Chapter 101

Lillian left an article of clothing miles down the tunnel, she then makes her way back to the others down the othe tunnel and she sealed he self with wind to mask her smell.

They kept moving until they found a smaller tunnel then crawled their way through to another large cavern that had large tunnels running through it they made their way out when Lillian noticed Vera's voice and Camilles.

" Vera, Camille were are you " Lillian shouted making her voice echoe through the tunnel, Vera ran around the corner followed by Kalina and the others who hugged Lillian tightly. Rus waited then hugged Lillian and the other two boys and Lillian walks over to Ashley.

" thank you and Rus for being head strong " Lillian said kissing Ashley's lips, she then pulled Indigo into a passionate kiss.

" ohhh I don't get one ~" Kalina said with a pout walking over to Lillian then pulls her up close to her and she wraps her legs around Kalinas waist.

Kalina walks around the bend to a large open space where they have a few tents set up and a bonfire.

Alec scoffs since no one welcomed him back and walks over sitting by the bonfire, Wei walks over to the tent.

" Lillian we should move now, the snake could be closing in on us " Wei said while his face blushed at th noise he heard, Lillian moved her way out of the tent fixing her clothes with Kalina following behind her and glaring at Wei.

" ok quickly pack everything up, will take care of the snake when the time is right " Lillian said as they move forward to meet theothers in the main cavern.

" Lillian how do you have enough time for everyone " Indigo said while looking at the other women since shes starting to feel insecure.

" well in actuality I could please each and everyone since I'm a lust demon, but sometimes some are in the mood and some aren't on certain times. I can sense teirlust enough to know who is or isn't and Kalina is an oddity since she seems to always be." Lillian said they made their way into two heavy doors and seen everyone else waiting for them.

Eve looks at the girls and boys with Lillian then her eyes land on Indigo and then Ashley, she walks over to Lillian and hugs her tightly.

" I'm glad your all fine, I can hear something moving inside of the wall and it started when you all neared the doors." Eve said pulling out her bow and nods to the others who pulled out their weapons. Lillian gives the ones without weapons spears and naginatas that will keep them away from danger.

" boys your jobs will be protecting the girls and Alec you'll stay beside me " Lillian said while showing the men where to go and puts them in a corner to where they'll be out of th way.

Eve points above them wherea largehole is at the ceiling, a loud hiss was heard and they all got into their stances.

" Indigo set up that formation around you all " Lillian said while looking at the hole, the snakes head comes out then it slowly dropped to the floor and curled around itself.

" that thing is at least 50 ft long " Eve said as she shuddered looking at the thing, she pulls Vera closer to her. The snake looks over at Lillian then raises half of its body and sways from side to side. Lillian stars into its yellow eyes as she mutters a few words and swings sword at different angles slashing threw the air as millions of cherry blossoms fly into the snake slicing different spots of its body.

" watch out its blood acidic, I also know its slit pupils means its poisonous " Lillian said as se tosses shields to the ones in the corner ad to Alec. The boys and girls set the shields up in front of them the snakes tail whips toward Lillian who flips over it. Its blood was slashing everywhere, so she pulls out her two katanas thats made of Lava that will cut and cauterize the wounds.

Lillian slicesboth blades into the snakes sides then twists the blades around, the snakes body convulsed then it strikes its head at hr but its fangs hit the floor instead. Vera and Camille throw wind blades ad ice spikes at the snake while Kalina jumps on it's back running toward its head to where Lillian tackles Kalina off just before the snake bit into its own back where Kalina was.

" thanks " Kalin said with a smile as she and Lillian dunk a strike from the snakes tail, Eve throws her spear into the neck of the snake where it flails its head back and forth trying to dislodge the metal spear. Eve raises her hands as lightning shoots into the spear, Vera uses a lightning spell as well and two colors of red and purple lightning hit the spear. The snake smacks the spear out of it neck using its tail and Eve retrieves her spear.