushing Issy forward then smirking at how shy the brat is acting right now.

" hi um so your her aunt, but you look young enough to be her sister" Issy said earning a head slap from Evelyn, Issy rubs her head mumbling something under her breath at Evelyn. The two women can't help but smile at the girls, then they make their way to get inside a carriage to go the rest of the way to the castle.

" well I am only a few years older than Asandra and my parent's have children that are younger as well" Thea said with a small smile playing on her lips.

The girls look out the carriage window at the large castle that is a blue color with green colored designs passing through the blue. Different colored and sizes of starfish are placed on the walls with paintings of ocean creatures as well.

They enter the castle and make their way to a room Asandra prepared for meetings, Evelyn puts up a concealment formation to be able to talk about preparations and have a back up plan for her people in case things go wrong.

" well the king has prepared an island hundreds of miles north west with provisions, we will set up Teleportation arrays for emergencies only so no one will find them or where the island is located" Evelyn said then hands a few medium bags of spacial rings to Asandra then hands her two white jades with Ruby's on it to Asandra. Thea takes one scrolling through it to see what all is in there, then tries to give it back to Asandra.

" one's for each of you, these others has weapons, armor, food,gold, clothing, food an other supplies for your kingdom." Evelyn said

Asandra gave Evelyn a hug and thanked her and the king for all the help.... I need a favor from you though Evelyn and of course I'll be there" Asandra said then Thea is the one who says the next thing.

" My husband is the one who has made the kingdom the place it is now and a lot of the young ones are being sold into slavery, I will go to get them with or without help" Thea said

Asandra stepped closer to her and wrapped her arms around Thea, Evelyn stared at a map she pulled out and laying it on the table.

" if we do this we save all of the slaves, but they'll need place to live and well you need troops" Evelyn said then pulls out another black diamond spacial ring then hands it to Asandra.

" these copies of all the spell books and treasures to help their people learn to become more powerful in cultivation, oh we will make sure everyone does an oath to not betray us as well" Issy said as if reading the women's mind and looks over at Asandra marking the map where a slave camp is located at.

" We will leave tonight taking 20 of the highly trained men the king sent the rest Asandra you'll tell them what to do and we have teachers to teach everyone that of war. Thea and Issy will go through all the spacial rings loading the empties you have with a set of items for each soldier. The gold will go in the vault besides the 3 gold to each soldiers ring, also to personel, they'll be trained to defend themselves receiving these rings one per soldier " Evelyn said while putting the map in her ring then was about to drop the formation but Thea stopped her quickly and shakes her head no to Evelyn.

" I have to make things right by helping them" Thea said

Evelyn sighed loudly then looked at Thea and over at the other two, while Issy gave her a thumbs up. Evelyn wanted to smack her in the back of the head and I guess Asandra could tell. Then Asandra smacks her in the back of the head and Issy looked at her with her mouth opening and closing like a gold fish. we all laugh and I nod my head in agreement with Thea.

Evelyn loved the bond she has with the two mermaids, she could feel already that she cares for them.