Chapter 121

Shunu do stood at a large window watching the people decorate the trees and houses with care.

a small smile was on her lips, thinking seeing Lillian again and making love to her made the wait worth while.

A soldier came to the door and kneeled down, Bea asked him where the demon queen would arrive in their village and when the royals from all of the other elven kingdom's if the Grove was arriving.

A pale color to the man's face made Bea release a cold sweat, before she could dismiss him.

" speak " Shunu said with a cold voice, devoid of any emotions, the soldier swallowed down the lump in his throat.

" all of the kingdoms have arrived days ago... your highness " he said, ea has known this young mans family for a long time and has always known that they were loyal. To bad they were only a few like him , she only trusted to send him out to check on her daughters mate and the other soldiers didn't report to them the other royals arrivals.

" oh well they'll learn soon enough, Lillians only coming here for me " Shunu said with a loving smile and turned back to the window.

Bea left the room following behind the soldier and grabs his arm, he turned then bowed his head in respect.

" send my regards to every royal in our kingdom and to the ones who are not, let them know that I will not forgive any of them who dares to go against us. This is my daughters mate, she will not go against her mate for anything. These pungent men disgust me and soon we'll be able to leave this place, you and your family are welcome to come with us.

Bea instructed the soldier on what to say and how to act and after he has delivered her decree. Then he is to guard by her daughters side along with her and the woman she has loved for years to always be close to her daughters bedchamber just in case they'd have to escape in the dead of night.

The next morning gifts arrived by the thousands to the Queens doors, the people from the other kingdoms must have gotten what she said and is trying to make amends with them.

Shunu runs past all of them to go greet her mate at the village entrance, Shunu ran straight into her arms. The onlookers gazes turned ugly when they seen their princess in the arms of a demon and some lost all nerve to speak when they seen thousands of troops surrounding the entrance.

" I knew you'd come, I e been waiting at that window for days now " Shunu said as she pointed to the largest tree house in the village and then picked up Shunu in a bridal carry and made her way up the stairs of the large tree.

Bea was waiting at the double doors when she watched Lillian carry her daughter up thousands of stairs, the woman's beauty caught Bea off guard then a pain shot through her ribs as the woman beside her elbows her ribs. Even though the elven women looked to be nineteen or twenty Bea and her sister in law was several hundreds of years old. When Beas husband has gotten sick Anna moved in to her brothers home to help Bea run the kingdom, what people didn't know is that they've been lovers since they were fifteen.

" Shunu are you going to introduce us to your mate " Bea said with a pleasant smile and then ushered the group of thirty inside the house while thousands of soldiers entered the village then took up guard.

The rest of the soldiers have surrounded the village and made camp, the 500,000 has made camp outside while the nine thousand has began following their bosses instructions.

Mal went into the large house as she made her way into the dining hall and Lillian motions her to sit down beside Shunu.

Shunus hand kept making it's way into Lillians thigh, she kept teasing Lillian with her hand causing her to choke several times when her fingers found her bundle of nerves and would do light circles and then stop to start again.

" you are being very naughty, maybe we should retire to our bedroom" Lillian whispered in Shunus ear, when they both left and everyone sighed in relief at the same time before laughing.

Lillian was kissing Shunu passionately when her back hit the bedroom doors and then was shoved open.

Lillian was stripping off Shunus clothes and Shunu was desperately doing the same to Lillian. Then both of their naked bodies were on top of the bed and both of their hands were all over each other. Small moans leaving from both of them, a set of leathery wings was spread across the bed as Shunu was straddling Lillian's body and thrusting up and down.

" Ahhh haah ahhhn haaah ohhhh" Shunu was moaning out loudly while panting and scraping her nails down Lillians stomach.

Lillian was bucking her hips up meeting everyone of Shunus thrusts on top of her, Lillian rolled over on top of Shunu while thrusting in and out of her in the missionary position.

" Ahh mmm haah I'm cl-close haah" Lillian moans out while she fills fertile semen inside of Shunu, for some reason her brain wants Shunu carrying her seed at all times. The days she was apart from Shunu was antagonizing and she even rushed a week earlier so she could see Shunu earlier.

That night no one got any sleep and the couple did not stop making love until breakfast was served. They both took showers together which took another two hours and then came out together, Shunu had a hard time walking.

" Baby let me heal you " Lillian said as guilt consumed her watching Shunu walk in pain, Shunu laughed at her mates expression.

" Love I'm fine, I want to feel this especially after our session I am feeling happy and want to feel how hard we've worked last night and today " Shunu said, she kisses Lillian deeply before they enter the study to go over the upcoming war with the humans. Lillian has over a few thousand people watching all of their moves, she even has assassin's at every high ranking officials home.

When she heard their plans for taking Shunu to being their kings consort, A menacing look was on Lillian's face as she gave Mal Permission to take out all the high officials from Sargent up.

Shunu sat down on Lillian's lap then leans against her chest, she felt so good and loved right now. She would give her everything to this woman, even her own life for her.

Bea walks over to her daughters side and nudges her arm, Shunu follows her mom outside of the room. Her mother couldn't help but laugh at how her daughter was walking, then a thought came to her.

" are the rumors true about your mate being both male and female " Bea asked, A bright blush was now across Shunus pale skin and Bea was surprised her daughter was this in love.

" well you've chosen well, I do hope you all are going to be happy and don't worry Lillian will get use to the Grove in due time " Bea said when she notices her daughter staring at the floor, then turns to avoid looking at her mother.

Bea sighed then pulls her daughter into a hug and kisses her cheek, they both don't say anything else then head back into the room.

Lillian informs them of mass murder in the humans armies, over twenty thousand men and women were murdered in their home, office and out in public.

Bea was amazed at how Lillian has information she could get and how deep her people could move in the shadows. She looks o er at her daughter and the look she would give Lillian.

(' she is truly in love ') Bea thought to herself, a frown followed this thought and what their crazed truth seer said the night Shunu was born with cursed eyes. The old crazy lady even knew on this night if she left her home that she'd die by someone elses hand.

The woman still left it up to fate, if the queen chose to take her life then she would let her, but just to prove her wrong the queen chose mercy and to have everyone think the old woman was a quack.

Shunu was a timid, shy and a very loving daughter who put everyone else before herself and now she can see that everything is now about only Lillian. Shunu will leave with Lillian, Bea has started planning a Grove wedding an hour later.

No expense will be soared on her only daughters wedding, she wants to cement the two throughout their souls that way they will always do what's best for eachother.

" Mal is that your name, I have some questions for you and I want to know if it's alright with how demons rituals are" Bea said as she walked down the hall, Mal was cursing her luck and was tight lipped about the other mates.

Mal only answered none personal questions about their race and beliefs, also about their beliefs in Shunus eye color which pleased Bea by what and how she answered.

" Lillian doesn't care about any curses, she loves Shunu and will be with her regardless, she will be understanding of you wanting to throw your daughter a wedding. If I was you I'd at least speak to her about all of this and especially with the timing of this war, you also have traitors in your house as well as the neighboring kingdoms." Mal said, Bea nodded in agreement then made her way to the bedroom where Lillian was staying at when she was about to knock loud moans could be heard coming from the room.

(' well I'll speak to her later') Bea thought to herself as she quickly went to her own bedroom.