Chapter 93

Mal heard the deal they struck, a part of her hoped that Kalina couldn't get off and was quickly heard wrong from all the noise. The moans even startled the Orc whose cheeks turned pink as he stepped a few feet away from the tent.

Mal seen the others waiting in front of the castle doors, A snow owl flies toward Eve and she receives the letter it carries.


A mystic Vein happened near by, we re keeping it well hidden and can only do o for two more weeks please hurry. There is alot of treasures and also the cultivation


" Nina go pack ours and Lillian's things, Camille, Jisselle get everyone else to get ready a new mystic vein thats opened. someone pack Mals things too. " Eve said walking toward the tent, the orc stands in front of her and Mal cuts in front of him.

" let them pass " Kalina said, Eve goes through seeing Lillian laying on her stomach with Kalina straddling her massaging her lower back.

Eve narrows her eyes at Kalina then walks over taking a seat on the bed, "well are you two finished or what" Eve said while filing her nails, she knew if it was a woman that Lillian would win her over. Kalina slides off of Lillian and Lillian starts kissing Eves neck dragging her tongue up to her ear.

" Mmmm " Eve moans out, Mal sneers at the women shoving her hands up in the air and quickly leaving the Tent as Lillian slides the zipper down on the back of Eves dress.

Kalina starts kissing on Lillians neck as her hands come around Lillian caressing her breast as Eves hands go around Lillians shaft.

" Lay down Kamila " Lillian said as she pulls Eve over on all fours with her head in between Kalinas legs. Lillian gently thrusts into Eve as Eve drags her tongue up through Kalinas folds then flicking and sucking on Kalinas clit.

" ahhh f-fuck haah ahhhn ohhh " all of them moan out whole Lillian speeds up, thrusting faster and harder and slapping sounds echoes throughout the tent. This time Mal and the orc are several feet away from the tent, she sees Lillians other women exit the castle and realization hit as she runs over to the tent.

" Lillian you all are getting company in ten minutes " Mal said as she hears guttural moans come from the tent with all three women moaning out each others names.

Lillian, Kalina And Eve exit the tent with smiles on their face several minutes later.

" Kalina are they still watching " Lillian asked while squeezing Kalinas butt, she moans out then bites her lip.

" I cut the sound at the beginning, when you got me off the first four times and then I cut the video off.

" well I've marked both of you so now you have to stay by my side " Lillian said as she was bombarded by five bodies hugging her.

A carriage pulls up to were Lillian and her mates squeeze in, Vera sits on Lillians lap. Lillian stays in her demon form, several hours later they get out at a camp that had over 20,000 soldiers camping.

" get rest at daybreak we'll head to our location " Eve said as Lillian found herself surrounded in bed with all of them hugged up to her.

" So Kalina is now with us but earlier you almost killed our mate" Camille said with venom in her voice as she glares at Kalina rubbing Lillians leg.

Kalina laughs at the Ice Queen, she leans toward Lillian licking her cheek with a smirk on her face.

" ok girls no fighting on this trip I want all of us to spend quality time together" Eve said as she fans herself, she keeps thinking about their playtime earlier and keeps getting hot flashes.

" well it seems like you already had quality time spent." Vera hisses at her sister, Lillian hugs her waist tighter and bites her shoulder.