Chapter 72 Rape suggestion

Kalae kept pacing back and forth, she couldn't stand being away from Lillian this long and she also seen how her mother looked at her. The thought of sharing her with her mother didnt seem to bother Kalae, especially everything that her mother has been through since she was thirteen and her grandpa sold off her mother to her father.

The dragon kin Lea walked up to kalae, she could tell that Kalaes mind right now was everywhere and Mal didnt want the girl to break down.

" Tie the prisoners to the mast, kyle give them a 170 slashes each and heal them after each twenty if you think they'll die." Mal said watching Kalae turn her attention to the two men being dragged across the deck.

" Kalae tell them to spare me my love, I-I'll leave your mother and take responsibly. I will give you a chance to marry me, you can have my children I wi-" Lax was saying when the tiger kin Kyle's boot went across his face, he yanked him up by his wrist and slammed him against the mast.

" you are trash, you dare to speak to one of my queens mates like that" Kyle said while uppercutting him in his kidneys several times, Shane started snorting and bawling like a child and then he pissed himself. Kyle sneered while looking in disbelief at the man, Mal smirked at the scene.

" you can have a go first and Kyle will take over, all of you can actually" Mal said while holding out a thorned whip in both hands. A Slave grabbed one first, she walks over and whips both men twelve times each. She kicked them both in the nuts and gives the whip to a dog kin. This process repeats itself for a duration of an hour leaving Kalae and Aliah the dragon kin left. Mal glances at the port that they will reach in twenty minutes, Aliah grabs both whips and cracks them at the same time while walking closer to the two men.

" please Aliah " Lax said while sobbing, she smacks him across the face and it cuts through his eye all the way to his cheek bone.

" please what ! You raped all of us, even your own wife and step daughter... You are disgusting !! " Aliah screamed while whipping both men at the same time, Kyle walks over and hugs the girl. He takes the whips away, Lillian was watching them from the top deck. She wanted Kalae to get some revenge with the man.

( " he still holds control over her") she thought to herself while gliding down in front of them, she pulls Kalae into her and hugs her gently.

" Barnibus rape Shane with your 35 cm pecker in front of them all, if they dont want to watch well they can go to the cabin and they must let Shae sleep though. Lillian said while the dragon kin runs upstairs to check on Shae, she sighs with relief.

(" she is one that I crave for as well Shae and Kalea does as well ") Aliah thought to herself as she watches Shae sleep with a smile on her face and Aliah smiles at her.

" Mal put a concealment formation around us and him" Lillian said while gently kissing Kalaes neck, she drags her tongue over her pulse point and slides her hand in between Kalaes thighs. She then holds the whip in Kalaes hand while twirling the whip, she guides her hand and snaps the whip against Laxs chest.

A few more times guiding her was all it took for the girl to find her hatred she carried for him. When she was panting for air, with sweat dripping off of her and Laxs face was no longer recognizable.

A whimpering old man was screaming while chunks of meat was hanging from his face and other parts of his body. He was now blinded and she would only offer him first aid to keep him from dying.

" mmm baby girl you did so well " Lillian purred into Kalaes ear while she gently glides her hand over Kalaes sensitive areas, the girl bit her bottom lip and Lillian girates her hips against her butt.

" I won't let anyone hurt you again and only if you want to be touched or make love will I do it. All you got to do is tell me with actions or words... My love" Lillian said while gently kissing Kalaes cheek, she heard Mal instruct the soldiers to get ready to dock.