Chapter 134

Lillian mounts a albino war beast with the soldiers mounted on the regular brown ones, they rode off quickly toward the east.

A half hour earlier she had the fifty soldiers ride off ahead of them, on regular soul storm horses to be bait for one of the creatures. The information from the soldiers said the creatures moved in three different directions, the elf one is the one she chose to go after since it has stronger magic than the other two and Mal and Tanga is going after the Orc since it's stronger than the dwarf.

Lillian picked up her men's tracks and they rushed in that direction, a ear splitting roar could be heard ahead of them.

" move out " Lillian said as she takes of full speed toward where it came from, the tracks were headed off in the same direction and up ahead she could see her flag flying in the air.

When she sees the men standing with their weapons drawn looking to the right of where they were, a ten to eleven ft creature that resembles an elve in certain aspects.

The thing stood there staring at the soldiers while heaving hard with drool dropping out from it's mouth, it's fists down by it's side.

It looks away from the soldiers to look at Lillian, it looks down at the ground then shakes it's head and started hitting itself while wining.

" poor thing was made this way against it's will, if we must put it down then do it quickly I don't want him to suffer more than he has to " Lillian said while her war beast walks closer to where the creature was standing, she dismounts her ride then stands there staring at the creature.

" I'm sorry for what you've been put through, if I can I'll try to heal you and if I can't I won't let you suffer if I can" Lillian said as a older man walks up to her and whispers in her ear, she nods her head at him.

" if we can take him alive then we might be able to help him, but if we are all put into to much danger than I hope he can forgive us " Lillian said to her men, they had started with spells using heavy light spells knocking the creature back into a few surrounding trees and anger flashed across the creatures face as he ran jumping from one spot to another avoiding the spells coming from the soldiers.

Lillian seen the creature coming down about to hit her soldiers she used her dark magic sending large blades hitting the creature away from them.

" go ahead and use your dark spells " Lillian said to the demons who lined up in a row shot out massive balls of dark magic in sync with each other that warped into one giant ball that dwarfed the creature in size, it's eyes go wide as it crosses it's arms in front of itself.

A giant crater was now what the creature was laying in, Lillian does a wind spell sending hundreds of wind blades hurling down in the creature as large slashes covering it's whole body.

The creature was coughing green blood out, Lillian walked down into the crater casting a dark spell that put it to sleep when another roar came from behind the Soldiers.

" well if I can save more than one I should at least try" Lillian said, she casted a earth spell and a wall of earth that was 3 meters tall slammed down on the dwarf. Rocks were moving when the dwarf jumps out of the rubble landing in front of Lillian.

It raised a large hammer to strike down on Lillian where a large sphere of earth shot out from the ground knocking the dwarf several feet in the air and he lands on his back.

The dwarf was coughing up green blood while on all fours when hundreds of water blades hit him knocking him over while large gashes covered his body.

Lillian uses a dark spell to put it to sleep, everyone looks surprised as they stare at the two creatures.

" the ones who went after the dwarf, I need you all to go find them and the rest go to Mals side to help. you fifty take these two back to the castle and I'll join the rest by Mals side " Lillian said mounting her war beast as she watches the the two groups leave and the others chaining down the two beast for transport.

" Jin take four shadows with this transport to make sure they make it back, we need to find a cure to this madness and hopefully save these poor souls " Lillian said as her shadows bowed to her, she rides off toward the west where Mals people went and forty minutes later she came across several bodies of her men that were ripped to shreds.

Mal was injured by a rampaging Orc who seemed to be enjoying the brutality he is causing, Lillian uses a fire spell and ten fire walls slammed into the Orc one after another leaving burnt marks all over it's body. Lillian sent fire blades, fire walls and spires of fire slamming into the Orc.

Over a half hour later the Orc falls to it's knees missing an arm and lower leg with half of it's body was burnt black.

Lillian walks over to the Orc, she could feel the disgust, anger and hate it felt for these different races in front of him. Lillian sighed when she also felt the Orc loved being this way and had no thought of wanting to go back like the other two.

