Chapter 135

There was a woman with grey hair and rose gold colored eyes, she wore a dress that showed almost all of her flesh. The woman had her whole back tattooed with a dragon that had flames and clouds around it, the dragons tail was wrapped around her left leg and she had a scenery picture with a koi fish, water Lilly's and a crane standing in the water with the Koi fish swimming near the crane in the water.

Her lips was a cherry red and she had jade white skin, her hair was shoulder length and she wore five inch stilettos for some reason she liked the inches just so.

Lillian landed near the Abandoned building, she looks over at the woman and tilted her head.

" your Amami the witch from the coven who is loyal to my family, we don't have much time to move out and everyone needs to be ready to do so at midnight to start our new journey together.

( ' well she doesn't show interest in being friendly at all, mmm this is going to be fun.') Amami thought to herself as she gives her a polite smile, she gently takes Lillians hand pulling her into the building to a empty wall.

Amami closes her eyes then mutters a spell, with a flick of her wrist a portal opens.

They walk through to see a dark, foggy landscape and to add a little creepiness with skulls on fences and light posts mostly women were walking the cobblestone side walks beside the road.

They all were wearing expensive cloaks made from magical treasures and staffs of different shapes, sizes and material.

This is Mondrike' the witches haven I figured we have over twelve hours to wait and I'll send out a message to the ones away from the house. They are a lot of powerful warlocks and witches who have alot of shops with excellent things~" Amami said as she tugs her into one of the shops that said Madam Zoe's, Lillians eyes widen when she sees not only shelves of potions, spells, artifacts, treasures and herbs that you thought were legends.

" what is the currency " Lillian asked wanting to buy the whole store out maybe a lot of them, so she talked to Amima who started negotiating with the shop keeper and even ends getting a contract for Lillian to continue supplying her with such things for now on. Twelve shops ended up giving Lillian a 40% discount and also a large amount of gold for signing a contract where both sides need each other and had to be fair to each other.

Amima only went to the ones she trusted and it didn't hurt that they were the best ones that possessed better items all around anyway.

Lillian found out that the humans were even killing off their own by burning witches alive stating how they are apart of my people who are traitors.

Well witches get a boost from my realm to make them stronger, staying young and has to answer my call if I chose to enforce it.

" send this out that I'll take in all witches who wish to live freely working for me gaining money for their work and I'll offer protection, shops for them to run and homes stocked with whatever they'll need." Lillian said as a crow lands on Amimas shoulder tilting it's head from side to side while hundreds circle above them and they take off in different directions.

The crow turned into a woman with short black hair above her shoulders with a large streak of red in her hair with yellow gold eyes like the crows around here have. Amima puts a cloak over the naked girl who just stares at Lillian without saying a word.

" who is this impressive woman " Lillian said trying to keep her eyes up to show respect and was clearly failing, the woman smirks at Lillian not bothering to close her robe.

" Tsk this Alazar she was found twenty years ago, she can't remember anything and my grandmother named her after our prophet Alazar.

Lillian smiled at the name, her father found a woman who pledged her life to him and he gave her power to save her family. He took pity on a lot of humans who were struggling because of the unruly kings they've had and still have so he granted humans this also other races as well with magic and some with mortality when they pledged allegiance to them.

" does she not have any recollection of where she came from, this is something I'd love to solve for her and I can say I'm deeply interested in the beauty" Lillian said watching both womens faces, Amima had a sad face for a couple seconds before correcting it into a indifferent look. Alazar just stares at Lillian she feels like this woman can hook her soul and play with it, Lillian noticed the claws she wore on both hands that were made of gold as each piece covers her finger and even have joints in it for easy movement with long gold nails two inches long on each finger.

The woman smiles when she notices Lillian staring at her hands, she brings her hands up and a red string appears in Alazars hands while more and more appear.

Lillians eyes go wide when she notices red strings completely surrounding her, she even had four crisscrossing around her neck. Lillian turns her head as the string touched her a cut appears trickling blood down her neck, Amimas eyes go wide then uses a fire spell that burns blue and dazzling the whole area around Lillian as the strings burn away.

Amima glares at her friend then pulls Lillian closer to her and checks out the cut in her neck, Amima had her face close to Lillians neck and face to where her breath was hitting her neck.

Amima had a thought that her queens blood was wasted just not being consumed by her, Amima shakes her head then does a healing spell healing the cut.

Alazar furrowed her eyebrows watching Amimas movements, wordless actions and the stares she would give Lillian. Alazar has watch many of them over the past twenty years, never understood what they were achieving feeling and doing these things. This is also the first time she has watched the girl she has been basically family to her act this way, even she couldn't keep her eyes off of Lillian. Alazar really showed her weapon to impress this woman and when she seen her bleed guilt did hit her.

Amima wipes the blood away with a hand towel as her fingers lingered on Lillians neck longer than they should have, she gives a gentle smile toward her then steps away.

" forgive my friend she was excited to show you her weapon " Amima said looking over at Alazar who smiled gently at her, She knew that was the reason she brought them out and Amima has never seen her try to impress someone. Alazars actions told her that she wanted to gain Lillians attention, but she also knows that her friend has problems expressing herself.

" mm well I was impressed with it, I was all ready covered and if she wanted my head than she could have done it without me noticing until it's to late." Lillian said with a small smile, she kisses Amamis cheek and then her hand.

" thank you for healing me " Lillian said, she looks over at Alazar who gave a confused expression but still kept her eyes on Lillian moving closer to her.

She kisses both of Alizars cheeks, she glances down at the frontal view of the woman's sexy body and her eyes raise to Alazars lips.

" hah well let's move on " Lillian said as her hand brushes Alazars nipple the woman felt electricity shoot though her breast down to her core.

