Chapter 46 Tree folk of the willow

Faustus and his brethren was saved by a druid, not only the Tree folk of the willow, but the other tree folk as well as imps, gnomes, sprites. This place was their safe haven, their own little world away from harm and death, he has watched thousands enter this place. He always felt bad when this place ould devour them, but for some reason he would not let them harm her.

He watched the little demon sitting on his branch swaying back and forth from falling asleep and finally, she leaned back, he caught her with his leaves to cushion her back.

Then slowly cradles her inside his branches while walking to the man that the girl was looking for, he was still alive.

" why do you protect her brother" A imp surfaced beside him, scurrying up his trunk then sitting on his branch.

" "SHHEE ISSS NOOOOT LIKKKKE THEEE OTHERSSSS" Faustus said while walking to his destination, the druid still followed behind them and the Imp looked at the druid, then stared at the ground.

" brother she kills them all to keep us safe, I'm surprised she hasn't killed them both yet" The Imp said jumping off he branch then flying beside Faustus.

" someone's faint scent caught her attention I did hear that part, she figured they'd look for him. I watched her stare at the tunnel earlier and the same scent flooded in here, I mean we all have mates, but could this woman actually love someone. I've seen her fuck some and then feed them to her plants" The Imp said then dozens of seeds hit him all over his body from a nearby flower that started to spit more, the imp flew behind Lillian that Faustus was carrying and the flower seized firing anymore.

" interesting " the imp said with a smirk looking back at the druid, then a menacing smile crept across his face. He aimed the sharp point of his tail at the back of Lillians chest where her heart is, the druids eyes went wide and a vine came out of thin air smacking him through the trees.

" stupid imp" the druid said while watching Lillian sleep, a small smile appeared across her face. The imp appeared beside of her in a puff of smoke, staring at the druid smiling, he has never seen her smile over thousands of years of knowing her.

" ok what gives and what is with that smile" the imp said while flying beside the druid, she nervously played with her hands and looked like she was in deep thought.

" I know I want to mate with her, I also need to heal her and Faustus is taking her to the plant to get the sap" The druid said while watching Lillian, another tree folk stepped out blocking Faustus.

" brother we all swore that the other races that lives by war will not be aloud to live" the tree folk of the graft said.

Faustus branches intertwined making a cocoon around Lillian, the imp flew up beside Faustus sneering at the graft and faun beside him.

" we-we could have tea with her, she could want to have fun" The faun said walking closer to Faustus, the imp flys between them, pointing his tail at the faun.

" you will not touch her Gus" the imp said with anger clearly written on his face.

" Trae why so mad we only have fun with them until they meet their end" Gus said trying to walk around Trae, earning a slap across the face with the imps tail.

" all of you have become twisted, at least the druid gets permission before touching them, you make me sick" Trae said then looks up at the graft called Saul, shaking his head causing Saul to grimace.

The druid steps in between them as vines slide across the grass, putting up a wall in between all of them.

" she is none of your concern, if you dare touch her I'll deal with you personally and I dought you'll survive in my domain" The druid said while motioning Faustus to continue forward.

" Fauna what has gotten into you, were your friends and we only want what's best for you" Gus said with a sad face looking at the ground.

Trae was disgusted with Gus, five thousand years ago a vampire washed up on the shore and the goblins threw her in for a sacrifice to the plants. Months passed and Fauna grew close to the woman, Gus grew jealous of her and tried to kill her and Trae helped her escape.

" Gus your manipulative ways will stop today, Faunas last lover you tried multiple times to get rid of, for her to survive I had to help her escape" Trae said watching the druid drop her head, then she stares at Gus with an emotionless face and points to him.

" This is my Kingdom if Gus or anyone else tries to harm this woman I want him captured then brought to me, kill him if you must protect her from any harm." Fauna said while vines slapped the ground.

" Saul I will not let you graft with any of my trees, this time you will die if you follow Gus" Fauna said.

Fauna walks behind Faustus inside a tree that is hundreds of feet tall and wide, the top of the tree is outside of the cave, it grew through the gaping hole at the top. The large tree has Faunas home inside, Faustus takes Lillian to a bed in the next room and gently lays her down.