Chapter 120

Shunu had went to her kingdom the groves forest line, through a transportation array over 509,000 is now marching through the woods in over a hundred and fifty groups. All twelve spy's times five was using their shadow jump to search the area and to out up guard for their masters since each five women had twelve spy's protecting them having sixty people surrounding and protecting the five women.

A few hundred people from her small kingdom showed up as well as the people from her reletives have showed up making the people reach over bine thousand people welcoming Shunus return with gratitude for the soldiers that she has brought along.

A large seddan being carried by thirty men was holding her mother and her cousin, also her three children was there including the oldest male son that her aunt wants her to marry.

A disgusting taste filled her mouth when the man tried to kiss her cheek, Aliah showed up beside Shunu blocking him from Shunu.

The man scowled in anger of this servant getting in his way and went to hit her to the floor when none of his hits could connect with this dragon kin.

The Elf was strong but not even a third as strong as this dragon kin, Shunu frowned at the man then takes a seat away from him.

" ok I've got several armies to help us with these humans, I have agreed to marry this Royal Alpha and I have already agreed to it. Without this agreement to marry me to this ruler and then no wedding no soldiers, She will take me as her bride then leave the Grove to war with the humans who are 300,000 and we cannot win with out numbers alone. I have brought 500,000 with me and who will follow us into battle as long as you let us Marry." Shunu said, she looked at the three of her family very coldly as if challenging them to mutter any stupid shit.

Shunus mother put on a fake smile as she looked into her daughters eyes then seen something in her daughters eyes that she's never saw before.

(" she's fallen in love " ) Shunus.other thought to herself, she felt her fake sister elbow her and she rolled her eyes.

" Shunu it sounds as if the person isn't asking but telling us and making me give up my only daughter. We will find another way, we'll buy mercenaries if need be it talk to someone to where they'll work with us or take payment for our lives. " the eldest male son said, his mother and Shunus mother couldn't help but look at him with disdain with what they heard.

"no we would be fools to turn down the marriage, Shunu would not have asked if this wasn't the only way." Shunus mother said, she held the woman beside her hand and then smiles softly.

" Shunu is in love, I'll not be like the people were with the love of my life as we were both married off just to produce the next heir. " Shunus mother said as she looked into the woman's eyes that has always acted as an Aunt to her brothers children, she refused to stay away from her kingdom or her brothers new wife.

Bea would be able to keep clear of the bedroom with her new husband Alfar, she still got to spend every minute of the day with the person she was truly in Love with.

" someone caught the princess making out with the new Queen and King Alfar list his Rage that night. He whipped his sister and wife with belts, then he forced himself on his wife and impregnated her. The arrangements for this wedding was suppose to wait a couple of years before taking Bea to the boudoir and let alone take it by force.

That night a maid was put to death in secret while the king fell into a deep and long illness, both women was expecting their first child to the world.

They both has stayed together with a vegetable of a husband with one of them and then by the others third child. Her husband dies leaving his kingdom and military forces to his wife, she has been the pillar to raise and protect both of their kingdoms.

They both agreed that if their first born didn't fall in love they'd do a agreed marriage and if the husband ever would force something on the wife or loved ones of said wife that he would immediately be beheaded by the shadow walkers who agreed for a lump sum to stay by their projects side until said year or death if one of them.

Shunu and the woman's other children who was 18 the same as Shunu and the other two are 15 and twelve. Shunu loved the fifteen year old female cousin who would always be on Shunus side and was the only person who stayed by Shunus side.

" Shunu do you want to marry this person " her cousin Val asked while holding Shunus hand(⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)and waiting on her answer.

" Yes, Yes I am happy and I'm in love " Shunu said without hesitation, she also has a look to her that tells everyone that she is indeed in love. Val smiled at her then patted on Shunus shoulder, Aliah came in the sedan than whispers in her ear.

A serious look was on Shunus face as she took out a telecommunication jade then spoke to all of the generals and lieutenants leading all of the armies they split down to move quicker and quieter to her kingdom that is in the middle of the Grove with twelve other kingdoms circling theirs.

Shunu has always been considered a bad omen and a curse from her fathers sins, he is still suffering his sins and their kingdoms then herself will suffer. Shunu has heard this her whole life, she thinks back to the time her and two others went into the garden to find the demon that her friend Vera told her about, Vera is actually.ayed to the demon queen who could save their kingdoms.

Shunu was the first to get to the tree top as she watched two women making Love, she has seen it before and was very curious.

The only thing is that she can't keep her eyes off of the demon, it's like she has to physically hold herself back to not tackle this beautiful goddess. Then when she changed into her demon form, Shunu was even more curious about this woman and when the other four men show up Shunu falls down from the top of the tree. She lands perfectly on her feet as both women's eyes meet and neither can look away from each other. Shunu was in love the moment her eyes landed on Lillian, she could never unsee her soulmate once she's found her.

Bea went to Shunus bedroom then pulls out a trunk that has runes painted in gold on the surface of the trunk.

Bea opens the trunk to find a bow that was carved out of a while pearl, the armor looked the same color as the bow but was made from some high celestial tier beast. They made the armor from the beast, the bow and weapons handles from it's pearl.

The dark metal from the under Realm that is indestructible and can Pierce anything before it.

Shunu smiles when she sees her mother's gifts when a dagger that was fully made with a shiny silver substance. when Shunu picked it up, it transformed into a bracelet back to a knife then back to a bracelet on her wrist. Bea gave her daughter a smile then takes off a necklace that changes from a sword to a whip and back to a necklace. Bea puts the necklace on Shunus neck as it changes design and shape to the same as Shunus bracelet.

" there you will always have weapons, when your enemy least expects it and then use these to kill whoever you need to." Bea said as she mumbles twelve spells and the large tree hut started to change showing shelves of weapons, armor and health tonics and other tonics that will help in war.

" carry out weapons to the court soldiers to keep guard of their house, let's make sure we are prepared for our guests to stay in a few days." Bea said as Maids were running from each room getting them prepared.