The action could barely been seen by the stronger ones that it barely registered before the Orcs head fell off it's head. Then dark purple flames engulfed the creatures body, blood and head and she walks away and picks up Mal in a bridal carry then puts her on her mount while sitting behind her.

" Make sure it burns completely then take care of our fallen brethren and then come back." Lillian said as she rides off then meets the third batallion heading there way.

" the dwarf by passed us then went your way, my apologies for being late my Queen " Lu said bowing his head, She nods then looks back at the ones giving last rites to the dead.

" it's fine, go ahead and pay your respects then give their bodies their rites come home." Lillian said

"Lillian ride off toward the castle to see what inflicts these two creatures " Lillian said to Mal while the woman leans stiffly against Lillian, the demon wraps her arm around Mals waist pulling her deeper into her. Lillian didn't change back into her human form, Mal shuddered when she felt Lillian so close to her.

" Do you want me to heal you " Lillian said rubbing her hand down the top of Mals thigh, the hash was on the side of Mals knee.

" I c-can do it" Mal said reaching her hand over the wound, a bright light engulfs her hand and lays it on her hand. Lillians hand was steadily rubbing Mals Leg, the castle came into view and they enter.

" is Carra in the Alchemy with the other Alchemist" Lillian asked a kneeling guard when she entered the castle and Thea shows up to welcome her back,, they walk down in the dungeon where they set up a large cell for all of the Alchemist to work in they had all of the top equipment and items to use with two creatures chained to large tables.

Carra was writing down some ingredients for a concoction to try on them, she sees Lillian and Thea enter the room and walks over with Mal following behind them.

Carra looks at Lillian then pulls out a package from her storage then reaches it to her, she leans in then pecks Lillians lips.

" Mage Joan left that for you and to tell you she'll be back in a few days, she's gathering some more items and ingredients for us. I think her guild is nervous about the development with these two, we all know that we'll need a cure to this.

Lillian walks over to a vial of the creatures essence, a small voice told her that this was something her father was having those men to make and his friend the old king was brought in for other projects.

(' they used my own people against me for my fathers friendship we give them means to fight us with our own power.') Lillian thought to herself as she gritted her teeth, she loves all of her people and her mates who are of different races. Lillian is tired of taking her time for others to get their chess board in place while hers have to be in disarray for the enemies coming after her.

" Mal get twelve of our best shadows ready to leave at midnight, there's something I'll need their help with " Lillian thought to herself leaving the dungeon with two vials of the essence from each creature.

Mal made her way to her office she set up in Camilles kingdom, of course Camille and the others decorating it. Lillian seals the room as she takes her seat, she puts the vials in her drawer then pulls out a thick worn book.

" left we'll be going to our workshop we have in Talvae' kingdom at the edge of the border of the celestials land, it's imperative that we bring my people to me and I'll need you and right to protect Avar who sent the message on the dead creature. He'll be waiting for us and all of their research needs to be taken and also any projects that you see. I'll have twelve shadows to help clear guards and then 50 special trained troops to help clear out that castle." Lillian said as Left nodded in agreement when right showed up, with a scroll in his hand and bowing to Lillian.

" my Queen we should be able to store a castle that large with this scroll and this crystal " Right said and offered both items to Lillian, the crystal was a shiny black, long odd shaped object and a weathered scroll.

" yes that we'll save us time and make sure that all of the Alchemist are saved, they are not catagious only deformed let everyone know to show respect" Lillian said as both man and woman bow then disappear, her father got the two when Lillian was born and they all three are the same age.

Lillian wasn't told anything about what race they are from or where, she only knows they are equal in power to her and only serve her.

The girl has a soft pink hair silver eyes, she where's a Mal that covers her face completely and no one can see in or out of the mask. The man has dark blue hair with green eyes, his mask lets him see out of it and no one can see their faces at all through the tight fitting bask that's solid black leather mask with both also wearing tight leather outfits that protect them from harm.

Lillian puts on her Dark drake leather outfit that fit her body like a glove, she had a head band that would change into a helmet and mask that showed anything except a shape of a person's head. The front had no eye holes, nose or mouth parts to be seen, gloves as well and not one single part of flesh could be seen unless she had the mask as a headband.

