Chapter 73

When they dock at the pier, Mal directs soldiers to look over the ships and to repair the damage to them.

" well we only lost over a hundred of our own when we raided the ships, it could have been worse if Mal didnt show up. Tanka take ships to themaunland to pick up the supplies and see which ones want to come back or head home." Lillian said while looking around at everyone working together, her eyes land over on four beautiful women walking towards her. One by one she kisses and hugs while Kalae narrows her eyes on the women.

" hello my name is Evelyn and this is Asandra, Carra... Thisone here is Thea" Evelyn said while smiling at the red headed beauty, she watches a dragon kin and a woman with Strawberry blonde hair walk up behind Lillian. The four women noticed the blush on the woman with strawberry blonde hair while she looked at Lillian.

" this is Shae, kalae and Aliah, I've actually got to speak with you all about them" Lillian said with a smirk on her face, the other womens eyes go wide at the thought of three more mates. When they haven't met the Nico twins and only Thea has met Fauna, A hawk circles above them and lands on a crate near Lillian.

(" a note from Una ") Lillian thought

while grabbing the letter, Evelyn felt a ping of jealousy when she sees Unas crest on the envelope.


I need you to go secure a treaty with the Ice Queen, the war against them was actually caused by a witch who was playing both sides. Mal has already received instructions on where to go, choose people who you trust to go with soldiers and Carra needs to accompany you to look for a ice lily of some sort.

Lillian smiles at the letter, then looks up to Carra and noticed a set of angry eyes boring holes into her.

" well my future wife needs me to travel to the Ice kingdom, Carraone of the ingredients is located there." Lillian said making sure to say future wife to piss off Evelyn and yes it worked as she dunked a swinging fist coming at her face.

" I was joking I've never layed my eyes on the woman" Lillian said laughing while pulling Evelyn into a passionate kiss and Evelyn moans in her mouth.

Mal was already having supplies loaded onto the Governers massive war ship, while handing Tanka a list of the soldiers who will accompany them.

" get three more ships loaded with supplies and all the captains come to my room after " Tanka said while looking at the numbers of soldiers that Mal wanted to take.