Chapter 102

Lillian and Vera rush on both of the snakes sides swinging their swords and cutting into the snakes neck, its acidic blood splashed from Veas cut since Lillians sword was the lava sword it sealed both sides of the slice. The blood sprayed on Vera's leg making her scream in pain, Lillian turned seeing the snake ready to strike at Vera so she shadow stepped forward grabbing Vera and swiftly moving away.

Camille and some of the others fire their bows at the snake hitting the snake on the back of its head.

Kalina Twirled a double sword staff than flips above the snake stabbing it through the neck and when landing shejumoed again making several slices in different parts of the snake. Eve used a fire spell and several pyres of fire hit the snake severely wounding it, Eve seen it trying to escape so she sealed their up above with a earth spell and seals the hole.

" everyone hit it with every thing you have at the marks that Vera and I done, sever its damn head off " Lillian said in a loud voice, she takes Vera beside Eve and smiles at them both as Kalina stands on one side of the snake. Lillian is on the otherside with her mates on both sides as well, they all summon ther magic of different elements. Right as the two women jump into a spinning slash on both sides and the blades of different spells hitting the same slashes the head hangs off by a large piece of skin. The snakes body flops around on the floor fr over ten minutes and Eve stores it after she stores all of the acidic blood.

Lillian kisses Vera and gives her a healing pill to help with her burns and then uses a healing spell on her, she still picks up Vera in a bridal carry.

" there are treasures here, find them and we will move ahead to find the rest of our people" Lillian said while looking around she noticed Alec was no longer with the others and nods her head to Kalina who understands what sheis saying.

They go through the rest of the vein, it's been eight hours since the fight with the snake and Vera was asleep in one of the tents with Camille staying beside her. Indigo and Ashley was waiting on Lillian, they wanted to please Lillian for keeping them safe. They were feeling insecure after seeing so many of her beautiful lovers and feared loosing her.

" Lillian can we please speak with you " Ashley said as she leads Lillian inside their tent where Indigo was in lingerie, she turns to see them both staring at her and her face blushes red.

" ohh have I caught you both at a bad time, you should know my women only sleep with me and yes I do like taking more than one lover at times. You also should know I'm a lust demon, my form is and can be both male or female. " Lillian said while slowly transforming she drops her clothes, both women's eyes wonder over her body. A part of Lillian thought they'd chang their minds, but Indigo walks over passionately kissing Lillian and Ashley slowly takes off her robes.

" it doesn't matter what or who you are, we want you no matter what " Indigo said, she slowly reaches down taking Lillians remembering her hand and pumping on her member.

" ahh mmph " Lillian moans out while she pulls Indigo and Ashley over to the bedding, she lays both of them down. She takes her tail up and down on Ashleys folds and she does the same with indigo using her member.

Lillian thrusts into both of them at the same time, she thrusts in and out of them with vigor.

" ahhhhhh haah ahhhn ohhh " They both moan out, Lillian wished she could take her time with them tonight, but her and Kalina have to find that man before he reaches his sect to warn them.

" ahhhhhh haah ahhhn ohhh fuck mmph " Lillian moans out as sheila Indigo with her fluids both the girls moan out loudly from their orgasms and Lillian kisses them both whole she holds them tightly.

When they fell asleep she snuck out to find Kalina and Eve waiting outside the tent,she smiles at them both.

" Eve we needto find him, I have plans for him and that sect that were taking over. The only men that will stay is our soldiers it'll only be for women " Lillian said while trying her robes, Eve smiles then kisses Lillian.

" I'm proud of you " Eve said as she kisses Lillian again, she pulls away then walks over to sit by the bonfire. Kalina, Fin, Rus and Lillian make their way toward where Rus said the sect was camping tonight, they made it their in a little over a hour. Alec was already talking to four seniors, Rus and Fin circle around the other tents. Fin quietly entered the tents and assassinated all of the ones asleep, Lillian walks up to the camp an the others spread out hiding in the shadows.

" Alec you left without saying goodbye, how rude and clearly you all do not teach the younger men to be gentlemen " Lillian said with a fake pout, Alecs face went white and he backed behind the other four men as ten other men step on both sides of the four seniors. Lillian sees women exit the tent, she van tell how mistreated they are and anger boils through her. Lillian places a barrier around the women so no harm will come to them, shethen looks at the men with disdainful eyes. She pulls her sword from its sheath, then does a dance with the blade and winks at Kalina to get ready.

" Daaraz zentugh " Lillian said while swinging her blade four times in different directions and cherry blossoms fly towards themen killing half of them besides the four elders and four seniors. Kalina grabs Alec and throws him over to Rus who holds him by knife point, Kalina rushes forward using her shadow step and swiftly kills two of the seniors.

" what is the meaning of this, why do you attack our sect and your only a mere woman who or what gives you the right " The oldest elder said while walking closer to Lillian, with a flick of her wrist blood sprays out from his neck.

" it's easy I give myself the right " Lillian said while walking closer to the other three elders, the two seniors run toward her and she quickly turns on her knee slicing them both in half. Lillian moves with grace, she even avoids getting a single drop of blood on her robes.

The women actually seem relieved watching these men die by a womans hand, they secretly cheered for her.

Kalina appeared by one of the elders side,she stabbedhim straight up through his chin with a large dagger, the other two gasped at what happened and shuddered with fear. Alec had a cold sweat puring over him, he thought that his sects elders could take on these women and now he knows better.

" please spare us " one of the elders said as Kalina quickly took off his head, Lillian walks over and binds the last elder.

" he will tell us everything we need to know, now what to do with little Alec " Lillian said walking closer to him, the elder looks behind him seeing one of his disciples holding his nephew at knife point.

" Rus you betrayed us " the elder said, Rus sneers at him and kicks Alec to the ground.

"I've asked you to leave my senior sisters alone, our group begged you all and if we knew how your sect operated we wouldn't have joined." Rus said spitting at the elder.