Chapter 130

Lillian walks away then goes to the Generals tent, she announced herself before walking in to a meeting between the heads of each platoon under her main General.

" Oh ? am I interrupting something? " Lillian asked looking at each one of them seeing the majority glad to see her ok and a few who went pale at seeing her. Lillian watches the ones who went pale, she made a mental list and then she watched everyone kneel to her.

" well we have a problem, the celestials are using a succubus to make others think that we are killing off their family and people. I plan on punishing the ones who have done this, but it will not be a death sentence for them. I cannot blame them for being mind fuck into thinking it was I that ripped their parents apart. Anyone who touches any of them I'll sentence you to immediate death maybe along with your make sure all of them know, they only put me to sleep anyway I was never in danger or truly hurt. The princess is now my mate and her people are under my and your protection so go now and let it be known " Lillian said ending it with a growl, as her eyes was now glowing and anyone that was planning to object quickly swallowed their words.

Lillian made her way taking the long way to where her mates are waiting with Cleos people so that the soldiers can see that she is fine.

Lillian made her way into the tent where four kids stood in front of her looking up at her, she smiles sweetly at the four children then Shunu and her newborn children popped up in her head.

Cleos heart started beating harder she placed her hand over her chest, Lillians eyes snapped over at Cleo then quickly runs to her side sticking her fingers down Cleos throat making her puke. Fauna quickly pops pills in everyone else mouths making them all swallow them. Rin runs out of the tent toward where the others are being held. When Rin walks in there are four guards unlocking one of the cells with daggers in their hands, Rin hits all four with lightning spells that knock them several feet in different directions, she then binds them with liquid metal.

" why have you come to kill these six, your Queen didn't give you the order to do so and you have not only condemned your own lives but possibly your family as well " Rin shouted at the soldiers who are all new to the armed forces, Rin sighed then sat down in a near by chair and leans back.

Lillian left Fauna with Cleo and her family, when she left hundreds of vines shot out from the ground completely covering the whole tent. Fauna had Marybelles bloom on the inside that would glow brightly in the dark, all the children went from crying to giggling.

Even the women smiled in delight at what they seen, Cleo was pacing back and forth with fear written all over her face.

" Don't worry Lillian will protect your brother and so will Rin " Fauna said trying to calm her new friend down, Cleo stopped pacing then turned to look at Fauna with anger visible on her face.

" it's not that I'm not worried about him, no one else felt the symptoms that I did and I think someone targeted only me. I'm worried about Lillian more than anyone else, I can feel her anger and confusion right now and just like she could feel the posion inside of me." Cleo said when a girl around her age walked up to her, she pulls Cleo to her then gives her a worried look.

" sister please tell me that you didn't fuse your souls together with the demon Queen, if one dies so will the other " she said, Fauna was holding a box that suddenly dropped to the floor as she stared at the two women close by her.

Fauna gently pulls the two over to a corner then uses a concealment spell so only the three of them could hear anything said.

" Wait...Cleo did you really fuse your souls, you know that Lillian has people trying to kill her twenty times a day and now they can do it through you " Fauna said with furrowed brows, Cleo tightened her fist and looked away from Fauna.

" if I didn't do it I wouldn't be able to save her and we are now true soul mates " Cleo said, with a sad look in her eyes, her sister nodded her head then looks over at Fauna.

" It was the only way, if you would of found us within the hour it wouldn't need to be done and it wouldn't have had to go to this extent....Wait a minute... did you... that bonding has to be done with mind, soul and body." Alesha said with a blush, she looks at her sister with a smirk than leans by her ear.

(" I have heard rumors about this demon Queen from some of her servants, is the rumor true and I guess with what we're taught about soul fusing it has to be ") Alesha said with a small laugh at the end, Fauna smiled then shook her head and Cleo didn't answer only her face grew red.

" Actually there is a lot of rumors, but the one that her demon form has a big dick is true and her human form has the sinfully best flower is true as well " Fauna said making Cleo choke on her spit while the other girl smiled at the two.

" are one of her mates too and you don't care that she is now fused with my sister, I mean I would have done it if Cleo wouldn't have...mmm this Lillian is a beautiful creature and I bet her demon form is delectable as well. " Alesha said with a smirk, Cleo instantly turned angry while Faunas laughter calmed her down.

" well they are actually alot of mates, um actually Shunu from the Elven Kingdoms of the grove is one and actually gave birth a couple of days ago. We can't get jealous of each other since we're all equally important to Lillian and just like Rin has had a traumatic past and has always swore she wouldn't cross any line of intimacy with Lillian....well she normally is very shy, but you seen her last night Cleo and don't worry the mate bond brings us all closer together emotionally." Fauna explained, she told the sisters about every mate of Lillians and the love they have for each other as well.