" En " Alazar agreed as Amima closes the cloak and pulls her friend into a nearby weapon store, A mage, dark Elves, witch and a couple dwarves owned and operated this store.

Lillian was beyond impressed with all of the things they made it had each of these races special touch and skill to every weapon.

" these are well made, how would you all like to work with me " Lillian said when one of the female dwarves walk over and sneers at Lillian while cocking a brow, Amima quickly pulled a dress on Alazar and rushes to Lillians side.

" Ati behave when you speak to my master like this, I'd like for you all to meet my Queen of demons Lillian " Amima said with a longing look as she stares at Lillian, the others caught on to this and also the sexual tension that both their friends had toward this goddess. All of them bowed to Lillian as the witch smiles stepping forward, she takes in every part of Lillian.

" Beautiful" she said as the dwarf woman beside her elbowed her, the dark elves, the mage and the other dwarf walk up with curiosity blooming at what the Queen meant earlier.

The dark Elf steps forward, the woman had black hair that had a dark blue tint to it and she was voluptuous in all the right spots. The woman had dark blue eyes as well, she walks closer to Lillian when she stands closely in front of her to where their fronts were touching and their lips was a inch apart.

The woman liked seducing people, when she tried doing this to Lillian and can hardly control herself and swallowed hard licking her lips. Right when she said fuck it to take Lillians lips, someone clears their throat and everyone turns around to see a brunette with hair down to her waist with lose curls staring at them. Amamis eyes go wide when she sees her sisters purple eyes, she quickly steps forward as the dark elf blushing while stepping away from Lillian who was now disappointed. Icarri walks further inside to stand next to her sister, she bows to Lillian and Lillian noticed the look in Icarris eyes that screamed that she had a low thought about Lillian. Of course she's only heard rumors based on lies to condemn her for being a demon and the gossip among her people about how she loves sex. It some how got turned around that's she has been with a man left and right, how she wants all of these women's men soon was gossip everywhere.

When Ari spoke to her telling of all the rumors, Lillian laughed and shuddered at the thought of being with a man.

(" well I must still remember they are human after all that started these rumors ') Lillian thought to herself with a playful smile on her lips, she looks down at the dwarf.

" well I do like to play around, but I take responsibility for my lovers even if their not my mates and I will never be with a man.....I only like women, I am a Royal Alpha demon after all. The dark elf and the dwarf stared at the demon, the dark elf clenches her thighs together and bites her lips. Lillian could smell her arousal from here, she could smell plenty of their arousal and Icarri huffed in annoyance then crosses her arms.

Icarra spotted Lillian and her sister earlier when she was with her filthy fiance who got turned on by the sight of this woman and she had to please him on the street with a concealment formation. With her watching this beauty was the first time she felt anything from that man, she wouldn't tell anyone this though and she remembers the woman making eye contact for a few seconds before entering the store.

On her way here with the fiance she is told to marry spotted Lillian and he instantly made remarks of the woman's looks while his lower pants got tighter. Icarri has already gave into Phillips request for sex, she never enjoyed it not once and they'd often have to get lube for her since she would never get wet and would want to give him a blowjob to ward off intercourse.

Phillip hooks his arm around her waist as he watched Lillian from afar, his hand went down his pants and he started to stroke himself.

Icarri rolled her eyes then glanced around to make sure no one could see, when the demon Queen went from shop to shop and Icarri seen her look at them with a smirk.

Icarri watched the woman's every move, bend and lip movement as her core heated up and then her fiance's breath hitting her ear ruining it.

" baby help me out some " Phillip said with a grunt, the woman sighed then casted a spell where no one could see them. Icarri positioned herself where her back was against a wall and her eyes was on Lillian while Phillip thrusts into her, he wasn't big at all probably five inches at most.

" pick me up " Icarri said wrapping her legs around his waist, she kept her eyes on the crimson red head as fluid dripped down from her and for the first time she felt her lower parts to awaken during watching her.

" AHHH HAAH AHHHHHN" icarra moaned out a real moan for the first time, the man grunted then stared at her with a angry look.

" that was the first...nevermind he said pulling out then doing his pants, he walks away as Icarra watched them enter the weapons shop. Pissed off now for this woman making her that way and from what she heard it won't take no time for Philip or the other men to flock to the woman.

Icarri knows that it's not Phillip she was jealous of but the jealousy of him or the others fucking this woman that she couldn't stand the thought of his grimy hands on a beauty like this. That was the truth behind that look, but Icarri could not admit that or let it be seen and she felt Lillians eyes on her again just like when she watched her earlier.

The demon knew that Icarri had a moment out in the alley and all of the woman's attention was on Lillian herself, Lillian felt both of their lust for her. The thought of that male touching her, that bothered Lillian more than it should have. That's when Lillian walked up close to Icarri grabbing her chin roughly.

" I smell his stench on you and that I don't like " Lillian said with half hooded eyes and Amami stepped forward, she glares at her sister then looked at Lillian.

Icarri was going to leave and return home if she couldn't spot Philip, Lillian pulled her back into her front and wrapped her arm around the younger girls waist.

Icarri felt her entrance that was opening and closing with just that look, Icarri swallowed hard and quickly looked away from the smirking demon.

Amami looked at Lillian hugging her as a sad look was on her face, Lillian let's Icarri go then taps her butt when Amami told them where they'd go next.

" Lillian wants us all to go to the bath house, so everyone is going " Amami said, her sister was going to decline and then she found Lillian standing close to her and leaning closer to her ear.

" I can't stand his smell on you, you will go with us and scrub his scent away from your body" Lillian whispered, the witch nodded her head as her heart beat was beating hard in her chest like a rabbit was jumping around.