Chapter 89

Later that night Lillian made her way to Camilles room, she quietly walked in to find Camille exiting the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. Lillian takes her body in from head to toe, she doesn't fail to miss the shy smile on Camilles lips and the pink tint slowly covering her white skin.

Camille walks over to her vanity to start brushing her hair and she keeps her eyes on Lillian.

" so why do you want to spend the night with me all the sudden, we will have our wedding night " Lillian said walking behind Camille who kept eye contact with her through the mirror.

Lillian kisses her neck in several places and receives a moan out of Camille when she hit a certain spot. She focused on that spot kissing and sucking, she gently tugged the towel off of Camille.

" wow " Lillian said while looking in the mirror at Camilles body, her hand rubbing up and down on Her waist then rubbing toward her perky breast to where she teased her nipples. Lillian picks Camille up then Carries her over to the bed and softly sets her down and then strips off her clothes crawling over top of her kissing her passionately. Their bodies fit together perfectly like they were made for one another, Lillian kisses down her neck then collarbone and makes her way down to her nipples taking it into her mouth. Camilles back arches up from the bed as her hands dig into Lillians hair pushing her in for more.

" Ahhh " Camille moans out as she grinds her core against hers, Lillian smiles then continues to kiss her way down Camilles stomach and then to her thighs leaving light bite marks as she made her way up to Camilles core.

" are you sure that your ready " Lillian said while blowing on Camilles wet core, which made her arch her back.

" yes I am ready for everything you can give me and I can give you " Camille said with a velvet voice, Lillian grabs her thighs then takes her tongue through her folds and takes her tongue in and out of her entrance.

Camilles hips buck trying to drive Lillians tongue in deeper, she pulls her tongue out then start flicking it against her bundle of nerves.

" ahhhhhh haah oh don't stop " Camille moaned out as she grinded her self against Lillians mouth, she switched from licking to sucking on her clit then slid two fingers in and out thrusted them in and out while continuing to suck on her clit.

" ohhh fuck haah ahhhn " Camille started moaning loudly, I decided to go deeper inside her when I felt her hymen break and she flinched with a wimper.

Lillian watches Camille as she goes gently with her thrusts, she feels Camille's body shake.

" ohhhh ahhhhhh faster " Camille said while bucking herself in rhythm with Lillian thrusts while pushing her face back to her Clitoris and she resumes attacking it.

" haah ahhhn ohhh ahhhhhh " Camille moans out as her body convulsed by pleasure, she let her ride out her orgasm and removes her fingers.

Camille pulls her up to a sensual kiss while she smirks after, she stares at her with love in her eyes.

" I do love you, that's why I gave you my innocence early and I know we should have waited but I didnt want to. I want to go all the way with both of your forms, even though that was painful at first I definitely want more" Camille said while rubbing her stomach, Lillian goes to the bathroom to fill the large tub that could fit six people.

Lillian goes back over to Camille picking her up then carries her to the tub stepping inside while holding her and sits down in the hot water with her on Lillians lap.

" ah this feels good " Camille said with a relaxed smile on her face snuggling against Lillians shoulder.