Chapter 98

Several hours later, they've found over a dozen treasures to collecting high ranking beast cores to even several familiars for all ofthegirls and course it was Lillians doing.

" let's set up camp " Kalina said, she watchedtheother three boys keeping their distance from the blonde headed guy and even helped put the tents up for all of them.

" ok two of you to a tent and your familars will sleep next to the tents " Lillian said taking Indigos hand, kalina motioned Ashley into her tent while she sat next to the bonfire watching the tents while twirling her Sais.

Lillian lays down next to the nervous Indigo, she smiles at her and covers her up with a sheet.

" are you nervous, if so I can sleep outside or with Kalina " Lillian said while laning on her hand watching Indigo nervously playing with her hands.

" no !! I want you beside me, I'm not scared of you at all and I want you to touch me actually " Indigo said scooting closer to Lillian, she leans up kissing Lillian deeply.

" I also want you as well, but I don't think your ready yet Indigo " Lillian said, while tracing Indigos lips and notices Indigo frown.

" you think I'm dirty don't you, I knew you wouldn't want me " Indigo cries out turning her back to Lillian, she is now sobbing and pulling herself in a fetal position. Lillian puts up a sound barrier on their tent, she pulls Indigo over to her she kisses her neck, shoulders and all over her back.

" haah" Indigo moaned out when she feels Lillian tongue trace her lower back and pulls down her shorts she wore. Lillian kisses every part of Indigos body, she makes her way up to Indigos core and sees how wet she is for her. Lillian kisses her folds, she drags her tongue up them and then flicks it against her clit.

" ahhh haah ahhhn ohhh " Indigo moans laying her hands on top of Lillians head, she bucks her hips against Lillians mouth.

" ahhh haah ohhhhhh " Indigo moans with her mouth making a perfect "o" shape as she squirted when she reached her first orgasm, even though se was used for sex doesn't mean she had an orgasm.

Indigo pants whil her whole body shakes, Lillian licked her clean and trailed kisses all the way up to Indigos lips and passionately kisses her.

" don't ever think tht way again, you are a beautiful woman and a very wonderful person" Lillian said kissing her lips deeply whil hugging her tightly. Indigo chuckled when Lillian peppered kisses all over her face, they held each other and when Indigo fell asleep.

Lillian madehrway out of the tent then put sound barriers on all of them and both women sat next to the bonfire.

" should we wait until we go deeper into the abyss to get rid of him, I'm scared thy will lose trust in us " Lillian said while snuggling up to Kalinda, they hold each other while watching the fire flicker in the darkness.

" yes my love we'll wait for the right time and he will suffer." Kalina said kissing Lillian deeply and held her while she fell asleep.