Lillian made her way to the tent where Rin was waiting for her, the four soldiers were binded and gagged. Lillian pulls one up then throws him down in a nearby chair, Rin removes the restraints from the man as Lillian grabs his throat.

" I don't recall giving any orders for someone to sneak in here to take out my prisoners, why'd you do it and if you want to save them, yourself and your families don't hide anything. If you lie I will know and have Rin forcefully pry your mind open if you choose to fight against it " Lillian said with a deep demonic voice, the man started shaking with tears rolling down his cheek.

" the Lieutenant Davis gave us four this mission, he said you wanted to keep it a secret to get rid of the ones who harmed you....We thought you gave him the order, I only wanted to serve my Queen and I promise us four were only following orders." He said looking straight into Lillians eyes, she looked over at Rin and got her nod in confirmation that he was speaking the truth.

" ok...well no one knows of any incident happening yet, we'll let you report back to Davis about how you completed your mission while Rin will let the others know that these men and the others have died under circumstances that's under investigation. You four were only following orders, for now on you will be raised to Lieutenants and will pretend to still be grunts under Davis. I need you all to watch his every move and everyone he speaks with, keep your uniforms the same and I'll mark your flesh to show that you four are now my new Lieutenants" Lillian said as she pierces their chest with her nails that forms a mark letting the others know of their rank.

Rin released the men from her metal then Lillian takes all four blades cutting all six prisoners palms to put each of their blood on the daggers so they can take them back to Davis to show proof.

" he'll test the blood on the daggers I'll arrange for the bodies to be moved to Faunas lab for an autopsy and that's when we'll move them safely to safety " Lillian said as she hands the four pills to take, they didn't question what they are and ate them right away.

The pills will keep anyone from getting into their heads, help with nerves and to fool even a water sprite with memories that aren't real. Fauna just came up with this pill and no one knows of it's existence yet, they also don't plan on letting anyone know. The four men felt their nerves calm and suddenly felt braver than they have ever felt.

Lillian also held open her hand that held four blood worms, they each took one that burrowed into their hands.

" I'll know what's going on at all times, what is being said or seen and take these spacial rings. They look like the common rings that we hand out to all soldiers but it has high heavenly ranked weapons, armor and pills for your cultivation. They are even pills that'll heal major wounds, and other items to help out in hard times like these whistles that will send a high level beast to help you. Each of you drop blood on your rings so no one can access them except for you all.... be safe" Lillian said while pulling out six wax dolls that she dropped each prisoners blood on that transformed into a replica of the prisoners.

Baca stepped out from a shadow with two others and they each take two men a piece then disappear back into the shadow, Lillian pulls Rin closer then steps into a shadow.

The men quietly left the tent then separated like they were told then met at Davis tent, he liked around outside after the four entered. They each put the dagger that he gave them on the desk, he took out a vial then collected samples from the blades.

The contents swirled black with yellow running through it, he placed all of them into a separate storage ring and then smiled at the four soldiers.

" now you know the higher ups and the queen doesn't want anything to do with this, so do not talk about it with anyone else and here is a reward from the queen herself." Davis said as he pulled out four two foot ropes that had gold coins stacked on the rope, the coins were thick and heavy and all four guards took the gold then stored them in the ring. When they were exiting the tent they ran into a couple male servants that personally serve Lillian for a year now, Lillian could see everything through their eyes.

Cleo came over then sat beside Lillian taking her hand and intertwining their fingers, Lillian leaned over then Kissed Cleo passionately. When they separated from the kiss, Cleo seen all of the others staring at them while the children giggled, she quickly turned her head away from them.

Fauna stood up then took wax dolls out then took a needle to each of their fingers and dropped each of their blood on one of the wax dolls. Lillian opened a portal that leads to Camilles secret chamber and Rin took all of them in, Fauna and Lillian stayed behind and then exited the tent that had vines covering it. When they left the tent, Lillian noticed ten servants waiting by the tent with the dinner for Cleo and her people in their hands.

" Guards, bring the servants to follow me into the tent where the six males are being held and four guards are to stand at this tent. No one is to enter or I'll kill you if they do !!!" Lillian said with her eyes glowing bright red, she walked ahead of the soldiers and servants. She acted confused when she came to the prisoners tent, she seen the general standing outside of it with a few captains and guards surrounding the tent. When he seen Lillian his face went pale, his knees even went weak when he made eye contact. He quickly kneeled and bowed his head to her along with everyone else, she walked over to him then tapped his shoulder.

