Chapter 71 R 18

Kalae exits the cabin, she goes over to her mother wrapping her arms around her mother and was about to tell them not to worry. Lillian walks over wrapping her arms around Kalae and whispers in her ear.

" don't tell them nothing about your experience, keep it to yourself and trust me it's for the best" Lillian said while Kalae was getting turned on by Lillians breath hitting her ears, she grinds her butt against Lillians front on a accident.

" baby girl dont tempt me right now" Lillian said while spinning Kalae to face her, the others were about to run forward when swords were pulled out toward them. Lillian takes her hand out of view of the others and runs her hand over Kalaes clothing rubbing her in between her legs. Kalaes arms wrap around Lillians neck while biting her lip, she could feel her core heating up and how soaking wet she is.

(" I've never felt this way before") Kalae thought while she frowned when she felt Lillians hand move away.

" we will finish later if your still up for it " Lillian said while parting away from Kalae and returning her attention to the others.

" Shea would you mind accompanying me for a few minutes" Lillian said while walking back into the cabin, she hesitated for a minute and looks at her daughter who nodded her head yes. Shea goes in the cabin while a guard closes the door from the outside, Shea jumped when she heard the door close and she moves over to the desk where she always stood when Lax sat there. Lillian figured it was because of that vile man, she gently grabs the womans hand even though she is Kalaes mom she is only 31 years old and is still a hottie.

Lillian brings her hand to her mouth, kissing each of her knuckles while looking into her eyes.

("oh well this is the first") Shea thought while watching Lillian kiss her hand, Lillian stands up from her seat and turns on the radio on the desk. She then bows to Shea reaching out her hand to the beautiful woman, Shea puts her hand in Lillians.

" may I have this dance " Lillian said while putting her other hand at Sheas lower back close to her butt, Shea gasped but didn't pull away and Lillian pulled her in to her where their fronts were now touching. Sheas face started to blush at their closeness, but she couldn't help but smile at her.

" I've never danced before, I-I dont think that I'm the best choice for this" Shea said.

Lillian gave her a wide smile as she started moving them around the room in step with the music. Shea had a wide smile on her face as she spun around the room with her, she was avoiding looking into Lillians eyes at first and now she is staring into them.

Shea kept staring at Lillians lips for the remainder of the dance and when the song ended, they stood there still in each others embrace. Lillian watches Shea smiling while staring at Lillians lips, she wanted to kiss her and also didn't want to freak her out. Shea crashes her lips on Lillians, she pulls Shea in for a deeper kiss and drags her tongue across Sheas bottom lip. Shea was confused by this action and parted her lips to take a breath, Lillian shoves her tongue into her mouth. Shea was surprised at first, but relaxed into the kiss and even put her tongue into Lillians mouth. They intertwine their tongues and kiss each other passionately forgoing a few more minutes. They both part from each other panting and Shea hands laying on Lillians chest, she then pulls Lillian over to the desk. Shea pushes things off off of the desk, she sits on top of it and pulls Lillian over in between her legs.

" I'm curious of what you said earlier and I need to have you inside of me, I want to feel good and I've never had a orgasm. I want to feel good from someone I'm attracted to and I feel like my heart is yours" Shea said undoing her dress an lets it fall down on the desk, Lillian lifts up Shea by her butt and takes the dress and underwear completely off. She sits Shea back on the desk, she undoes her bra ad let's Sheas breast free.

" do you care that I change into my demon form, I mean I can also manage it in my human form but it takes alot of energy to do that." Lillian said while tracing her fingers around Sheas breast, she swallows hard at how good Lillians touch feels.

" I don't mind I like both actually" Shea said while thinking about when she seen the demon for the first time over top of the cabin. Shea reaches out undoing Lillians armor until it was laying on the floor and Looked over the demons body, she rubs her hands over Lillians wings and takes her hand to Lillians back rubbing the beginning of where the tail comes out. A smile comes to her lips as she watches Lillian getting turned on by her playing with her tail, Shea notices how hard Lillian now is. She pulls her hand away from the tail, then kisses Lillian passionately while she slides her hand down her stomach and gently grabs her shaft. Lillian moans out, making Shea breathe harder and gets turned on even more soaking the desk under her. She has never been aroused, usually they'd hurt her cause she was always dry.

" Lillian make love to me" Shea said in a timid voice while kissing Lillian and spreading her legs wider. Lillian gives her a small smile then lines up her head with her entrance and slowly pushes into her.