Chapter 99

Lillian wakes up everyone after she cooked breakfast for them, they all go deeper into the caverns and Indigo has a smile on her face. The other girls were happy seeing her truly happy, they knew alot of her hardships were because of her protecting them from the men of that deplorable sect.

" well we have gained alot of treasures and cultivation being in this abyss vein, when do we meet up with the others." Kalina said while looking around the large tunnel, Lillian smiles at her and pulls out a talisman that Eve gave her.

" they'll let us know, here hold on to it " Lillian said when they felt large vibrations under their feet anda loud hissing noise coming from up ahead.

" get over beside us " Kalina said pulling out a spear that had a earth attribute, Lillian starts looking around the tunnel for another passage and sees a large crevice. When Lillian looks inside of it and sees a small tunnel on the other side.

Lillian smashes her fist through the black obsidian rock, Then pulls Indigo over with the other three girls.

" go inside move as fast as you can , stay beside the wall do not move but to only allow us room to enter." Lillian said handing them each short swords to take with them, she pulls Kalina next and kisses her lips. After Kalina she rushes the three younger men Into the hole, right when the third boy went though and the vibrations stopped along with the hisses. The blonde headed man stands there his face turned white and hepised his pants, Lillian steps away from the puddle forming around his feet.

Lillian looks over to where he is staring seeing a large snake that flares its head flat just like cobras do and before it strikes at them. Lillian kicks the man away from them and swings her sword vertically, whispering words a large spread of cherry blossoms hits the snakes face and yellowish green blood splatters on th walls.

" move your ass " Lillian said to the man as she was waking backwards as she watched the snake thrashing against the caverns walls and small rocks were falling around all of them.

" this way " the man said as he motioned Lillian over to a side tunnel that they'd have to crawl on all fours to enter andmak it all the way to the other side of the tunnel.

Over a half hour that quickly crawled through the down angled tunnel, the blonde headed man made his way through first to see a cavern with a deep pond that sparkled blue on the obsidian black rock. They could see

the luminescent fish and other water creature swimming around in the deep water.

" do you think it leads somewhere else, that snakeis pissed its pushing it's way through the tunnel " he said, Lillian knows he's right the snake is even hurting itself and its acidic blood is also burning the obsidian rock.

" I'll go in first to see if it's safe and if it leads any where" Lillian said as she stores her clothes inside her ring leaving her only in her undergarments and she dives in the water holding a long dagger in her mouth.

Lillian swims her way down using the fluorescent light coming from the plant life and creatures in the water. Lillian can feel the vibrations coming from he large snake, she swims her way back up to he surface using wind magic to create a bubble of air around her head and his head.

" come the snakes closer than we thought " Lillian said while swimming back down the water hole, swimming downward following a water canal of a 10 by 12 foot walls with small tunnels leading everywhere that could house other types of water creatures.

When the blonde headed man passed by a large hole, a Eel the size of the man and poked its head up through the hole.

" ahhh !!!" shit " he screamed as they started to go back up a different exit where the water started to get darker with less florescent fish and plants the further they go to where they had to use light orbs to light the dark area.

They pop their heads up in a dark area where the light orbs were the only light in the cavern, when they get out of the water hole they both start looking for ways out and find two tunnels one large to where you can walk through. The other one you would have to crawl on your stomach to fit through, Lillian smiles at the man who rolled his eyes at her as they walk through the large tunnel.

" what is that foul odor coming from " he said holding his breath ad using the light orb to look around, they notice the ground covering large feces that's covering the ground.

" I think were inside something's lair " He said as he kicked a few bones around, Lillian spotted something at the corner of their light to which she acted as she didnt notice it. It had a head like a lion with long pointed ears it was a bipedal creature which means it was on two legs, it had large human like hands with claws. Its mouth was large enough to put around an adult males head, they were going to walk ahead when Lillian felt the presence of over twenty of those creatures just ahead of them.

" slowly back out and don't show them that we know that they are here " Lillian said walking back the way they came, she doesn't know if the snakes still on their trail and now they have things that would remind you of Lycans up ahead of them.

" let's crawl through the small tunnel at least theose things cant fit." Lillian said while looking around the cavern, she takes another light orb to the ceiling walls when she notices a ledge to which she started climbing up the wall to reach with the man watching her climb up.