Chapter 25 the bats arrive

Asandra was working on some paperwork for the supplies when one of her guards enters her room.

" Queen I need you to come to the garden" the guard said while rushing back out with Asandra behind him. When they get outside she sees over a hundred humanoid bats sitting around the garden, while one large one walks toward her holding a letter in its mouth.

Asandra gently takes the letter from the bat and sees Lillian's seal, she quickly breaks it open then reads the Letter.

( Asandra I'm sending you familars to help with the war, supply only theones who have high enough cultivation and that are trust worthy. Carra informed me that my brain dead servant is there with you make sure to contract four to her and the others of high rank status that my father sent. I've also picked out the ones that I want for you, Issy, her friend, and your aunt. I will see you in a day or two to bring more for this battle, I promise to be there in your time of need. )

Love Lillian

Asandra smiled widely while jumping around while the guards and bats tilt their heads to the side watching the beautiful Queen finally acting like the teen she is. The four bats stepped closer to Asandra and she formed a contract with the four, one to the guard who is always with her.

" go get Issy, Thea, alana and Evelyn and bring them here" Asandra said while patting her bats heads, talking baby talk to them and she says making a list in her head about who to place bats with. The generals and captains that came with Evelyn will get four like the girls will, since the others signed a life an death contract she'll place two bats with each of them as well for protection.

Issy ran towards Asandra and the bats started beating her with their wings, Asandra couldn't help but laugh at the silly girl pouting at them.

" d-did Lillian send them" Issy said while looking aggrieved at the situation with the bats, Evelyn heard Lillians name being mentioned and clutched her hand over her chest. Asandra giggled. She then does the blood contract with all four girls and giving four bats of high levels to them.

Thea was watching Evelyn's demeanor change after Lillians name was mentioned and she could tell Evelyn has some type of feelings toward Lillian.

" we've not had any sickness or rats spotted, we've got beast kin at the docks so they'll catch any scents from packages or humans" Evelyn said then excuses herself to her bedroom.