Chapter 131

The celestial king Maximus sat on a gold throne while a man with black hair and gold eyes with slitted pupils stood in front of the throne with a smirk on his face.

" Tsk Tsk why would you only alter the males memories of those events that night, even though in alot of kingdoms the male rulers do have the final say in matters. Lillian dislikes men and has her ways amongst women, she will be able to tell what shit you done to them and fix it " The man said as the black scales that was on his cheek bones sparkled blue when light hit them. Maximus rolls his eyes at the man, then plays with his dagger that belonged to his father.

" my council is checking on a rumor about my fathers doings and they said just to keep killing off as many of the other races as I can and there is a Kitsune kingdom who has made a agreement with us that will send Lillians mind into a complete mess " Maximus said, One of his younger sisters enters the throne woman and showed disdain on her face when she seen the man with scales.

" brother I've came to have a word with you in private " She said as she gives the other man a side ways glance, he bowed to both of them and then left the room.

" Simone what is it that you want to talk about " Maximus said, the girl clears her throat and then looks her brother in his eyes.

" I was hoping we could resolve all of this peacefully, you are the king and Una is also the Queen to our people. Father wanted both of you to rule isn't that why he's split the kingdom between you two " Simone said, Maximus gritted his teeth and gripped the dagger and anger was evident on his face.

( " if only I could get rid of Una then I'd had complete control, how could I peacefully do anything when technically I'm not suppose to be on the throne period ") Maximus thought to himself, he calms down then smiles at his sister and gets up from his throne.

" we'll be divided more than ever with two rulers, what's to happen when Una storms my kingdom with her armies. I don't have enough soldiers to defend against her, even if every citizen takes arms and that will still not be enough " Maximus said, he sighed then walks over hugging his sister and kisses the top of her head. Simone's whole body goes stiff and wants to push him away, but she must not offend him right now.

" this is the only way the humans will agree to join their armies and as long as our celestials are fine then I'm ok with wiping out all of the other races " Maximus said, he knows he'll not be able to wipe them all out but once he's done they'll only be safe with giving him their loyalty.

The throne room doors open wide when a council man entered, Simone stood to the side hoping to ease drop and that didn't happen when a several small lizards crawled down her dress hiding in different spots of the room. One even crawled up her brothers cloak hiding in the thick fur, she gave a courtesie then left the room to find her other siblings who ease dropped on what they were talking about.

Simone was left speechless of what she was hearing until a loud piercing sound took out her little friends, Simone left within a hour to travel to where Una was in case Maximus would become suspicious.

All of the other siblings did the same thing and made it look like they were visiting other places with a look alike set up.

Una helped change Simone's appearance then sent a look alike of her to travel around certain areas, within two weeks the look alike was killed. Una sent her sister Simone to where Lillian was for protection, Simone would be arriving within a few days to Camilles castle.

The man with the golden eyes was the one who destroyed Simone's little lizard spies and also let Maximus know of her spying, if it wasn't for a certain goddess Simone would have died that night.

Maximus was in a castle several hundreds of miles away with people who had afflicted skin that was covered with festering wounds, even though it was because of certain Ailments of forbidden magic that caused this. The people still feared it was contagious and lodged protests until they were made to move away from all of the civilizations to be in a land by themselves.

Maximus stood on the lowest floor in a dungeon that had growls, groans and babbling from people and beasts.

A man wearing a hooded cloak had Maximus follow him to a large cell that had deformed men from orc, elven, demon and Dwarf races that was chained tightly to the wall.

The men were bigger than normal with the Orcs height over 12 ft tall with the elven and demon at ten and the dwarf at seven ft tall. Their mass was double than what they normally had and their faces and bodies were covered in deformities that made your stomach queazy when green pus would leak from some of the wounds.

" I want them released near the Ice kingdom " Maximus said, The cloaked man flinched at first but regained his senses quickly and didn't let Maximus see any hesitation.

(' since we do owe him a favor we will release them, but we also will find a way to warn them even at the cost of innocent lives and one of the creatures being caught dead or alive. They owe Lillian more than they could ever repay and won't be the cause of her being hurt.') the man thought to himself as he watched the new celestial king leave, before he transported them to the edge of the ice kingdom.

He poisoned one of the things also tattooing a secret message to Lillian on the demons body that they poisoned for Lillian of Maximus plans that they know of. The demon will die twenty minutes after being released near a fishing village that is being monitored by scouts so that her people will know of the attack.