Chapter 133

Simone was trying to think clearly as she watched the two women's interactions, Lillian slowly changes into her demon form and Jisselle turns around straddling her and kissing her deeply.

Lillian lines herself up with Jisselles entrance and the girl lowered herself down and taking the whole length inside of her.

" OHHH FUCK HAAH" Jisselle moans out while slowly moving up and down, her face was full of pleasure and she had her walls clamping down hard around Lillians member.

" M-Maybe I should give you two some privacy " Simone said standing up when this time it was Jisselle grabbing ahold of her and pulling her back down. Jisselle held onto the girls hand while her thrusts became quicker on top of Lillian.

" AHHHN HAAH OHHH please MMMMMPH IN-SID- AHHNNN" Jisselle moans out not able to formulate her sentence when she felt that warm liquid fill her, she rode out her orgasm.

Jisselle let go of Simones hand then raises herself off of Lillians lap, she sits down washing herself like nothing has happened and Simone looked at the two in confusion. Simone looks down then back up only to quickly look back down at what she assumes is a dick, she has never really seen one and has heard alot of stories.

" yes the Alphas has the means to carry or have someone carry their offsprings" Lillian said standing up to where her lower half was now in front of Simones face, the girl swallowed hard and couldn't take her eyes off of it.

Lillian stood up for Jisselle to braid her hair then put it back into a bun, of course it was an excuse to mess with the new girl and what Lillian didn't expect was Simone reaching out grabbing it.

Simone held it as if she was studying it by taking her hand up and down it, she was brought out of her stupor when she felt it twitching in her hand.

" S-Sorry " Simone said removing her hand, she felt her core heat up as her entrance was twitching open and closed.

" no your fine, by all means finish what you started and I'll help you out as well " Lillian said, Simone thought about all of the things her friends said about how they'd take it in their mouth, core and in their behinds which caused Simone to shudder at the thought.

Jisselle smirked at the girl who was in deep thought as she walked over in between them and drops to her knees, she looks back at Simone like saying watch and learn.

Jisselle took her hand then started stroking Lillian, she then put the head in her mouth and with every bob of her head she took more and more in. Jisselle placed her hands on Lillians hips as her head bobbed up and down taking it all the way to the hilt.

Simone clasped her legs together as she felt a tingling sensation between her legs, she so wanted to slip her hand down to play with herself and couldn't since Lillians eyes never left her.

Lillians hand went on Jisselles head and she started stroking her eager baby.

" mmm HAAH ahhhh" Lillian moans out as she explodes in her mouth, some spilled out from Jisselles mouth as she swallowed the rest and then licked Lillian clean along with licking it off her own chin.

Jisselle stands up kissing Lillians lips as she moved on the other side of Simone, the blonde girl swallowed nervously.

Simone moved closer to Lillian taking her hand back on the shaft as she started stroking her, where she instantly got hard again and Simone licked her lips before she closed them around the head sucking to her hearts content. Simone tried to take it all in little by little like she watched, but it hit her gag reflex so she kept the pace of what she could handle and she felt a soft pair of mounds on her back.

Jisselle reaches around Simone to stroke the part of Lillians shaft that Simone couldn't take yet, Simone couldn't help but look up into Lillians eyes and keep eye contact with her.

Simone felt it twitching in her mouth, the girl behind her pulls her off of it while she kept stroking it and then took it in her own mouth deep throating it.

" AHH haah AHHHN good girls MMMM " Lillian moans out while holding on to both of their heads, Simone was pouting about being pulled away when Lillian picks her up to where she had to wrap her legs around her waist.

" I won't pressure you into taking the next step unless you want to, so I need you to tell me now if that's what you want to do" Lillian said as she kissed Simone's lips dragging her tongue across her lips and Simone opened her mouth to grant her access.

Lillian was exploring Simone's mouth with her tongue, Simone felt Lillians head rubbing against her and she could feel her wetness leaking down her thighs.

" mmm I - I want to do it with you " Simone said, she felt Lillians lips on her neck and felt pleasure from what she was doing. Simone started to grind against Lillian as her breathing turns heavier.

(' ahh it feels so good just having it run against me I couldn't imagine how it will feel inside') Simone thought to herself and letting the pleasure take her over feeling it rub against her bundle of nerves and Lillian was now thrusting her hips letting her member rub against Simone's core.

" AHH HAAH MHMM" Simone moans out as Lillian kisses her deeply, a knock on the door brings their fun to a stop for now, Jisselle was watching with a pleasing smile on her face and that made Simone blush even more.

" Simone since it would be your first time I don't want to take it inside of a bath room, I want it to be nice for you and enjoyable as well " Lillian said as she quickly pecks Simones lips then sitting her down on her feet, Lillian opens the door up and Mal quickly looks away after her eyes traveled down.

" in an hour we'll be moving out " Mal said with a blush on her cheeks, Lillian smirks since that's the first time that Mal has acted shy.

" ok I'll wash up then get dressed " Lillian said while the other two was already washing up and drying off, Mal seen the celestial and furrowed her brows.

" Tsk another mate " Mal hissed out coming off more aggressive than she meant to, Lillian smiles at her and looks back at Simone.

" no not a mate she is someone I wish to mate with for some reason " Lillian said with a bright smile, she then pats the top of Mals head and then shuts the door behind her to clean off.