Chapter 92

Lillian watches the robe drop to the floor revealing a very tanned and toned womans body, she sees the blonde streaked brown curly hair. The woman watches Lillians eyes eye fucking her body, a small smile comes across her lips and quickly disappears when she removes her mask.

" Like what you see" Kalina purrs as she sits down across from Lillian on a large pillow bed, she watches Lillian while biting her lip.

(" I've got to be careful about me being her mate, I know the others are watching me at this point.") Kalina says to herself as she crosses her legs, Lillian smells her arousal and yes she knows Kalina is hers.

" we'll you have dinner with us inside the castle, since we our on the Ice Kingdoms property" Lillian said while getting up on her feet as she walks around, she can feel others not just from the castle but further away probing the tent.

She walks closer to the woman with the caramel skin and stares at her honey eyes,she licks her lips then chuckles walking away to exit the tent.

" yes, I'll enter the castle and have dinner to speak of terms we want you to abide by " Kalina said while her breathing picks up some, since she felt a dark Aura surrounding Lillian since those words left her mouth and she knew it would piss her off.

(" ahh fuck this is going to be hard to resist not having her take me on the spot ") Kalina thought to herself as her core throbbed, she loves sex and since shes met Lillian on the battle field she knows that's her mate and can't bring herself to let anyone touch her but her damn mates.

" well I'll go if you spend the night with me and if you can pleasure me that is without any use of tools or magic" Kalina said wth a smirk as she stands up undressing her self, the ones watching laugh knowing that it's hard to please Kalina without help.

" Make sure no spells or tools can be used in the tent " a womans voice rings out from the shadows as her nails tear into the wooden handles of her chair.

Lillian feels the spells come over the tent and smiles as she stands up to store her armor inside her ring. She pulls her clothes off then approaches Kalina, she can see the excitement in Kalinas eyes even though she trying her best to not show it.

Lillian smirks at the woman as she trails her fingers in between her own thighs and gently strokes herself while watching Kalinas eyes fill with lust.

" AHHH HAAH AHHHN " Lillian moans out while touching herself, she removes her fingers then bring them up to Kalinas lips, she takes Lillians fingers inside her mouth then sucks them clean. Kalina is turned on to a point where she's dripping wet, she gets on her knees pulling Lillian down on the bed and straddles her.

" this is going to be hard for you to please me, if you want to submit your more than welcome to " Kalina said grinding her core against Lillians and drag her nails down Lillians chest then stomach.

" Change I want to feel you inside of me " Kalina said as she stared down at Lillian who slowly changes to her lust demon, a smile flashed across Kalinas lips as she starts stroking Lillians shaft.

" it takes a lot of power and treasures to fulfill me, your not aloud any and if I'm bored I'll stop this act." Kalina said with a smirk as she lines Lillians head up to her entrance then lowers herself taking all of Lillian inside her.

(" ahhh f-fuck she is my mate, if the others find out we'll both be fucked and I could also just stop it. Oh hell she could easily be said to be a sex goddess " )

Kalinas movements quicken, as she digs her nails in Lillians stomach drawing blood.

" Ahhhhhh haah ahhhn " Kalina moans out then quickly slaps her hand over her mouth, but as soon as she did another orgasm hit her fast.

" ohhhh ahhhhhh haah fuck mmmph ahhhn " Kalina moans out ( " ahhh f-fuck haah ") Lilian moans out with Kalina, after they both cum, Lillian flips over kalina pulling out of her and then puts Kalina on all fours as she enters her again from behind slamming into her.

" ah ahhh f-fuck me haah " Kalina moans out as Lillian thrust in and out of her, she pulls her hair.

" ohhh mmmph" Lillian moans out while cumming inside of Kalina, Kalinas orgasm hit ten fold when she feels Lillian filling her up.

" ohhhh ahhhhhh dont stop haah ah " Kalina moans out while Lillian rides their orgasm out, Kalinas head hits the bed as she pants hard. She has never been fulfilled like this, she knows that they are made for each other and she can feel the killing intent coming from one of the people watching them.

" well a deal is a deal, I guess I'll be the one who proposes the next deal we make and actually I believe you came four times" Lillian said, Kalina thought she only gave the three away as she pulls Lillian into a passionate kiss while hugging Her tightly.