She had four inch stilettos on, she exited the room and not a single one of the staff could keep their eyes off of her when she made her way to Camilles office.

Camille smiled when she seen her, she quickly made her way around the desk and hugs Lillian and pecks her lips. They stand there hugging for a moment when Camilles hand rubbed Lillians outfit and she steps back with her hands laying on Lillians stomach.

" are you planning of going somewhere, since it's this outfit I'm guessing it will be dangerous and I know you can't take that many people with you." Camille said then looks over at the desk, she walks away and picks up a report from her desk.

" Over a dozen beast born packs have been wiped out, the humans were gruesome with their deaths and they skinned them all alive." Camille said , she puts the report down in a drawer then walks back over to Lillian.

" we need to do something about Evelyn's people and if we don't they'll jump at the first offer to save their selves" Camille said, she hugs Lillian again and sighs.

" when are you leaving " Camille said as she kisses her lips, Lillian smiles then pouts.

" actually I'm leaving here in a minute " Lillian said kissing Camilles forehead, she strokes Camilles back.

" I want you to secretly work on Faunas island with her, send stock there and magical beast to set up protection to where they'd be stupid to try....There is already a giant kraken that even makes me nervous to go against, but the draw back is when the weaker ones come by the thousands and strings could pass by themselves if they fly high enough... Argh I don't know I'm collecting well saving all the familiars to go to the island we'll all protect each other and there is a dragon there that's millions of years old, we can make a contract with the dragon." Lillian says then sighs, she kisses Camille then turns to the door.

" Camille protect each other no matter what, if something does happen keep getting stronger, helping each other and bringing all the races together is the only way to win and the only way to break me is with one of you. For now on none of you leave alone, you'll have shadows with you, familiars and a special guard and no mate is to be without another...three or more would be better. Never try to make a deal or do anything to try and save me, all of you will stay alive and Get stronger. If you do something only put your assets do the work, you all have people and kingdoms and you'll keep yourself safe until I return." Lillian said then walks away into a black hole that formed in front of her, she quickly disappeared along with the portal.

Camille knows that Lillian is speaking the truth, she'll talk to Asandra and Theo about moving the sea folk away to Faunas island. They could work a couple years to be able to move the island, the island itself is a asset..Camille calls her assistant in and wants to request the two to talk that over and tell the two word for word of what Lillian said.

Camille was going through list of supplies,weapons, grain and going over the numbers of Familiars she has which was indeed a good number to work with.

They threw women work all night together and talking about their plans and getting everything in order to start tomorrow morning working on getting things started.

Lillian was in her demon form with her wings ready to fly when Kalina came toward and pulls Lillians hand.

" where are you going?" Kalina said with a sad look, she plays with Lillians fingers and stares at Lillians lips.

" I'll be back in two days, Camille has orders that I need you all to help with or we won't make it and I'll be back don't worry just help with the plans." Lillian said kissing Kalina deeply then flying away from her, Kalina frowns as she watches Lillian fly away.

Carra came up seeing Kalina watch Lillian fly away, she walks over holding her hand and gives her a soft smile.

" don't worry she'll be back, that Maximus kills her the demons go on rampages to where they are like rabid animals who kill, pillage and even rape keeping their victims to birth offsprings and if he does get his grimey hands on her the only way he could truly control her is by using one of us and even if he's truly stupid will he break the woman's mind " Carra said pulling Kalina behind her to help out with administering concoctions to the creatures.

Carra also has Lillians concoction to start working on for a failsafe measure if there is no other way to save themselves, she started following her orders with Kalina helping her out and they also needed a few animals to test it on.

The four women was working on their assignments, Fauna is also helping Carra with the creatures and Lillians concoctions .

Eva was also helping Camille and the two mermaids and Kalina, Vera and Indigo was helping put large armies together to help the beast Borns fight the was against the humans attacking.

The other mates were working on running the kingdoms and reading reports then sitting in several court sessions, they all was working extremely hard taking care of everything and Mal has been training new recruits making new soldiers alot more.

Lillian flys to the celestial Capital to meet at it's outskirts at a abandon large wind mill that looks ran down and ready to fall in.