Chapter 88

Lillian wakes up with a slight headache, she sees all six women laying in bed with her and some were laying down at the foot of the bed. A smile went across her lips looking at her mates and the woman she is falling for. All of her mates come to her mind, she is starting to miss them to a point where her chest is starting to ache.

" hey babe, how you feeling " Carra asked snuggling closer to Lillian hugging her tightly and light sobs coming from her. Lillian shushes Carra, giving her kisses on her cheek and neck.

" I'm fine honey it's going to be ok, I promise everything is fine and we're fine " Lillian said kissing Carras lips and dragging her tongue across Carras bottom lip asking for permission to deepen the kiss. Carra parts her lips giving Lillian access as their tongues dance together and they pull apart panting while laying each others foreheads against one another.

" Lillian you could have died in that battle, why wouldn't you let us fight beside you " Carra said in a soft voice, Lillian sighed then pecks Carras lips a few times.

" you all would have died, I would have went crazy killing and more than likely die myself from losing my loved ones" Lillian said while looking at the others.

" I think I'm going to have the rest come here for a few days an use a transportation array to cut back on the distance they'll have to travel" Lillian said hugging Carra tightly and then she felt the others coming closer to her some hugging her thighs while others slide their arms around hugging her tightly. Lillian kisses everyone good morning, they all went and done their morning hygiene, then went to have a peaceful breakfast.

" we need to find out about who these guys are in the hoods, I'm going to go interrogate Paul again and his son" Mal said getting up from the table, Lillian smiles at her and nods her head then looks over to Camille.

" I'm going to bring my other mates by an array I'll be weak for a couple days since I will be powering it up to several different places." Lillian said while holding her hand, Camille smiles at her and then she smiles softly.

" I'll have my people power it just in case we have another fight we can't have you being weak from doing that stuff. I cant wait to meet the rest of our family, I also want to see if you'll spend tonight with me so we could talk about some personal things" Camille said with a small blush on her cheeks, Lillian smiles widely then nods her head. Kalae just keeps staring at Lillian, mentally kicking herself for not asking first and since she has no kingdom to rule like some of the other mates she'll be able to travel with Lillian.