" what's going on here " Lillian said looking around at the others, he stands up straight then whispers into her ear about the prisoners being stabbed to death.

" I've kept everyone out of the tent, I was getting ready to send for you when you came and I've sealed off the tent" she said as he glances at the ten servants, two of them caught his eye.

" My Queen those two males, I didn't think they were serving you and also Davis. I've always known that you wouldn't permit that and would always let them I could be wrong so don't take my words to heart " General Gerald said as he watched Lillian walks past him she looked around the tent and everything is still as it was.

Lillian put a seal on the bodies that was like a protective bubble that would protect the bodies and no one could check them or tamper with them. Lillian stepped back out of the tent then she noticed two of the four moles she planted that was now guarding the tent.

" Bring them in here and line them up right in front of the cells " Lillian said while the servants rushed in without being told twice there was four males and six females, Lillian stood in front of them and kept looking at everyone of them. Then she points at three of the women who have served her for ten years and told them to stand behind her. When she kept looking between all of the ones left standing, her temper kept rising when she kept looking at the two she was certain that betrayed her.

" Tabitha who carried what at breakfast " Lillian asked her, she gave detailed account of who had prepared what and who carried what and it pointed to the two males who visited the Lieutenants tent.

Tabitha also said the females stayed by her side the whole time and the four males were together by themselves, she helped Lillian save the females from dying by her hand today.

" Tabitha you six will accompany the guards with these bodies to be taken to the castle doors to Baca and then retire in the servants rooms for the rest of the night. " Lillian said, the woman nodded her head as twelve guards march over then two carry each one of the bodies out on a stretcher toward the castle with General Davis watching them like a hawk.

The general watched them walk as far as he could with his eyes then ordered the guards to make everyone move over 50 steps away from the tent, Davis stood there waving off the guards. Davis walked over then stared at Davis, he couldn't understand his attitude these past four months and it seemed that Davis was acting to off.

" That means you as well Lieutenant " Gerald said, the Lieutenant couldn't argue and left wondering if his two lovers would be able to survive and pin everything on the other two men.

" now for my servants to poison my mate and her family, to kill one of your queens " Lillian roared out as her form changed into a wrath demon that was more animalistic than her other demon form, it even had a snout with long razor sharp teeth and long sharp claws. Right now it was at the first stage to where it was still standing up right.

All four men fell to their knees even one pissed his pants, Lillian stepped closer to them and one of the two stepped out and kneeled in front of her.

( " we didn't know that the girl was her mate, should I do what Davis said or tell her everything I know to try to save my ass and my cousins ") he thought to himself, he went along with Davis plan and hoped the man would step in to save them, the cousin knew no matter what no one could save them now.

" My Queen, we should have reported what we saw earlier and we are at faultbas well for not stopping them. We both thought it was a prank against them for what their people did to you " he said, Lillians lips twitched back showing all of her canines and the two other young men looked at each other with confusion.

The man pointed back at the two younger ones and then pointed at them, they both stared at the man accusing them of something they had no idea of what he was speaking about.

One of the younger ones started to cry then looked up at Lillian eyes making contact with her, he then held the boys hand beside him.

" my older sister Tabitha has served your highness for ten years, I know I've always admired your highness who has been good to my family and if it'll keep my family safe also my other half I'll die for someone else's sin. The only thing I ask is that these two cousins be put down so they can't harm my highnesses anymore, the only reason I'm convinced of their guilt is that he is blatantly lying right now and to me that proves his guilt." the young boy said looking over to his boyfriend with a look that spoke of his love for him, he let go of his lovers hand then bowed his head three times on the floor.

" I'm telling the majesty that they snuck off then came back looking guilty, they were the ones who had the eggs on the plate " the man said as his mouth fluttered opened and closed after he said that knowing he screwed up, a sneer went across Lillians lips.

" who said anything about the food or even how they died " Lillian growled out while the other cousin came forward to kneel beside his cousin, he sighed then looked up at Lillians face.

" my Queen there is no reason for us to lie anymore, we were tasked-" the man was saying when blood started pouring from his nose,eyes and mouth.

The man dropped dead on the spot then a black bug crawled from his ear then dropped down on the floor, his cousin was crying holding onto his cousins body. Lillian used her magic to seal the bug, she quickly used her magic to kill the bug that was in the other man's head before it could hatch. The only thing that happened was him throwing up a egg sack with some blood, Lillian knocked him out quickly and then oped a portal to Tabithas room.

