chapter 24

Lillian and the small group of men finally got some of the wolves 50 lightning, 40 metal, 30 earth and tree, 23 ice, 34 fire wolves to take back with them. She also retrieved 50 dark ones along with sixty light ones that was pure white and gold, while the dark ones had black fur with the dark purple.

" I think it is time to get rid of the tail we have and to get these transportation arrays up to send the animals through" Lillian said then nods at Phelps who points in three directions for the men to go on their bats. Lillian is left by herself waiting for the people who are hiding in the shadows to step out, she starts to lose her patience throwing orbs of light into the five shadows that are occupied with assassins.

A dagger is thrown at Lillians head by the first man who is thrown from the shadow, Phelps arrow finds the mans eye socket killing him instantly. Two more men come dashing out with their weapons ready to attack, Lillian parries both men's attacks cutting one across the stomach and the others back.

The other two fall back into the shadows, bouncing from one to another. They shrow ice shards from two separate spots aiming at Lillian, Phelps uses a spacial spell diverting them back to one of them piercing through the assassins chest. The last man appears behind Lillian and she expected him to act rash after his partners died, she stabbed backwards with her sword catching the man through his throat.

" Phelps have you set up the transformation array up and sent the rest of the men back to Mal right" Lilian said while Phelps bows down to her, she doesn't want him doing it in front of the others.

" I'll transfer all the wolves and lizards to you to take back to the Kingdom, but I want half taken to Queen Asandras kingdom with this letter to my father" Lillian said handing Phelps the letter, I'll send Carra with the phoenixes and centipedes. I have over half the Bats flying to my Kingdom while the rest are heading to the mer Kingdom.

" Asandra with a note from me and a contract that will bind the bats to whoever she deems fit" Lillian said as she stretches out her wings, then jumps in the air flying off to where she left the girls.

Mal watches Carra go from cave to cave collecting all of the different colored moss but making sure only to take parts of each so they can grow more at the Demon Kingdom where the Phoenixes are going along with miss she'll grow at the mer Kingdom for the ones they'll receive also.

Mal spots 3 out of 6 people back from the Lillians group, carra and the twins run out thinking Lillian returned. Their faces immediately frown when they dont see Lillian, they all turn to look at Mal and sweat started to collect on her brow from their glares. The other men that was there with Mal acted like they had something to do and disappeared quickly.

The three men land near Mal and feel a ominous feeling coming from the three women standing there with death glares aimed at them.

" where is Lillian and Phelp" Mal said grabbing a tiger kin by his collar, Mal hears the birds singing a tune while dancing in the air and sees Lillian flying toward them. The atmosphere changes quickly and the rest sigh in relief that she has returned, when her women run over to where Lillian landed.

" we were so worried" the three women said at the same time then looked at each other with shy smiles, Lillian pulled the three into a hug kissing them each on the lips.