The two young boys were told to go and Tabitha hugged her brother tightly after he entered, she knew Lillian wouldn't punish the innocent if she didn't have to and they have always trusted each other.

Baca entered the tent through a shadow and kneels down in front of Lillian who changed back to her human form.

" Take him somewhere that no one will find him, extract all the information that you can and get three shadows to come act like these servants. Have bags on their heads and I'll send them to a dungeon to where they can later disappear." Lillian said

Baca nodded his head then three men were chosen that matched the other servants size and height, after that he took the young man to a hidden room by shadow jumping.

Lillian exited the tent then looked at Gerald, have four guards to watch this tent and do not let anyone enter and have a stretcher brought over. One of them was admitting his sin, he died during confession and these three will stay in prison until I decide to let them go." Lillian said as she made her way over to the tent that is covered in Vines, she seen Davis standing nearby and staring at the tent.

Fauna showed up beside Lillian, then waved her hands making her vines disappear and they both entered. Twenty four guards showed up with stretchers that took the sealed bodies to the castle, out of the corner of Faunas eyes she seen Davis smirked.

Fauna was about to walk over to him, but Lillian held onto her hand and pulled her along with her.

Lillian made her way into the castle then put it on lock down to where only her and her mates special forces of chosen people, all together they have over twenty thousand who have life and death contracts with them. Lillian quickly made her way to where Shunus bedroom, when she went in and they made eye contact and quickly walked into each others arms, they kiss each other passionately.

Lillian heard a baby crying in a basket bed that was beside Shunus bed, she slowly walks over seeing two newborns laying side by side and one was dressed in yellow while the other was dressed in purple.

Shunu picked the one up that started crying, she sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls her breast out for her to feed.

Lillian stood there with a big smile on her face as she watched her mate feeding their child, she then looked at the other one laying there with his eyes wide open staring up at Lillian, she noticed their eyes were like Shunus but one was red and the other was blue. Lillian picks him up then holds him by her chest, she cried tears of happiness while the baby just stared at her and when Shunu was done feeding the girl she switched them out to feed the boy.

The little girl was fussy kicking her legs and arms, while making a face at Lillian and Shunu couldn't help but smile watching her family together.

" the first two days I was having a hard time feeding them and I guess even being close to them, I was missing you so much that I got depressed....I'm sorry" Shunu said as she lays the boy back down then took the girl and lats her down as well.

Shunu then walks up to Lillian and hugs her tightly, she kisses her lips gently, Lillian was pulled over to the bed and pushed down.

Shunu takes her robe off then climbs on the bed then she starts pulling off Lillians clothes, they lay in bed holding each other with kisses here and there.

About thirty minutes later Shunu fell asleep, Lillian kisses her lips then quietly gets up and pulls on another robe then leaves the room.

Dana was walking down the hall with Vera, when both of them stopped when they saw Lillian and both quickly ran to her. Lillian wrapped her arms around both of them and kissed them both, Evelyn, Camille, Sandra and Kalina was walking down the hall when they seen them and they made their way over. Lillian held and kissed each of them, then made their way to the dining hall where the others were already at.

Evas stomach was huge being at seven months pregnant, when she seen Lillian she started crying right away and Thea was already kissing Lillian passionately. Eva basically waddled her way over to Lillian, Lillian kissed Eva and rubbed her belly.

" Baby when are you due " Lillian asked while pecking Eva lips, Eva smiled then pulled Lillian over to the table then pushed her down in a chair, she sat on Lillians lap and Lillians eyes went big when she sat down on her lap. Lillian would be a fool to say or show any reaction about Evas weight, so she just smiled and held Eva on her lap.

" where is everyone else at " Lillian asked then looked over at Evelyn who was keeping her distance and not making eye contact with her. Lillian decided after dinner to take Evelyn off by themselves to spend time together and she already missed each of her mates so tonight is going to be a busy night for her.

When they are done with dinner, Lillian took Evelyn to her bedroom then sat down on the bed while Evelyn stood away from her.

" what's wrong ? Why are you acting this way and why are you being distant with me " Lillian said , she gets up from the bed then stands in front of Evelyn and grabs her chin making her look up at her. Tears slowly poured out from Evelyn's eyes, Lillian pulls her into a hug then kisses her mark on her neck.

" mmm" Evelyn moans out then tightens her grip on Lillians robe, she picks Evelyn up by her waist then carries her over to the bed and throws her on the mattress.

Lillian slowly took off Evelyn's clothes then takes off her robe, Evelyn's breathing turned heavy as her eyes roamed Lillians body.